
Biased attitude of others and colleagues

Quite often we hear this phrase. But what does prejudice mean? In fact, it can concern anything. For example, music can cause disagreement, as well as prejudice about your taste. Many people may not like what you listen to, but it will not affect their attitude towards you.

A prejudice is not a completely objective opinion built on deceptive conjectures. This sentence can be supplemented. If you are not very attractive to a person, then he will not have a good opinion of you. But he cannot explain why he does not like you.


Even such a trifle as the incompatibility of tastes can be the reason for a bad attitude towards you. This applies not only to music. In adolescence, what you listen to plays an important role in the team of classmates and peers. Also, clothes can impose a biased opinion on you. No wonder there is a saying: "They do not argue about tastes." Unfortunately, even adults “meet by clothes” their new acquaintances, although this is absolutely not worthy of a single drop of attention.

Relationship between people

In the modern world, it so happens that everyone is trying to stand out from the gray mass. Almost anyone wants to make friends with superiors or rich people to raise their image. But in order to fit into the new society, one should impose one's own interests and tastes on oneself in order to appear “your own person”. After all, the most important thing is common topics for discussion. But no matter how you try to merge into a new environment, it will not work. A biased attitude sooner or later will overtake you.

relationship between people

Unfortunately, even your work colleagues who smile at you often do not have a very good opinion of your personality. True, this is called hypocrisy, but also fits perfectly into a biased attitude. The reasons for this trouble can be very different. Even rumors about what you did not do can lower you in the eyes of others and change their minds.


You can talk on this subject for hours, because each of us has been affected by this problem. If this has not yet touched you, then everything is ahead. There are some of the most common cases when a boss treats his employee badly.

  1. The main reason is you yourself. If you do not do very well with your duties, then your leadership will not like you. This does not mean that you are good, and the boss is bad, or vice versa. If an employee copes with all the work that he was entrusted with, then, believe me, there will be no complaints and crooked views in your direction.
  2. Another reason that is quite common is that you are a girl, and your boss is a woman who is older than you. If you look good, and everything is fine, then comes a feeling like envy. Yes, your boss may be jealous of the fact that you are still quite young and attractive, because you have everything ahead. Because of this, a biased attitude appears.
  3. Exactly the same situation can overtake male people. This seems rather ridiculous and ridiculous, but, unfortunately, it very often happens that young people simply leave their place of work because of a bad attitude to themselves.
  4. And it is worth noting one more important reason because of which conflict situations may arise - this is the head of the opposite sex. If you liked your leadership, but its sympathy is indifferent to you - this can cause a conflict.

What to do in such situations?

If a biased opinion about you has developed due to not quite correct information, then it is best to talk with a person who has undergone these rumors. A single conversation will not give anything and will not clarify, it will only heat up the situation between you. It’s best to simply not pay any attention to what some people say about you and how you feel about you. If this is another regular employee, then his opinion will not get worse. But if you are biased by someone close to you, then you should think about it and find out what has changed.

How can management prove otherwise?

If you are sure that you are doing all your work on time, and there were no comments about this, then this is a personal problem. If you fall into the category of people who are envied, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to correct this situation. Even if you tell us about all your problems so that everyone understands that everything is not so smooth with you, believe me, it won’t get better. You can only come to terms with this.

How to cope psychologically?

Relations between people are a rather complicated thing. You need to have very good willpower to not pay attention to others who have a bad opinion about you. This is quite difficult, because such a relationship crushes you from the inside. You can cope with such a problem, but you need to learn to control yourself and your emotions.

preconceived notion

  1. Do not put yourself above others. What they say about you already indicates that absolutely nothing is happening in their life. Thus, they simply compensate for the lack of an interesting life.
  2. There are people who just love to "wash the bones." This can not be fixed, so you should not concentrate on them. A person does not have advantages with which he could “conquer the public”, but you need to attract attention to yourself.
  3. Remember, you are a reasonable person, so you should not be very upset due to misunderstandings and biased opinions. You will only aggravate your situation if you try to justify yourself. Do not pay any attention to what they say about you, just do your job.

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