
Procedural Law: Settlement Model

A settlement in court is a contract that terminates the dispute or eliminates the uncertainty in the legal relationship. Consensus is achieved through mutual concessions. Let us further consider a sample of a settlement. pattern of settlement

General information

The conclusion of a settlement agreement means the termination of previous duties and rights, depending on the will of the participants. Upon approval of this contract, the proceedings on the case are completed. In the process of a settlement, the parties to the dispute formulate new conditions for legal relations by mutual agreement. In general terms, this agreement combines installments, novation and compensation.

Sample Settlement: Content

The contract between the parties to the dispute should include provisions regarding the distribution of costs, including legal aid, payment of fees and so on. For example, a sample settlement agreement in a payable case contains the procedure and conditions for repayment of obligations acceptable to the plaintiff and defendant.

in the process of a settlement

It may also provide for changes in payments. The new procedure and conditions must not contradict the law.

Mandatory Elements

A sample settlement agreement includes:

  1. The name of the court in which the dispute is being heard.
  2. Details of the claim.
  3. F. I. O. and contact details of participants and representatives (if any).
  4. The list of claims and counterclaims (if any).
  5. The time frame in which the decision was made on the claim.
  6. The amount of expenses, the procedure for their distribution between participants.
  7. Petition for acceptance of a settlement agreement and completion of proceedings. court settlement

The contract should not contain an indication of obligations not related to the subject of the dispute. The document also includes provisions that explain the consequences of its conclusion to participants. A sample settlement agreement contains a list of requirements that the participants agree to, a list of actions that they should take and when.


An amicable agreement between the parties can be concluded not only directly during the proceedings. The contract is concluded at other stages. For example, when considering a dispute in cassation instance in the execution of the decision. In some cases, a settlement is mistakenly identified with a pre-trial settlement. But this agreement actually acts as a solution to the dispute. The agreement must be approved by the judge. The possibility of his conclusion becomes clear in preparation for the proceedings.

Important point

Control over the legality of the agreement rests with the court. An agreement may be approved if it does not contradict legal norms and does not infringe on the interests and rights of participants in the proceedings. An agreement may be made in writing. However, the law allows for the oral form of the contract. In this case, its conditions are included in the minutes of the meeting and signed by the participants. A written agreement is attached to the case file. If approved, a ruling on termination of proceedings shall be issued. amicable settlement of the parties


An amicable settlement takes effect immediately upon acceptance. It is subject to immediate execution by participants. The decision to terminate the proceedings cannot be appealed on appeal. The law allows its contestation in the arbitration court of cassation. The agreement is executed by the participants voluntarily on time and in the manner prescribed by it.In the event that it is not carried out voluntarily, the determination shall be enforced. The basis for this is a writ of execution issued at the request of the participant in the case.

Failure of the arbitral tribunal

The court may not approve a settlement for a number of reasons. In this case, it is considered not concluded. Moreover, the refusal does not preclude the drafting of a new contract. The decision to approve the agreement may be revised due to circumstances that have arisen if the applicant did not know about them and could not be known at the time the new conditions were agreed, or if the person did not participate in the meeting, but his interests and rights were violated by the approved document. conclusion of an amicable agreement

Bankruptcy case

In the event of the resumption of proceedings against the debtor, the court shall introduce the procedure in which the agreement was concluded. If the decision to approve the agreement on a new bankruptcy proceedings is canceled, the authorized bodies and bankruptcy creditors may declare claims in the new case. Termination of the agreement by agreement between the debtor and individual creditors is not allowed.


A settlement is considered one of the most effective ways to resolve a dispute. This is due to the fact that this document fully meets the requirements of the participants. This is a voluntary agreement - the parties themselves come to a consensus, giving each other concessions. The legislation imposes certain requirements on the content of the document.

It should not only reflect the positions of the parties, but also be consistent with the interests of third parties, as well as the rule of law. Otherwise, the court will refuse to approve it. Since the contract is concluded by mutual agreement, it is impossible to challenge it on appeal. In this regard, before approving the document, participants should evaluate the consequences that will occur after adoption. If the agreement is approved by the court, the parties are not entitled to submit repeated claims in relation to the settled issue.

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