
Recognition of the need to improve housing conditions: features, order, norms and rules

More and more people are interested in recognizing those who need better housing conditions. This topic is important for citizens of the Russian Federation. Especially for young families - despite the fact that houses are becoming more and more in the country, almost no one has the opportunity to purchase even a small, but almost no personal corner. So you have to live in conditions, sometimes not too providing comfort and safety. But in Russia it is customary to support the population. And under certain conditions, you can either stand in line for housing improvement, or participate in the program "Young Family", which allows you to get an apartment from the government. What is required for all this? When can a recognition of a family in need of better housing take place? In fact, the question is very serious. Not all categories of people in need know about their rights!recognition of housing needs

Not normal

So, the first and most basic rule in our question today is the accounting of square meters in an apartment per person. It is no secret to anyone that the Housing Code provides for a certain meter of housing for one citizen. If it turns out that in reality this indicator is lower than expected, you can register as a needy citizen. But only to improve living conditions! The program "Young Family" is not yet discussed.

According to the laws, at present the norm of square meters per person has an indicator equal to 12. If, according to calculations for residents / registered in a particular territory, it turns out that you are entitled to less than the indicated figure, all residents have the right to be recognized as needing to improve their living conditions.

If we visualize the situation, we get approximately the following picture: suppose that the housing has a footage of 80 square meters. And lives (registered) in the territory of 8 people. According to the standards, 12 meters are laid per citizen, but in reality: 80/8 = 10. Under such conditions, one can count on support from the state.

Without comfort

But that is not all. Rules for recognizing the need for better housing conditions include a huge number of features. So they have to be taken into account. Otherwise, it will not work to realize the idea.

The next reason for registering as a needy person is the lack of established standards of comfort in housing. That is, by law, the apartment must have all the amenities that ensure daily life. Not necessarily "on a grand scale"! It is only about the most necessary minimum of comfort. In the housing should be: electricity, gas, sanitation (cold and hot), heating. Plus a bathroom.recognition of families in need of better housing

A striking example of the lack of the necessary level of comfort is being in an emergency home. Even if you have an apartment with a smart repair, you will still be able to register. After all, housing safety standards are not met. This is a very interesting moment to take advantage of!

Dangerous tenants

Recognition of a citizen in need of improvement of housing conditions can be realized when a person lives in constant danger. More precisely, if roommates and roommates are sick with some kind of contagious disease. And you have the opportunity to become infected.

Not too frequent, but taking place. You can also include here living with inadequate (for health or medical reasons) people.If you are constantly in danger in your own apartment, you can register as a person in need of housing. Also not the most common phenomenon, but obviously it is not worth losing sight of it!


Special attention is required to the conditions for registration as a citizen in need of “square meters”. Failure to comply with these leads to the impossibility of implementing ideas. But everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Often, all conditions are implemented without problems.recognition of a citizen in need of better housing conditions

First of all, you must live a certain period in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation where you want to get an apartment. Each region has its own time limits set in this regard. Please note: immediately after moving to another city, you can’t count on support.

Further in this area a citizen must have a residence permit. You can’t do without it either. Of course, you should have less than 12 meters per person in housing (or more, if provided for in a particular area). All this will help to bring the idea to life. You will register and be able to get housing from the state.


There will be some reasons for the production. Some we have already learned. But our list is not limited to them only. Another reason for recognizing the need for better housing conditions is living in rooms that are not isolated from each other. It is important that the “neighbors” are not relatives. This is a good argument, but in practice it rarely works.

You can also implement our idea today when you constantly live in a hostel. Moreover, it is important: a citizen should not study or be engaged in seasonal work during this period. In other words, when the hostel is the only and permanent place of residence.standards for recognizing housing needs

In some cases, you can count on registration if you have been living in rented housing for several years. And you have no other property. In this case, all residents of the premises have the right to be recognized as in need of better housing conditions. Such rules are currently established in Russia.

Heterosexual children

Surprisingly, the interests of minor children are also taken into account when solving our current issue. A great opportunity to bring the idea to life on legal grounds, which are quite common in practice. The thing is that the Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates that heterosexual children should live in separate rooms. Moreover, isolated from each other.

Just this reason can become the basis for queuing for a state apartment. At the same time, the total area of ​​the housing provided may be larger than what is supposed to be per square meter per person (for example, there are 4 citizens in a family, of which 2 minor children of different sexes receive an apartment of 80 square meters from the state, although according to the numbers it should be: 12 * 4 = 48).basis for recognition of housing needs

For families

Standards of recognition in need of better housing do not end there. Some categories of families are entitled to receive social housing from the state in order of priority. It is also relatively common practice in Russia. So who are the families in need of housing?

Such "cells of society" may be those who have a disabled child (or several). Also, large families (with three or more children) have the right to registration. Military personnel (both those who have withdrawn and those on duty), as well as seriously ill citizens suffering from dangerous diseases with their families. Do not forget about the "young" - they, too, can get on the line of receiving social housing from the state.


Recognizing a soldier in need of better housing is a separate process that needs attention. Moreover, as has already been said, both people in execution and those who were previously in the military ranks of the Russian Federation can count on support.

All military personnel who have served for at least 10 years have the right to implement the idea of ​​obtaining public housing. They are also able to claim improvement in living conditions. The main feature is that the military cannot be fired until he received the "square meters" due to him. Of course, we are talking about cases in which the service life of 10 years or more. To dismiss such a citizen, his written consent will be required.recognition procedure in need of better housing conditions

There are some military men who no longer work, but are eligible for social housing. They currently include:

  • all retired (if served for 10 years or more);
  • families of the dead military;
  • dismissed from special forces (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and so on).


Recognizing the need for better housing conditions, like any other process, requires documentation. And to conduct it, you will have to collect a certain package of "papers". Otherwise, you can completely forget about our current idea. You simply will not be able to be recognized as needy in case of arrears of some documents! Keep this in mind - prepare a complete list in advance (preferably with copies) before contacting local authorities. This is where you will have to apply for registration. So, prepare:

  • applicants passports;
  • application for registration for social housing;
  • income statements (all persons residing in the apartment);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • extract from the book home (with the original);
  • technical passport of housing;
  • documents confirming the rights to the apartment (employment contract, certificate of ownership);
  • extract from the BTI;
  • all documents about real estate that residents have.

These documents will have to apply to local authorities and apply for queuing for social housing. Your application will be considered. And if you are not recognized as needy, you will receive a written response with the rationale for the decision.

Young family

Young families have the right to participate in the eponymous program to improve housing conditions. Especially if they recently had a baby. But here, too, there are rules. For example, a couple under the age of 35 is considered to be a young family officially registered at the registry office. Also, when participating in the program of the support of the population with the same name, family members will have to pay income.recognition of a serviceman in need of better housing conditions

Income for two people should be at least 21 621 rubles, and for three people - already 32 510 rubles. You can do more (it's even better). If you have less family income, you can’t count on any Young Family program. Of course, all of the above norms are also taken into account.

What does this program give? It allows you to purchase housing on a mortgage and covers 30% of the total cost of the apartment. The rest of the spouse pays the deadline. This is the procedure for recognizing people in need of better housing conditions for young families and more!

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