
Just a replacement, or What is a swap

There are a huge number of different elements of the car’s modernization, which can be attributed to both simple tuning and trivial repair of your favorite car. One of these processes is the so-called swap.

What it is?

To find out what a swap is, it is worth looking into the English-Russian dictionary, where the word Swap means nothing more than an exchange or replacement of something. With regard to cars, swap is not very different from the exact translation of the word. This term also means the complete replacement of certain parts of the car with similar, new parts. Most often, automotive is used in two variations:

  • Swap engine.
  • Swap transmission, gearbox.

What is swap

They are also often called not just replacing, say, an old motor with a new one, but replacing it with a different one from the previous one. So the answer to the question of what is swap is very multifaceted.

Motor replacement

Most often in automotive practice, it is precisely the replacement of the motor, or engine swap. Basically, this procedure is performed not so much to replace an obsolete, worn engine, but rather to increase the power of the car. To accomplish this task, a new motor is installed somewhat more powerful than the old. However, what is swap in this case? Everyone who resorts to this procedure sets certain tasks, among which are often found:

  • Replacement due to wear on the old engine. Often during operation, the old one becomes unusable, and the only right decision on the part of the driver is to completely replace it. Sometimes you can save a lot of money by installing a less greedy engine that will consume less fuel.
  • Often, those who use their car in various sports events resort to engine replacement. With this procedure, you can significantly improve your results on sports tracks.
  • Fans of exhibitions also trade in replacing the engine, often using even its larger models for relatively small cars. Such a procedure is rather an aesthetic excess than a necessity.

Swap engine

Swap kit

It is logical to assume that replacing the factory engine with an engine belonging to a completely different machine is not an easy task. It should be understood that not every engine is suitable for such an event on absolutely any model of car. If you approach this process unprepared and irresponsible, then there is a high risk of rendering the car unusable. The most difficult task when the engine is swap is to dock the engine with the gearbox. This procedure is quite delicate, and sometimes simply unattainable. Therefore, answering the question of what a swap is, it is worth implying not only replacing the engine, but also the gearbox with the corresponding new motor. Otherwise, this procedure will not only become more complicated, but also become practically impossible.

Swap copy

In any case, when replacing the engine, you need a swap kit. Usually a swap kit for an engine means a complete set of all the necessary spare parts. Depending on the type of engine installed, the brand of car in which the installation is made, the contents of this kit can vary greatly. So, for example, in addition to the engine itself, the kit may contain wiring, a radiator, a control unit, all the necessary fasteners and much more.

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