
Examples of company reviews. How to write a review about the company

So, today we look at examples of reviews about the company. More precisely, we will learn to write them ourselves. Indeed, this process attracts many. Moreover, it can sometimes be useful and profitable. So you should pay attention to several tricks that will help you in writing. Of course, you have to take into account many nuances. Let's try to find out how to write a review about a company.

company reviews examples

Why write?

The first thing you need to determine is the purpose of writing reviews. This is an important point, which often plays a decisive role. What are the options?

The first is just getting acquainted with a particular company. Examples of reviews of this type of company, as a rule, are not very popular, few are interested in them. Indeed, often what an organization is will be known from a brief description of it.

The second is assistance in assessing the employer. Employee reviews about the company are in great demand. They are useful and help you decide whether to trust the employer or not. In addition, they may indicate the advantages and disadvantages of the organization.

The third is an assessment of the work of the company as a whole, which is usually compiled from the point of view of the client. Such reviews about the company's work are also very popular. These reviews help you choose the best service provider.

Source of profit

The last point that takes place is earnings. The fact is that often the reviews of employees about the company, as well as the responses of consumers are false. More precisely, interested parties buy them from users. In such cases, you do not need to study the numerous examples of reviews for a long time, as well as puzzle over how to write them. The employee will be explained in detail.

Such opinions are divided into two categories - positive and negative. The first, as you might guess, are aimed at attracting customers and job seekers. Often a similar technique is used by scammers. Therefore, content such as positive reviews about the company's work is in greater demand.

employee reviews about the company

But negative opinions, as a rule, are ordered by the leadership of a particular corporation in order to discredit their competitors. Everyone understands why this is done. This technique helps to spoil the reputation of a competitor and raise the rating of the customer organization. Some users are very pleased to write a variety of custom-made reviews. It is noteworthy that this technique has several secrets. We have to get to know them further.

Speech style selection

First, pay attention to your speech. This will determine how exactly you write this or that review about the company. In fact, everything is not so difficult. Often it’s just enough to correctly express yourself and not use slang.

Please note that illiteracy is not welcome in any form of feedback. But you shouldn’t be “smart” either: express yourself in an extremely simple, understandable language. Then you can make a competent opinion about the company.

If we are talking about writing reviews for money, then all the requirements will be stated by the customer in advance. Therefore, this issue simply does not arise. The main thing is to write as clearly as possible and follow the generally accepted rules of the Russian language. Do not use the Caps Lock function, place all the necessary punctuation marks, and do not use speech structures that are too long and incomprehensible.


The next important point is the emotional component. She plays a huge role in writing reviews.It is important that the future publication is not compiled in a dry and uninteresting language. But it should not be oversaturated either - there should be harmony in everything. Especially if you write an opinion on order.

company reviews

Consider the following sample writing a review: “Awful employer! And the company is also disgusting! Around deception, lies and fines! Do not contact here for anything! The head of the company is a boor and a complete bastard: delays and underpays salaries, constantly leaves overtime, does not comply with any labor contract standards at all! Run, run from him and DO NOT TIE NEVER! ”

Immediately noticeable glut of emotions, and negative. Mainly due to plentifully placed exclamation marks. When writing this technique, in principle, is unacceptable. The exception is the preparation of a negative opinion in order to scare off applicants or clients. Similarly, you can make a positive review about the organization. For example, “Company N is just a wonderful employer! The leader respects and understands every employee! Better not to find a place for employment! Comply with the labor contract, always ready to enter into a position and understand each subordinate! ”But still it is more advisable to adhere to a neutral emotional content.


Please note that your opinion should in any case be useful and informative. What does it mean? The presence in the text of a minimum of empty phrases and a maximum of what may interest the audience. Such opinions, as a rule, are attractive and credible. Given that reviews about companies and employers are often bought from users, maximum information content will only positively affect your personal rating. Moreover, they read these posts with pleasure.

Information is the hallmark of a good review. In the first case, the material is presented briefly and on the case, in the second - with a large number of digressions that can confuse and distract the reader from the essence of what is written. In advance, worry about communicating only interesting, useful and important information about a company to other people.

how to write a review


What else is worth paying attention to? How to write a review about a particular company? Moreover, the main problem is to arouse the trust of readers. The deception is now complete - the Network is oversaturated with it, so many try to be skeptical of most opinions.

Pay attention to the text of your post. As already mentioned, speech should be literate. But it is important to maintain naturalness. The ideal text, which is accompanied by widespread sentences, cliches and compiled in an impeccable literary language, will also inevitably arouse suspicion among the audience. Why? Due to the huge amount of custom opinions. Therefore, when you write about a particular employer or corporation, keep it natural.

Down with advertising

Employee reviews about the company (as, indeed, customers) are not always easy to compose. We have to observe a considerable number of nuances and rules that help to attract the audience to themselves. A very important point for the success of this business is the lack of advertising.

What does it mean? It doesn’t matter whether it’s a custom review or a real one - there should be no advertising in it. Try to make the text natural, but without unnecessary embellishment. This is especially true for positive opinions. Often, they look like advertising layouts. Some of these posts are really able to interest. But the vast majority of users do not trust such messages.

