
Medical license: step-by-step instructions for obtaining. Medical license: activities

For the provision of certain services, according to the law, there must be a license. Medical activity, in particular, cannot be carried out without a permit. Health care services are the subject of increased government attention. This is due to a direct danger to people's lives when unscrupulous and unskilled people work. Let us further consider how a medical license is issued. medical license

General information

A perpetual medical license is issued for 45 days. In this case, it is necessary to pay a fee - 6000 p. There are various categories of services for which a medical license is required. You can get the document at the Federal Service for Supervision of Social Development and Health.

Service Classification

Who needs a medical license? The types of activities for which permission is required are as follows:

  • Maintenance of medical equipment.
  • Medical activity.
  • Production of medical equipment and medical products.

Medical activity is the performance of work and the provision of services related to pre-medical, emergency, emergency, outpatient, inpatient (including expensive specialized), sanatorium-resort, assistance in accordance with specialties. This category also includes the implementation of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic measures and examinations. This activity includes the use of traditional medical methods, as well as work on the procurement of tissues and organs. medical activity license

The legislative framework

In accordance with Art. 41 of the basic law, every citizen is granted the right to medical care and health protection. The provision of services in municipal and government agencies Health care is provided to the public free of charge. Sources of financing for this activity are the corresponding budget, insurance premiums and other income.

In the Russian Federation, support is being given to programs for the protection and promotion of health, and necessary measures are being taken to develop private and municipal industry structures. Along with this, activities that contribute to improving public health, the development of sports and physical education, and sanitary-epidemiological and environmental well-being are encouraged. Due to the special importance of these services, the authorities authorized to issue licenses must pay close attention to enterprises engaged in this field and ensure strict control over the compliance of their activities with the legislation.

Main settings

A medical license may be issued to various institutions. First of all, it is necessary to determine the volume of services that will be provided to the population. An institution may be:

  • The hospital.
  • Sanatorium dispensary.
  • The clinic.
  • Medical center.
  • Medical office.
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory. get a medical license

Next, you need to determine the list of works that will be carried out. It could be:

  • Therapy.
  • Surgery.
  • Dentistry
  • Psychiatry-addiction.
  • Radiology.
  • Obstetrics and gynecology and so on.

Particular attention should be paid to multidisciplinary centers. It should be noted that some services that, it would seem, are not related to health care, however, should be provided only with a permit. In particular, a medical license for a beauty salon is required.

Space requirements

A medical license is issued to those enterprises that occupy the respective buildings. Premises in buildings must comply with established standards. In particular, the recommended area for doctors' offices has been determined:

  • For the therapist - 12 m2.
  • Gynecologist - 18 sq. m., with a treatment room - 24 square meters. m
  • Therapist - 18 m2.
  • Gynecologist without a chair for examination - 12 square meters. m medical license activities

In addition, in the cabinets there should be sinks with hot and cold water supplied, equipped with sewage. As a floor covering it is allowed to use a material that is easy to process and wash. It can be linoleum or laminate. Moisture resistant paint should be present on the walls. Permissible ceiling height - at least three meters. Each office should have a window. The necessary equipment is installed in the room. A medical license is issued to the institution after control measures. In particular, the compliance of personnel, facilities, documentation with the approved requirements is established.


To obtain a license, the authorized body should provide:

  • Charter (in the latest edition).
  • Memorandum of association.
  • Sv-o on state registration of legal entities (PSRN).
  • Certificate of amendments to the constituent documentation.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax service.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register (not older than 1 month).
  • Information letter from the USRPO.
  • A copy of the decision, protocol, order on the appointment of the head, certified by the seal of the institution. perpetual medical license

Also, papers should be provided to the authorized body that confirm the right to use the building (room):

  • Certificate of state registration or lease (sublease) agreement with the act of acceptance. In the latter case, it is also necessary to present a certificate confirming that the lessor is the owner.
  • Floor plan of the BTI.

A prerequisite for licensing is to pass an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor. This authority issues a sanitary and epidemiological report. In addition to it, an act and instructions are provided to the licensing authority (if there are comments).


Upon receipt of a license, an authorized authority will request documents for medical equipment that will be used in carrying out activities. In particular:

  • The list of equipment indicating the serial number, manufacturer, brand.
  • Permitting documentation for equipment.
  • Passports for equipment containing translation into Russian.
  • Operating Instructions.
  • Warranty cards.
  • Certificates of Conformity.
  • Registration certificates.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions (if any).
  • An agreement on the implementation of warranty (maintenance) equipment, an act of inspection of equipment. medical license for a beauty salon


Without fail, the institution must have the following documents for employees:

  • Diplomas.
  • Sv-in, certificate of professional development.
  • Order of appointment to a specific position.
  • Medical book.
  • Job description.
  • Employment contract.

An appointment order is drawn up for the head doctor, a work book is filled out, a contract is concluded. When hiring, a specialist must have at least five years of experience.

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