
How and what to write in the resume? "Reason for dismissal": rules for filling in columns and examples

When looking for work and compiling a personal "business card" for an employer, many citizens think about what to write in a resume. "Reason for dismissal" - the graph that causes the biggest problems. It’s one thing when you don’t have any work experience at all. Then this item will not affect you. But this is a rather rare occurrence. And so often you still have to talk about the places where you worked before. Why did you leave this or that organization? This question is important for your potential employer. Maybe you had good reason? Or did you really get fired "according to the article" and asked to write for your own good "at will"? Then hardly anyone will be interested in your candidacy for employment. Each organization needs only conscientious employees. So what to write in the resume ("Reason for dismissal" - required to fill in the column in this document)? What tricks and tricks can be used?what to write in the resume reason for dismissal


The first scenario is good when your potential employer has no way to test your words. Anyway, when this feature is not available, it is only to your advantage. After all, you can then write in our today's column everything that only the soul desires.

For example, liquidation of the organization. Sometimes you may be informed that you were asked to write a letter of resignation of your own accord in connection with the abolition of the company. Or you yourself made this decision.

The option is good, but you should only wait a bit with it. Why? If in reality your previous place of work still exists, then fraud will surface. And a new potential employer is unlikely to want to deal with you.


What else could be the reason for dismissal in the resume? What to write in this column? Honestly, it is advisable not to lie. Especially if your new potential employer is able to verify the veracity of your words. But in practice, as a rule, no one does this. So, you can write whatever you see fit.

Let's say one more option is getting under reduction. In a crisis, such cases have become commonplace. So, this option will not cause any suspicions. Especially if you rarely changed jobs, and worked in the last organization for a long time. Not too beautiful, but an effective way to fill out a resume. The main thing in our today's question is to show that, despite the dismissal and change of jobs, you are a conscientious employee.reason for dismissal in resume what to write


What to write in the resume ("Reason for leaving" - this is the column that interests us today)? Of course, there are a lot of options. The main thing is to try not to deceive a potential employer, and also to show that you are a conscientious employee. Otherwise, no one will contact you. Everything is quite logical, you should not be surprised.

In some cases, when you don’t know how to correctly describe the reasons for dismissal (and you didn’t have so many jobs), you can mention, say, a low level of wages. It is quite common. But this kind of technique can scare off the employer: everyone wants employees to pay less, but so that they work more.

So try to add a little variety to this item. For example, write: "Low salary, not comparable with responsibility and job responsibilities, as well as workload during the work day."This option is really good. It usually does not scare away potential employers and indicates that you are committed to working a lot to get the appropriate pay. This means that a conscientious boss can rely on you.reasons for dismissal for resume examples


Nevertheless, the reasons for dismissal from work for a resume (examples of these have already been presented to our attention to some extent) may be uncertain. Employers do not like this kind of tricks too much, but there is no escape from them. Indeed, in some cases, the reasons for dismissal from a particular place of work are purely personal motive. And you don’t always want to indicate it.

In such cases, it is recommended that you simply write: "Because of the circumstances." But at the interview, most likely, they will start asking you for what specific reasons you left the company. Explanations will have to be given either in advance, in writing, or verbally, during a conversation. There is nothing special about this. But it is still recommended to avoid this kind of uncertainty.

Change of activity

A huge role for the employer is played by such a clause as “Reason for dismissal” in the resume. What to write here? Many citizens think about this. It has already been said: try not to lie, and also report any specific reasons. Minimum uncertainty; potential employers do not appreciate it too much.reason for dismissal in the resume what to write in the column

How to fill in the paragraph "Reason for dismissal" in the resume? A good option is a reason called "change of activity." If you worked in one area, and then suddenly decided to move to another, then this alignment will suit you. In any case, potential employers will not find fault and dig in search of the truth.

It is possible to write this kind of option in the forms "change of activity", "change of sphere of work", "change of profession", "obtaining additional education", "retraining". These examples really help often find a job without any questions. And therefore, they are often used by citizens.


Beautiful reasons for leaving for a resume you need to know. After all, no one can tell you for sure whether it will be possible to get a job with real information regarding you and your past employer or not. In addition, this column sometimes helps a new organization to judge your good faith.indication of the reason for dismissal in the resume

What beautiful options are there? Say unjustified expectations. You can write that simply activity and direct work did not justify what you were waiting for. This is quite normal, but in fact it is rare.

How to write a similar saying? For example: "Despite the favorable atmosphere and friendly staff, the activities did not live up to my expectations"; "Disappointment in the company in spite of a favorable environment"; "The employer does not meet my expectations."


Undoubtedly, if you are thinking about writing in a resume (“The reason for dismissal is the point that got our attention today), you can resort to some tricks. Especially if you didn’t have any scandal when dismissing with your previous employer. After all, you can check it with one phone call. Then you will have problems, as a result, no one will hire you. You definitely shouldn’t lie if there was a scandal with the leadership or direct dismissal "under the article." Otherwise, fill out our godnyashnyuyu count can resume as you see fit.how to correctly describe the reasons for dismissal in a resume

Very often, the reasons for dismissal indicate such a clause as "lack of career opportunities." That is, this technique will not only indicate your good faith, but will introduce you to a potential employer as a person who is committed to development. This is a favorable moment for any company. The more employees who strive to improve and climb the corporate ladder, the better.

Misunderstanding and Suggestions

What else could be the reasons for leaving the job for a resume? Examples of some fairly successful options we have already considered. But the possible points do not end there. After all, you can always come up with something original, non-standard and very beautiful. What will show your new employer good intentions.

You can indicate that you have made proposals to increase work efficiency, as well as to develop the organization, but the statements did not find a response. And all further work after that began to be accompanied by incomprehensible, as well as unjust, biased attitude by your employer. The option is relevant for senior positions and those vacancies that are associated with any decisions or development of the corporation. Quite a rare, but very effective solution. After this, the potential employer is unlikely to have questions for you. But the summary section filled in this way will indicate that you are able to come up with innovations that contribute to the growth and development of the company.

the Forbidden fruit

We have considered not one reason for dismissal in the resume. What to write in the graph, we have already figured out. But there are, after all, probably some bans? What shouldn't a potential employer talk about? What are some reasons to hide? Of course, we are talking about cases where the labor book says that you quit on your own.how to fill out the reason for dismissal in the resume

You do not need to write about the fact that you did not agree with your colleagues in character, the employer offered an irregular working day and left overtime for duties that you simply could not cooperate with unpleasant people. Also, the reasons for the dismissal should not indicate the absence of salary growth prospects, constant requirements for continuing education courses, a crisis, tax evasion and the payment of gray salaries. Indication of the reason for dismissal in the resume is a serious question. But now it’s clear which options are considered the best for writing in your “visiting card”.

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