
Types of services. Provision of services

The service is the result of the direct interaction of two entities: the customer (consumer) and the contractor. The result of the latter’s own activity, aimed at satisfying certain needs, is also recognized as it. In Russia, there are several options for classifying useful activities. Let us further consider what types of services exist today. types of services

General classification

Human activities are embodied in specific products or exist as a beneficial effect of his work. According to these criteria, material and non-material types of services are distinguished. For example, a tailor sews clothes. The transformation of the material into a particular object acts as a service of this person. His activity, therefore, is material, because it is embodied in a specific product - clothing.

One of the most important features of the services that exist today is considered to be a beneficial effect for the consumer. Moreover, such an action is exerted by both living labor and work embodied in a particular product. This, in fact, determines the fundamental purpose of the entire service sector. It, in particular, consists in the formation of comfortable conditions for people during leisure, in transport, in a public or other place. A useful effect of the activity is a set of properties of the service, which are aimed directly at the satisfaction of certain human needs.

Economic types

In modern conditions, there are non-market and market types of services. The latter are for a fee. Prices for such activities are set so that the contractor is not only able to cover the costs incurred, but also receive income. Market services, therefore, are equated with products and act as an object of the transaction. Non-market activity is free of charge. Usually, they are socially oriented. Their financing is carried out at the expense of the budget or funds public organizations (trade unions, parties and others). Consumers of such services are either households or the whole society. public services

Important point

It should be noted that almost all existing types of services can be provided both for a fee (in full or in part), and for free. As an exception, the activities of governing bodies (including law enforcement and defense institutions), charitable organizations, and the church enter. The services of these entities are always provided free of charge. Today, in accordance with the recommendation of the UN Statistical Commission, any activity that is offered at an economically significant cost is recognized as paid.

Market types

In the modern economic system, much attention is paid to statistical analysis and forecasting. For the most successful implementation of this activity, it is necessary to carry out the correct market segmentation. In solving this problem, it is advisable to apply the following classification of paid useful activities of people:

  1. Domestic service.
  2. Passenger Transportation.
  3. Communication
  4. Utilities.
  5. Tourist and sightseeing area.
  6. Services of cultural institutions.
  7. Physical education and sport.
  8. Medical, veterinary, sanitary and health services.
  9. Catering, trade.
  10. Banking services.
  11. Education.
  12. Legal services.
  13. Other useful activities focused on meeting the needs of consumers. provision of services

Purchasing power

The most important factor that needs to be taken into account in the process of researching paid useful activity in Russia is the distribution of population by size average per capita income. The size and structure of expenses for paid services directly depend on its size (ceteris paribus). According to statistics, low-income citizens refuse to 5, 6 and 7 groups. Moreover, due to the lack of necessary funds, they cannot allow the full use of proposals of 1-4 categories. Thus, not being able to pay for utilities, for example, the population accumulates debts.

Features of market segmentation

In theory, every citizen of the country has the opportunity to purchase any service from the first to the seventh group. In this regard, the entire population of the country can be considered as a set of customers who are subject to segmentation. But this procedure cannot be carried out throughout the market as a whole. It should be carried out with respect to each group separately. Moreover, the size of the segments in one case or another will be different. For example, in the housing market there is no real estate owned by the owners. Therefore, segmentation is carried out among users of rented areas for which citizens pay rent, and rented premises. The market for paid housing services must be distinguished from the sector of its own real estate, where the sale is made. The latter operates under other laws of trade.

Paid transport services do not apply to some categories of citizens. These include, in particular, those who have the right to travel for free (people with disabilities, senior citizens, police officers and others). The international tourism sector primarily attracts high-income people. Its part is less than 10% of the total number of citizens of the country. legal services

Significance and Mass

The most important today are:

  1. Domestic services.
  2. Passenger Transportation.
  3. Communication
  4. Housing and communal services.
  5. Keeping children in preschool and school facilities.
  6. Medical services.
  7. Improvement and spa treatment.
  8. Sport and physical education.
  9. Legal services.
  10. Financial service.
  11. Tourist and sightseeing area.
  12. The scientific field.

In the above list, services are arranged in decreasing order of priority for the population. This indicates that the first two groups have less elasticity from the size of the purchasing power of citizens.

Household sphere

In each group, consumers are offered a certain assortment. Domestic services include:

  • Individual tailoring and repair of clothes and shoes.
  • Funeral services.
  • Repair of household appliances, electronic equipment.
  • Knitting and sewing knitwear.
  • Production and repair of jewelry and others.

medical services


For each group, a specific characteristic is provided, according to which the consumer assesses its significance:

  1. The housing sector involves the provision of services for the repair of equipment and residential premises, the allocation of rented and leased space. This category also includes the cost of gas, electricity, heating, sewage, water and other things.
  2. Housing services. They include directly receiving rented areas for which citizens deduct the rent.
  3. Communal sphere. It involves the supply of gas, electricity, heat, telephone, water, sanitation and so on.
  4. The household sphere includes a fairly wide range of activities - from repair and sewing shoes and garments to photo shops and rental points.
  5. Passenger traffic involves the use of urban, intercity, international transport to move people and baggage. They also include related activities of certain institutions: ticket sales by ticket offices, restrooms at train stations, and more.
  6. The provision of cultural services is provided by theaters, cinemas, libraries, philharmonic societies, clubs and so on.
  7. Preschools include nurseries, orphanages, and kindergartens.
  8. Paid educational and medical services involve the activities of private clinics and educational institutions, tutoring, etc.
  9. The tourist and excursion sphere offers the reception and accompaniment of foreign and Russian tourists, including the preparation of the necessary documentation, accommodation, meals, business, entertainment.
  10. Financial organizations carry out both free and paid useful activities. The first includes opening and maintaining an account, deposits, the second - currency exchange, storage of valuables, rental safes, etc.
  11. Legal services are provided by security companies, notaries, lawyers and others.

transport services

Market stability

The scope of some services, for example, domestic, depends on the priority level of one or another of their types. Market stability is noted among technically complex activities that are almost impossible to carry out at home (repair of a bus, bulky equipment, etc.). The market for those services that can be provided at home is subject to great fluctuations. These include, for example, shoe and clothing repair, hairdressing salons, and laundry services.

Intangible activities

It acts as a special object of statistical research. When making payments, the following services are included in the category of paid intangible activity:

  • Household character.
  • Transport and communications.
  • Housing and communal services.
  • Preschool.
  • Sports and athletic associations.
  • Legal companies.
  • Insurance, financial firms, etc.

At present, the Russian Federation classifies services, approved on January 1, 1994. Banking services

Government services

They are included in a separate category. This activity is carried out at the request of applicants within the framework of the powers established by regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and entities for the relevant structures. Public services are provided by:

  1. Russian Government.
  2. Extra-budgetary fund.
  3. Executive structures of the regions of the Russian Federation.

This activity is carried out in accordance with the functions that are defined for these entities in the Constitution of the country, federal and regional laws.

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