
Rules for the provision of paid medical services. Pros and Cons of Paid Medicine

When health problems arise, the need to consult a good, competent specialist who is able to listen, determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment comes to the fore. For some reason, many Russian patients are sure that a paid medical institution can provide them with better quality care. What are the advantages of such clinics over state ones? What are their disadvantages? What are the rules for providing paid medical services?

rules for the provision of paid medical services


In Europe, paid medicine has long been popular. Services for which you need to give money, recently began to appear more in the domestic medical field. The population on their own experience appreciated the benefits that a paid clinic, emergency room, and private ambulance have. All are equipped with the latest technology.

In Soviet times, the existence of "free" medicine guaranteed all citizens a certain average level of quality. Few then understood that treatment in any case involves monetary waste. The whole question is who exactly pays for it: the patient himself, the employer or the state. With the collapse of the USSR, private hospitals, medical centers and clinics became commonplace in the country. Paid medicine, having since passed its specific path of development, has quite firmly established itself in the life of Russians. The provision of such services is now being done not only by private medical clinics, but also by municipal and federal institutions. There are as many as mushrooms after rain.

Nevertheless, the question of the need for paid medicine did not remain in the past. Despite the abundance of reputable private medical institutions, the market for such services today cannot yet be called mature and civilized. Nowadays, the problem of paid medicine is more relevant than ever. It is discussed at various levels.

The benefits of paid medicine

In the field of paid medicine, like any other services, there is competition. And, therefore, there is a desire to provide the customer with the highest quality service. Already only this bribes patients with paid medical services.

paid clinic

The advantages of such medicine, of course, are a great many:

  1. Respectful and polite and treated by administrators and doctors. Less paperwork, a larger salary of specialists, a relatively calm atmosphere, which distinguishes a paid clinic, have a positive effect on the mood and behavior of the staff.
  2. Specialists pay great attention to the patient. All complaints in a private clinic will be treated with mandatory due attention. Examination and treatment here will not be prescribed according to the general scheme for all, but individually - in accordance with the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient.
  3. The reception time in the private clinic is not limited to a few minutes, as is usually the case in the municipal. As a rule, a paid specialist takes about 20-40 minutes to examine and talk with the patient.
  4. The client can choose the right doctor for him.
  5. A patient who comes to the paid medicine center will not need to sit in line. It is well known: making an appointment with state medical institutions does not guarantee that the patient will be seen by the doctor on time.On the contrary, in a paid clinic, even if the previous appointment is delayed for a short time, the administrator must apologize to the visitor for the inconvenience.
  6. Usually in a private hospital, the equipment and the interior are very different from what we are used to in state institutions. The general dull atmosphere of municipal hospitals and holes in the flooring could still be tolerated somehow, but the use of outdated appliances is disappointing. A private clinic or a paid emergency room, on the contrary, are usually equipped with technical innovations.
  7. You can make an appointment with a doctor in a private institution urgently. Sometimes a specialist visit is allowed on the day of recording. In the municipal clinic, you can get into the desired office only after many hours of sitting in line. And the attitude towards the patient will be as if he had done a great favor.

The presence of a considerable list of benefits of paid medicine makes it surprising that many, even if they have the financial ability to receive paid medical services, do not use this chance. And they go to the usual state institution.

On the minuses of paid medicine

Having a considerable number of significant advantages, paid medicine is far from ideal. Amounts spent (sometimes significant, given the prices of such services) do not guarantee receiving high-quality treatment. By the way, the pleasure of visiting a private clinic is often also dubious. So, the disadvantages of paid medicine include:

  • Material interest in the patient. The profit of the institution, whether it is a polyclinic or a paid emergency room, as well as the earnings of its personnel depend on the number of patients seeking help. The number of services rendered to him also affects this. The more receptions and examinations, the greater the amount of money will be at the box office. We have to admit that the patient's disease is beneficial to doctors. They can prescribe the provision of completely unnecessary paid medical services (examinations, tests, etc.), scare the patient with an unreasonable set of diagnoses, prescribe more expensive methods of treatment than necessary in a particular situation.
  • The cost of treatment does not guarantee the professionalism and competence of a specialist. And often it is not so much a pity for the money spent, but for lost time. After all, often treatment does not allow delay. And the price of services in paid clinics is often unreasonably high.

