
What is outsourcing?

What is outsourcing?Not all the ideas of entrepreneurs, it turns out, put into practice, about 40% of the started projects are closed without starting, this figure is significantly reduced with outsourcing. What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing - when everything not profile Your company’s functions are transferred to an external company. Wealthy people hire housekeepers to clean an apartment, prepare food and do laundry - this is also essentially outsourcing.


- The main labor resources are focused on the performance of the direct functions of the company.

- to carry out the task, specialists in the industry you need are involved

- no need to search for qualified employees or to teach them

- less work for accounting and taxes

- there are many companies wishing to take outsourcing work, there is always a choice

- diversification of production

In business, time plays a big role, having come to the market later than a competitor, you can no longer earn anything and feel free to put your project that is almost ready to launch in a box. You need to look at a new project or business and disassemble it into business processes, understand them and understand which of them can be provided as a service.

For example, if you want to organize hot dinners for company employees, you need to make a kitchen to arrange the delivery of products and hire cooks and waiters, or you can simply hire a company to deliver meals, it will be cheaper and save you from unnecessary worries.

Erroneous opinion.

What is outsourcing? I know my company better than anyone, it is completely unique and I will not take corporate secrets to anyone. So think those 40% of entrepreneurs who fail. You can take a closer look at what processes are repeated with competitors. When you conduct an honest business, then the accounting department is no different from the accounting department of your competitors, what prevents you from outsourcing it? Your company has a corporate website or want to create, why take extra people if you can give this work to professionals with experience. Skilled workers in the field of IT units, do you think they are waiting for your invitation?

You have a working IT department, think about how much it costs in the content and what functions it performs that you know about them. How are funds used to purchase equipment and other supplies? In IT, if this is not your niche, standard solutions are used, they are simply tailored to the needs of the customer, and no one invents a bicycle. To evaluate the effectiveness of your department, order an audit from outsourcing companies, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

What is outsourcing and the risks in it.

What are the risks of outsourcing? On the contrary, it eliminates them, imagine a situation, your employee mistakenly deleted the database and the company did not work for 2 hours and lost important customers or when transporting it, it was accidentally broken or broken, what is there besides the salary worker? When using outsourcing, there will be a contract with guarantees for the fulfillment of the contract, and the outsourcer will suffer all losses. It is necessary to conduct a tender and choose the most favorable conditions.

You need to remember, outsourcing is a tool that you manage, write down leverage and financial conditions in the contract, the exact conditions of cooperation and you will be happy. It is impossible to give completely everything, the root processes for the production of goods that distinguish them from competitors should remain.

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Alexander, well, it’s like making a contract, we are being serviced by BDO Unicon in terms of outsourcing outsourcing, so if their employees mess up, then their company answers, and let them deal with their staff. We have been cooperating for a couple of years, we went through several checks, everything is clean.
Now I know what outsourcing is. I’ve heard such a term before, but I don’t know what this means. thank
With accounting you can run into. Usually they work well with large customers, and the attitude towards small ones is bad. And the director will have to answer
A little bit wrong, the leader should understand that his wards do the best and what the business is holding on to, the rest of the processes can be outsourced.
Olga Kannunikova
I understood it that way. The main thing is not that the leader should be able to do everything, but how professional he has staff and knows how to manage it. Right?


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