
What is a subsidy? List of documents for subsidy processing

The current situation in Russia is such that the income of different segments of the population can vary greatly. Therefore, certain categories of citizens are experiencing financial difficulties. The state provides cash payments in support of such people. Next, consider what a subsidy is. what is the subsidy


The subsidy can be expressed in two forms. In the first case, this refers to a targeted intergovernmental transfer. In other words, a higher budget (e.g., federal) provides support to a lower (regional) budget. In the second case, we mean financial assistance to a legal entity (commercial enterprise) or to citizens.

Key features

Speaking about what a subsidy is, it should be noted a number of features that are characteristic of this payment. Among the main features, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Gratuitousness. Refunds can only take place if they are sent in the wrong direction.
  2. Target nature. This means that budget money is allocated for certain needs.
  3. The principle of co-financing. It must be said that the subsidy cannot completely solve this or that financial problem. Examples include a co-financing program to increase the funded part of a pension.

 housing subsidies

Basic goals

Different categories of people for different needs can expect to receive subsidies. So, from the state budget can be funded design or research. Such support is called a grant. The subsidy may be allocated for re-equipment of production or retraining of personnel. Support can also be provided for the development of promising (new) or strategically important unprofitable industries. Within the framework of government programs, so-called indirect support is also provided. It involves the support of production by monetary and tax policies. These, in particular, include deposit insurance, preferential credit rates, reduced tax rates, rent on special conditions and so on. All these measures can be combined with one definition - production subsidies. The state is able to stimulate an increase in exports through surcharges for enterprises preparing the corresponding products. This is done to optimize the financial balance of the country and prevent the devaluation of the ruble. Subsidies can also be used to reduce unemployment. In this case, salary fund receives support or funds are allocated to expand existing production. utility subsidies

Poor layers

What is a subsidy for the poor? Financing in this case can be carried out by means of the state or municipal budget. Subsidies are also provided from social insurance funds. This ensures the minimum level of income necessary for the life of the most vulnerable citizens. In particular, people can receive benefits for pregnancy, childbirth, temporary disability, and so on.

Subsidies to young families

The issue of supporting this category of the population is quite acute today. Subsidies to young families are an important step by the state to ensure the protection of these citizens. To implement this task, special programs have been adopted. In particular, housing subsidies are allocated. For people who do not have children and who are recognized as needing to improve their living conditions (less than 14 sq. M per person), it will be 35% of the market price of the apartment.The size of the housing subsidy for citizens under 35 years old with one child is 40%. Funds can also be directed to construction. subsidies to young families

Housing and communal services

The state also provides utility subsidies. But in this case, support is given to those citizens whose income does not exceed the established level. For each region, a threshold has been adopted to receive utility subsidies. Help is provided if more than 22% of income is spent on payment. The subsidy is subject to certain conditions. In particular, in order to receive a surcharge, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  2. To be registered in the apartment for which compensation is issued.
  3. Do not have debts to pay both in the present and in the future.

It should be noted that subsidies to families in this case are provided for six months. After this time, you should again apply for an extension. receiving a subsidy

Other examples

Speaking of state support, one cannot but mention assistance to small businesses. What is the subsidy for such enterprises? Such "grants" are awarded to entrepreneurs if their business plan has been approved by a special commission. For example, an unemployed person can contact the employment service by submitting his project. If you receive a subsidy, you will subsequently need to report on the money spent. It should be noted here that subsidies change annually. And those compensations that were in force in 2013 may already be irrelevant in 2015.

List of documents

There are certain rules in accordance with which subsidies are provided for payment of housing and communal services. According to the established procedure, the following documents are required:

1. Copies of title papers:

  • to owners - certificates of state registration, right of inheritance, contract of alienation (sale, exchange) or privatization;
  • to tenants - an employment agreement;
  • users of the area - social security agreement, gratuitous use; in the absence of such a document - a certificate certifying the use of the premises, which is issued by an authorized authority;
  • members of housing cooperatives - the decision of the meeting, a certificate of membership and full payment of the fee. subsidy processing

2. Copies of documents confirming the legal grounds for classifying persons living together as members of the applicant's family. These include, for example, birth certificates, marriage and so on.

3. Information about the persons who are registered at the applicant’s place of permanent residence.

4. Securities confirming income for the last six months preceding the month of circulation:

  • a certificate from the main and from all additional workplaces about income (without and taking into account deduction of fees and taxes, form in the form of 2-NDFL), about pension (for disability, old age, due to loss of breadwinner and other grounds), scholarships;
  • paper on the amount of child benefits;
  • certificate of alimony or the impossibility of collecting them;
  • a copy of the contract, a statement and other papers that contain information about the amount of income from property owned by the applicant and family members by the right of ownership;
  • certificate of authorized bodies for the provision of compensations for payment of utility bills and housing on the amounts paid;
  • documents attesting to the income received during the lease of housing;
  • contracts for the provision of services for a fee or the performance of work, other securities or their copies containing information on other income;
  • papers confirming the amount of funds paid to the trustee / guardian;
  • documents that are provided for in tax legislation in accordance with the selected taxation system;
  • other papers certifying the income of the applicant and family members issued in accordance with the procedure established by law.

If for some reason it is not possible to provide evidence of the receipt of funds, except for business profits and salaries, they can be declared in free form directly in the application. family subsidies

Documents certifying the absence of income

These include:

  • for the unemployed - a certificate confirming the absence of any kind of unemployment benefits and other subsidies;
  • for persons who have not reached 23 years of age and students in institutions of higher, secondary and primary vocational education in person, - a paper on the absence of a scholarship;
  • for persons recognized as partially or fully incompetent - a document confirming this.

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