According to the results of population surveys ...

The survey showed that almost half of the respondents from among the polled citizens of various settlements had to apply for paid medical services. Basically, patients with private clinics are people with higher education, a relatively high level of income, often suffering from chronic diseases. The reasons for contacting such institutions are: a more decent quality of service, greater comfort and service. The reason for refusing paid services is their exorbitant cost. About a third of the people surveyed are forced to refuse to purchase expensive medications. One in ten has to sacrifice diagnostics and consultations.

Paid services fully satisfy only 42% of citizens. But the majority at the same time is ready to pay further - for reception at home or out of turn, diagnostics, consultations, etc. For those who use the services of a medical institution on a paid basis forcibly - 34%. Of these, older people make up 61%.

paid medicine

Rules for the provision of paid medical services: regulatory documents

The provision of paid medical services is regulated by regulatory documents. These include:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations” (hereinafter - the Rules).
  2. Federal Law "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health."
  3. Federal Law "On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens".
  4. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

What does the law say?

Paid medical services are in addition to the list of free medical care. It is guaranteed by a program of state laws. Accordingly, it provides for the free provision of such types of assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • outpatient;
  • ambulance;
  • inpatient: in case of acute diseases, injuries, poisoning, etc.

In accordance with the Rules (Clause 7), medical organizations may provide the following types of paid medical services:

  • Providing an individual medical post in a hospital.
  • The use in the treatment of funds not related to the list of the most important and vital drugs.
  • The use of non-standard drugs and therapeutic nutrition.
  • The provision of services is anonymous.
  • Treatment of foreign citizens without medical insurance.
  • With independent use. Cases of emergency, emergency and emergency medical care are excluded.

on public health

To avoid violations

The provision of paid medical services is possible only with the voluntary consent of the patient. In order to avoid violations, consumers need to study the rules for providing such assistance. By law, a medical institution providing services must have a license for each type of activity. The contractor must provide the consumer with the following information:

  1. The name of the legal entity, the entry of its data in the Unified Register indicating the organization by which the state registration was made.
  2. FULL NAME. entrepreneur, the address of his place of residence and medical activities.
  3. Date and number of registration of the license, information on the list of services that make up the content of the activity, address of location, and also the phone number of the licensing authority.
  4. Information about the conditions and form of medical care. List of services, prices for paid medical services. By the way, the cost is indicated in rubles.
  5. Data on specialists providing medical services for a fee. Information on the level of their qualifications and professional education.
  6. Schedule (mode) of the work of the institution and specialists providing paid medical services.
  7. Addresses and telephones of regulatory authorities.

The rules for the provision of paid medical services provide for the need to post the above information on the information stand in the institution and on the institution’s website on the Internet. It should be located in a place accessible to visitors. And arrange accordingly for free familiarization with the information posted on it.

About the pricing procedure

In budgetary medical organizations, as well as state-owned public institutions, the procedure for determining the cost of paid medical services is established by their bodies. Typically, the list and size of prices are set by the founders. In non-budgetary medical organizations (CJSC, LLC, etc.) they are determined by the specialists of these institutions.

patient rights

About the conclusion of the contract

The contractor and the consumer must conclude a written contract for medical services. The document is best done in duplicate. It should indicate:

  • list of paid medical services provided;
  • prices, procedure and terms of payment;
  • terms of service and terms;
  • to stipulate the liability of the parties in case of failure to fulfill the terms of the contract.

The contract should also include information:

  • about its executor - legal entity or individual entrepreneur: details of the existing license;
  • about the consumer: full name, place of residence, phone;
  • on the procedure for amending and terminating the contract;
  • about other conditions determined by agreement of the parties.

