
How to get a free apartment for a young family?

The constitution of our country provides for the right to housing. The state, fulfilling this obligation, provides all those in need in a priority order with free housing. In addition, there are other ways to get an apartment. Unfortunately, it takes a very long time to wait for help from the state. Therefore, it is worth considering other ways to solve the problem. Each person chooses for himself: to stand in line for years or to independently reach the intended goal. So how to get a free apartment nowadays?

Who can claim

In order to receive square meters from the state, a number of conditions must be met. These requirements are governed by the Housing Code, which was adopted in our country in 2005. These include:

  • lack of living space in accordance with the square meter norm for each family member living in the apartment;
  • family members belong to the poor category of citizens.

That is, citizens who live in cramped housing conditions and have low incomes insufficient to purchase their own housing can take the turn. It does not matter if the apartment is privatized or not. The priority parameter in this case will be the financial insolvency of citizens.

how to get a free apartment

The new housing code has quite noticeably reduced the number of people waiting for free housing. But, despite this, there are still a lot of them.

It is worth noting that those who stand in line for housing before the adoption of new amendments do not need to submit documents and prove the impossibility of acquiring new housing at the expense of personal money. And how to get an apartment from the state for those who wanted to solve their housing problems after 2005? They will have to confirm the fact of belonging to the category of low-income. To do this, you will have to run around various state bodies and collect a fairly large amount of documents and certificates.

Reasons for recognizing a young family in need of housing

How to get an apartment from the state? According to the norms of housing law, in need of better housing conditions are:

  • Citizens who do not have any living quarters.
  • Citizens who own housing under a contract of sale or a social employment contract, provided that one family member has less than square meters than established by law.
  • Persons living in a room that does not meet sanitary standards and requirements.
  • Citizens living in an area occupied by several families, in one of which there is a seriously ill person whose disease does not allow him to live in the same room. The list of such diseases is established at the federal level by the executive authorities.

It should be noted that the level of housing provision is calculated on the basis of all residential real estate.

how to get an apartment from the state

Out of turn housing

How to get a young apartment if you really need it? Are there any benefits? Under the new Housing Code, only three categories of poor citizens out of turn are entitled to free housing:

  • citizens residing in emergency homes and victims of cataclysms and other emergencies;
  • orphans, as well as children who were left unattended by their parents (after staying in orphanages, foster families or family-type institutions);
  • citizens suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases and threatening the health of others.

Where to apply and what documents should be provided?

How can a young family get an apartment? First of all, it is necessary to achieve recognition of her poor. Next, get on the line. You can get free housing by collecting and submitting to the housing commission of the local government the necessary package of documents:

  • a statement signed by all family members;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce + photocopy;
  • documents proving the identity of each family member + photocopies;
  • BTI certificate confirming the presence or absence of another premises suitable for housing;
  • certificate of availability of any benefits.

This is a standard package of documents. More detailed information on what documents should be provided to certain categories of citizens will be described below. It depends on the specific situation.

Confirm data on the financial situation of the family and the need for housing will need to be every year.

Benefits for a large family

Large families are the most unprotected category of citizens in our country. The state is doing its best to improve their material and living conditions. In addition to maternal capital, it offers assistance in a different form: a large family can be allocated a plot of land free of charge. Its size is set in each region separately. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, this assistance is not provided in all subjects of the federation. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, such a law has not yet been adopted.

how a young family get an apartment

How to get a free apartment? AHML proposed a new way to provide large families with housing. With the help of the construction of apartment buildings. It is proposed to combine the land plots of several large families, to create a housing cooperative and to build an apartment building with the help of credit money. Each family involved in the construction should receive housing for free, and rent the rest of the apartments, the money for which will go to repay the loan.

Apartment for single mothers

Not everyone knows how to get a free apartment from the state to single mothers. For them, certain benefits are provided. Housing can be given to those who belong to the poor, do not have their own square meters or need better housing conditions.

To realize their rights, citizens must submit an application and a package of documents to the relevant authorities.

apartment from the state for free

Features of obtaining an apartment:

  • if the woman does not live alone, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of income for all family members;
  • to confirm the need for new housing, it will be necessary to provide an act of housing inspection at the place of registration.

It is worth noting that single mothers include women who have given birth to a child without being married. In the birth certificate of the child, information about the father must either be absent or be written down from the words of the mother. After the marriage is registered and the child is adopted by her husband, the woman does not lose her status.

Housing for orphans

Orphans and children left without parental care, who do not have any property, are entitled to receive free housing from the state. Each region determines its requirements for the documents provided. This property is purchased from the federal budget.

how to get a young apartment

How to get a free apartment? The following certificates and documents must be provided:

  • statement;
  • passport + photocopy;
  • a certificate confirming the status of an orphan;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • marriage certificate + photocopy;
  • birth certificates of all children + their photocopies;
  • BTI certificate of lack of ownership of housing;
  • certificate from the place of work or study.

In this case, it is necessary to write two statements: to the guardianship authorities and to the local government. They are served until the age of 23. Otherwise, the right to free housing is lost.

After considering the application, the queue for receiving square meters is determined. The decision is issued in writing.In the course of distribution, this category receives apartments in the first place. Or they are reimbursed the cost of the purchased housing. The amount of compensation depends on the assumed square meters. The received apartment from the state is issued free of charge under a social contract of employment.

What are the rights of a family who received a free apartment

ways to get an apartment

Having passed all the necessary documents, in the near future a young family will be able to become the owner of an apartment for social rent. What is it and what rights will it have? Under this agreement, citizens are provided with housing from the state and municipal funds. So, it relies:

  • living in this apartment;
  • providing all amenities and services for a normal stay;
  • subject to the conditions of the legislation of the Russian Federation, there is the possibility of further privatization;
  • the ability to register relatives and other persons in the apartment.

What can not be done with municipal housing?

Until the housing becomes the property of the family, according to the code of our country, it is not allowed to conduct the following transactions with it:

  • sell;
  • exchange;
  • to lease;
  • bequeath;
  • make out a gift.

Other opportunities to get an apartment for free

Since it is almost impossible for a young family to get an apartment from the state (the waiting period at best is 10 years), it is worth talking about other possibilities.

ways to get an apartment from the state

Ways to get an apartment:

  • Enter into a life annuity contract. It is executed by a notary public and registered with the federal registration service. According to the contract, the apartment becomes the property of the renter, but his management is limited. Along with the property, responsibilities also pass. They are prescribed in the contract and must be implemented.
  • Get a job where you can get an apartment. In some categories of citizens in the absence of housing at the place of work or service, official residential premises are provided without fail. These include people in elected posts, deputies, police and other law enforcement officials, and military personnel. In this case, the contract for the rental of an office apartment is legally drawn up for the duration of an employment relationship, being in a public position or serving.

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