
Design Engineer: production responsibilities. Job description of a design engineer

Any position implies the existence of a certain category, depending on this, a job description is prepared for the staff. This document indicates the requirements for the functions of the employee, his rights in the enterprise. Similar standards apply to such a profession as a design engineer. The duties and responsibilities of a specialist are listed below.

engineer designer duties

Categories of workers

It should also be borne in mind that representatives of this profession may be assigned qualification categories. The process is implemented in the manner determined by the collective agreement, other agreements or by the employer in full accordance with the characteristics of the position. When deciding whether to provide an employee with qualifications, the recommendations of the certification committee are taken into account. Nevertheless, the duties of a design engineer of category 2, a leading specialist, representatives of other groups are practically the same, only the degree of responsibility differs.

General provisions of the document

When considering any papers, you should first familiarize yourself with the contents. The job description of the design engineer includes the following general data:

  1. Representatives of this profession are included in the category of specialists.
  2. An employee may be appointed to this position or removed from it only by order of an authorized person or general director.
  3. Depending on the category, a person with relevant work experience and level of education is appointed to the position.
  4. The design engineer reports to an authorized person or to the general director.
  5. In the absence of a specialist, his duties are assigned to the employee appointed by the authorities.

designer's job description

Specialist duties

The design engineer, whose responsibilities are presented in this section, must comply with each paragraph of the established instructions.

  • Development of project documentation, accompanying documents, mock-ups, sketches, drawings, products of various complexity, mechanisms and designs.
  • Use of automation tools for project documentation in the workflow.
  • Ensuring compliance of the project and similar documentation with certification requirements provided technical task norms and rules of labor organization, safety standards.
  • The specialist should monitor the parameters of the correct expenditure of funds, compliance with the unified parameters, production, design and mass production of products. These issues are not only monitored by the design engineer.
  • Responsibilities for the implementation of patent research, assessment of the technical level of design objects.
  • Compilation and development of kinematic schemes, layout design, determination of the possibility of integrating individual schemes and blocks into the layout of the design object.
  • Development of sketches from the finished product.
  • Implementation of drawings based on theoretical information.
  • Development of estimated and design documentation with the help of a working group or independently. This makes the design engineer 3 categories.
  • Responsibilities for the preparation of preliminary estimates regarding the cost of design work. Preparation of the production of the designed products at the level of mass production, documentation on project profitability forecasts. Addressing issues related to commissioning of products.Every design engineer must be able to do this.
  • Responsibilities for the preparation of explanatory notes, a variety of technical charts, a patent passport, a test program for the design object, a package of documents for licensing.
  • Implementation and analysis of information received from other enterprises.
  • Coordination of the project with the rest of the organization, the customer, and supervisory authorities.
  • Preparation of the financial basis of the design object.
  • Active participation in installation, test, commissioning and commissioning of prototypes.
  • Drafting and filing applications for the invention of industrial designs that appear as a result of modernization of design objects.
  • The responsibilities of the leading design engineer are replenished by compiling reports for submission to the management, expert opinions, feedback on the project.
  • Contribution to Activities rationalization proposals.

It should be borne in mind that the duties of a design engineer of category 1 coincide with the responsibilities of a leading specialist.

engineer designer job responsibilities

Design Engineer Rights

An employee has not only duties, but also rights. Their list contains any job description of a design engineer.

  1. The right to request and receive any documentation necessary for the implementation of duties.
  2. The right to comply with all working conditions.
  3. Active participation in identifying production shortcomings. Development of topical issues, methods for their solution. Making suggestions to improve the quality of performance within their own competence.
  4. Studying orders, projects, decisions related to their own activities.
  5. Attracting staff from other departments to solve job tasks.

Responsibility of a specialist

The design engineer, whose job responsibilities were mentioned above, also bears a certain burden of responsibility to the management and the enterprise, this:

  • Material obligations. The degree of responsibility is determined by the current legislation.
  • Responsibility for non-compliance with safety standards, the charter of the enterprise and the work schedule.
  • For negligence in their own duties or inaction in case of non-compliance with other employees.
  • Untimely fulfillment of their professional tasks.
  • Disclosure of trade secrets, transfer of project documentation to third parties.

The employer has the right to dismiss the employee in case of non-compliance with all norms of responsibility and obligations.

design engineer 3 categories of duties

Job requirements

According to the accepted standards, an employee applying for the position of design engineer must know:

  • Legal regulatory documents in force at the enterprises of the industry, and the legislative base of the state level related to its activities.
  • Orders and decisions of the enterprise.
  • Company charter.
  • Design methods, operation and installation of designed objects, mechanisms, structures and their production technology.
  • Production, technological base of the enterprise, inventory.
  • Parameters and characteristics of devices, mechanisms and other objects that are considered analogues of the designed ones.
  • Methods and rules that are used for the development and execution of drawing documentation, other design and project documentation.
  • Technical conditions valid during the production process, the necessary requirements for certification of products.
  • Techniques and methods of automation of production, methods of working with modern computer technology.

duties of design engineer 1 category

Additional specialist knowledge

The employee must take into account that current job requirements require the following skills:

  • The basis of decoration, design basics, management of auto-design systems.
  • Methods used in technical calculations, measurements using measuring and control devices.
  • A methodology for the analysis and evaluation of technical objects related to project activities within the country and in foreign industries.
  • Technical conditions related to the organization of labor associated with design and engineering activities.
  • Fundamentals of management, labor management, economics.
  • Inner order rules, safety standards, sanitation, industrial hygiene, fire safety.

design engineer duties of category 2

Other requirements for the post of design engineer

  • Higher education (for a leading engineer). Specialists of categories 1, 2, 3 may have secondary specialized or higher education. The education certificate is provided to the employer or to the personnel department.
  • For a leading specialist, experience in this field is at least four years and at least one year in the position of chief engineer. For other categories, except the first, the experience is from three years. The employer relies on the entries made in the work book.
  • Ability to compile technical documentation.
  • Ability to work professionally in specialized programs.
  • For a leading engineer, the presence of a degree, experience in implementing orders of large enterprises of national importance is welcome.


When the employee is included in the staff, he is given a job description endorsed by management. After reviewing the document, the specialist puts his signature on it, giving consent to follow the instructions. The document in modern practice is agreed with the head of the legal department.

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