At the request of the consumer, an estimate for the provision of assistance can be drawn up. The contractor cannot provide additional medical services on a paid basis without the consent of the client.In urgent cases, in order to eliminate the threat to the life of the consumer, in case of sudden development of acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases, paid medical care should be provided without a monetary penalty.

paid emergency room

On the rights and obligations of the parties

Before concluding the contract, the contractor must notify the consumer in writing about the nature of the consequences of non-compliance with the recommendations of a specialist who provides paid medical services, as well as the prescribed treatment regimen. He is obliged to tell the client about the decline in the quality of the service provided, the impossibility of completing it on time, to warn about the deterioration of the consumer’s health.

According to the Rules (p. 24), after providing the patient with paid medical services, documents (extracts) reflecting his state of health should be issued to him. In addition, the consumer is obliged to receive a document confirming the payment made for help: a receipt or a cash check. The patient may refuse to provide the services after the conclusion of the contract. Moreover, he needs to pay the expenses incurred by the contractor.

In case of breach of contract

According to the law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of the health of citizens”, in case of improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of obligations under the contract, the consumer must appeal to the contractor with a claim. it must be expressed in writing. This document should contain an indication of one of the requirements stipulated by the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. Patient rights are protected by law. The contractor who violated the contract must, at the request of the consumer, either rectify the deficiencies in the assistance provided free of charge, or reduce the cost, or perform the work again, or reimburse the expenses incurred to correct the deficiencies of the provided service. If the patient’s rights are violated, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the contractor is obliged to fully compensate the damage to his life or health.

Regulatory authorities

If the consumer’s rights are violated, he can send a complaint to the Department of Health, which monitors the quality and safety of the medical services provided. In addition, he is allowed to contact the territorial FS authorities for supervision in the medical field and consumer protection, monitoring the quality and safety of medical activities, as well as local departments of the Rospotrebnadzor administration.

the provision of paid medical services

About medical examination

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, when applying for a job, as well as periodically, citizens must undergo a paid medical examination. The price list of services that are not included in the guaranteed list of free medical care should be put on public display at the registry of the institution. Due to the fact that the professional examinations are not covered by the health insurance system, the employer concludes an agreement in advance with the medical institution authorized to conduct medical examinations. The payment for the survey is entirely the responsibility of the director of the enterprise. In case of forced payment by the applicant, the cost of the procedures passed is returned to him upon employment.

Providing paid services to organizations

Medical services for organizations are provided for a fee. These include a complex for sanitary-hygienic and medical services for a team of a company:

  • conducting professional examinations of employees;
  • ensuring the compilation of a production control program;
  • laboratory research;
  • desoldering services to enterprises.

A medical examination in a private clinic (upon receipt or change of a driver’s license, license for a weapon, a job, a medical book) for both one person and the entire staff of the enterprise is carried out efficiently, quickly and relatively inexpensively. Duplicates of medical certificates are not issued to drivers.Money is not refunded in case of refusal to assign a category, refusal of admission to obtaining a license to carry a weapon.

Private medical clinics, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (04/12/2011), conduct medical examinations of workers engaged in hazardous work. When registering personal health books, people are received with the whole range of necessary additional services. In the shortest possible time, employees of a private clinic can develop a “Production Control Program sanitary and anti-epidemic measures ”. They are carried out at enterprises, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards.

Qualitatively and in a short time, private organizations also conduct radiological and laboratory tests of air, water, soil, products, measure physical factors: noise, vibration, light, microclimate, etc. As well as disinfection services in accordance with the quality management system defined by the requirements GOST.

the problem of paid medicine


More and more citizens of the Russian Federation trust their health with paid medicine. Conducting a careful and thorough examination of the patient, convenient service, increased comfort of service, the possibility of establishing a trusting and close relationship between the patient and the doctor, the high professionalism of specialists and the modern medical equipment of private clinics make this treatment more and more popular. People need to know the rules for providing paid medical services. Acquaintance with them will help patients to maintain good health and guaranteed to protect their rights.

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