
Development and approval of project documentation. Examination and approval

Development and approval of project documentation is carried out in accordance with federal law and Regulation No. 1008 of December 27, 2000. In the case of its compilation in accordance with the technical conditions, initial data and requirements, an additional submission to the structures that established them is not required to obtain permission. Exceptions are cases provided for in the legislation and the above Regulation. Let us further consider in which situations coordination of project documentation is necessary. coordination of design documentation

General information

Coordination of project documentation is carried out by its executor with the participation of the customer. A different rule may be established in the agreement (contract). Coordination is carried out within the framework of issues related to the conduct of the preparation of the construction project. The procedure is carried out in specific sections. Based on its results, a design approval sheet is issued.

Supervisory structures

The Regulation provides for the mandatory approval of project documentation by the following bodies and officials:

  1. Chief architect. Spatial planning and architectural decisions are coordinated with it.
  2. KGIOP. This organization approves the space-planning and architectural solutions of objects located in the zone of specially protected immovable cultural and historical monuments.
  3. Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. This structure issues a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion based on the results of the relevant examination. examination of design documentation
  4. Office of the traffic police. Entrances / exits to highways and city streets, traffic patterns of pedestrians and vehicles, including for the period of work in difficult conditions (for objects involving heavy traffic), are coordinated with the inspection.
  5. Office of landscape gardening, Committee on improvement. These structures issue an act for the demolition / preservation of green spaces, determine the volume, place and nature of compensatory landscaping. The Committee for Improvement also agrees on the technological regulations for the handling of construction waste.

procedure for approval of design documentation


The procedure for approval of design documentation for construction by special technologies provides for its mandatory submission to the operating organization. In particular, we are talking about objects of sports, health care, education, spectacular institutions, etc. Coordination of project documentation for improvement within the allotted plots of land for the corresponding purposes, as well as the functional purpose of the built-in premises, in case of their acquisition by executive state bodies, is carried out with the district administrations settlement. The Regulation also provides for special cases. In particular, when placing an object in the absence of technological requirements and conditions or the possibility of their preparation, coordination of project documentation is carried out with interested organizations. Their list is given in Appendix D to this Regulation.

Application Processing Duration

The procedure for approval of project documentation provides for the establishment of deadlines for the consideration of applications. It should not exceed 15 days from receipt. Moreover, for simple objects, the period should not be more than 5 days. The duration of the sanitary-epidemiological examination depends on the category of complexity of the facility. The duration of the procedure is in the range of 7-30 days. development and approval of project documentation

The specifics of the provision of services

State bodies for supervision and control, as well as other interested organizations, cannot change the terms of the approvals provided during the pre-project preparation of the facility. Services of these structures, financed from budgetary funds, are not payable. These include, among others, examination of project documentation. Services in interested organizations should be provided on a one-stop basis. A refusal to issue an opinion must be provided once in writing. It must be certified by the signature of the authorized person indicating the comments and their justification. If these shortcomings do not lead to changes in design decisions, then they must be eliminated at the stage of approval.


In accordance with Regulation No. 1008 of December 27, 2000, the examination of project documentation is carried out regardless of the sources of financing and ownership of the facilities. The basis for starting the audit is the presentation of securities issued by the KGA, TsGSEN and KGIOP. In the course of the examination, an audit is carried out of the conformity of the design and urban planning documentation to the initial parameters, requirements and technical conditions issued by the state bodies for control and supervision, as well as by interested organizations. As a result of the audit, preparation and subsequent transfer to the customer of the summary conclusion are carried out. Its integral element is the act of specialized expertise. If there are comments, they are included in the conclusion. At the same time, terms are set for their elimination. The customer may also be issued a negative opinion. It may be due to the need to finalize the documentation, and then perform a second examination. Comments should be prepared comprehensively in all sections. In the course of work to eliminate them, they are not subject to change or addition. approval of design documentation

Important point

Project documentation and decisions on the development of facilities are submitted by the customer to carry out a specialized examination before organizing and conducting the state verification procedure. The conditions for the transfer of securities are established in sections I.6, III, IV of the Regulation. Services by authorized entities should be carried out according to the rules of "one window". The duration of the state and specialized inspections is determined in the contract. However, their duration should not be more than a month. For simple objects, the duration of specialized and state examinations is reduced to 15 days. An exception is the verification of the PMR and OOS, which is carried out according to the provisions of the Federal Law No. 174, as well as the regulatory acts of the Ministry of Natural Resources. For objects belonging to the category of particularly complex, the duration of the examination may be increased, but not more than 10 days.


It is carried out by various authorized bodies, depending on the sources from which funding is provided. So, when carrying out construction work at the expense of budgetary funds, the procedure falls within the competence of executive structures of power. It is carried out after checking the consolidated estimates. Calculations are made as part of the working documents for the construction of the facility. In the case of events at the expense of the customer’s own funds, as well as with the attraction of additional financing, the specified procedure is carried out by him. procedure for approval of design documentation for construction

Engineering sections

Documentation compiled in accordance with the technical requirements of organizations and departments operating networks or owning them is submitted to these entities for consideration and approval if there are relevant provisions in the technical conditions. The duration of these procedures should not be more than 20 days. Engineering sections are agreed only in terms of the performance of technical specifications.The list of securities submitted to the above organizations and departments is defined in Appendix G to Regulation No. 1008.

A complete set of documents is made in accordance with the requirements established in GOST 21.101-97. Authorized organizations and departments do not have the right to develop rules for the design and formation of a package of drawings in deviation from those established in the above state standard. If it is necessary to open the pavements for the laying of utilities, approval for the implementation of the necessary work is issued by a special department of the Committee on Road Facilities and Improvement.
When placing networks in the territory that is owned, you must obtain permission from its rightful owners. The combined plan for the placement of communications underground, drawn up at the stage of forming the working documentation, must be agreed with the relevant department of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, which manages the underground structures.

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