Make sure that your opinions speak good (or bad) about the company and the employer, but at the same time without intrusiveness and excessively “loud” statements. Harmony in this matter is not always easy to observe. It is recommended that you re-read what you intend to publish several times and then edit places that are too intrusive.And only then post posts in the planned places.

Company name


What else do you need to pay attention to? To the fact that, regardless of the nature of your opinion about this or that organization, the text should contain full contact information: the name of the company, its address, phone number, and email. All this is covered without fail, if the opinion is real, because you have nothing to hide.

Further, it is advisable to indicate the leaders of the company, as well as the department in which you worked (or who turned to for help). All this will help the author point out that this is a specific organization, and not some kind of invented office.

The lack of contact details so far few people make to think about a fraud. But now, if there is no contact information about the organization anywhere, then this already leads to thoughts about the frivolity of the company. Nevertheless, try to mention the information that you know for contacting a potential employer.


The features do not end there. There are still many nuances. Especially when it comes to drawing up opinions from the employee. Most often, these posts are not trusted by users.

Why? All due to the fact that they look stereotyped. It can be said made "carbon copy". It doesn’t matter if you write the truth or work on order. The fact remains - no one favors template and similar opinions. And they cause constant mistrust on the part of readers.

So you have to try to ensure your post is original, but without frills - everything should be in moderation. Watch the speech, do not go too far and write only truthful information. All this will help to make the most useful review about the corporation.


Each post should have its own structure. She will help you make a really useful review, which will be informative and useful. With all this stereotyping, as a rule, will not be.

sample writing review

First of all, you need to write the name of the company, as well as contact details. Preferably with the addition of the address and phone. Further, it is preferable to mention who runs this organization.

After the main part is compiled. Here is a summary of your point of view. Make sure that the text does not include profanity. This item is the most important. It should be original, useful and reflect the whole essence of the organization. What is most often written about in this section? About the interview, training, rules of conduct in the workplace, work schedule. Salaries of employees, as well as possible penalties for violations and misconduct - all this is published in the main part.

The following is the conclusion. It is in some cases overlooked. Here you should summarize everything that you wrote earlier. Usually it makes sense to advise one or another employer or to note that they stay away from him.

The last part is optional. It contains information about you, that is, personal data. As a rule, just write your last name, first name, middle name and mention who and when you worked in the organization.


We have already seen some examples of company reviews. And now let's see how a structured opinion about a particular employer will look like. In addition, it is worth paying attention to samples of not the most truthful and successful reviews.

  • "Good day. I would like to talk about the company Z. It is located at: city X, street Y, house n. It is led by citizen Ivanov I.I. This is not the best employer. Of course, you can cooperate with him. Working conditions are acceptable here, although a lot depends on who you work for. For example, in warehouses it is very cold in the cold, and damp and uncomfortable in the heat. The rest is no complaints. They will probably deceive you with earnings - at first they will offer a huge salary, and after the conclusion of the contract it turns out that the real salary is meager. A full social package, but because of dishonest pay, it makes no sense.Overtime is left, especially at the time of delivery of the goods. It is almost impossible to take home for family reasons. But salaries are paid regularly, there are practically no delays. If you are willing to put up with injustice in your address, then Z really suits you. With hardworking and conscientious employees, the manager will always find a common language. Sincerely, S. Sidorov, Sales Manager, Worked from 2005 to 2008. "

reviews of companies and employers

This was an example of writing a review that really deserves attention. It should arouse the interest of users, as well as arouse the trust of the audience. But there are some not very successful examples:

  • “The company is not serious! Horrible employer, do not work here! Destroy your nerves! ”
  • “Cool employer, I liked it!”
  • “Pays a salary - and good. You can work. ”

As you can see, examples of reviews about the company may not be the most successful, since this kind of opinion does not inspire readers' confidence. Therefore, you should write feedback, having studied this issue well.

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Reason for complaint
Valentina Frolova
Court bailiff Inter-district bailiff department for especially important enforcement proceedings - Vera Andreevna Boleva. Please pay attention to: Vera Andreevna Boleva illegally judges people, and ordinary people are not officials. Perhaps even production is against: I ask you to pay attention to her appearance of Vera Andreevna Boleva. Her address: the address of her unit: Tver, Svobodny per., 2, initiates proceedings against ordinary people, arbitrarily appeals to courts of various instances, appeals to Moscow courts. It is necessary to select a license from Boleva Vera Andreevna. Boleva Vera Andreevna takes bribes and not small ones. Vera Andreevna Boleva takes a competitive reward. Participates in economic crimes. This involved the Nagatinsky District Court located at: Moscow, Kashirsky passage, 3). Initiates cases, distributes writ of execution, and writ of execution issued in the case. Searches for Debt on credit payments, distributes loans, distributes balance amounts, distributes amounts of non-core debt, invents unknown debts, initiates proceedings against individuals, initiates proceedings against legal entities and banks.


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