
The object of capital construction. Requirements for capital construction projects

A freeway or road junction, a high-rise building in which several hundred comfortable apartments are located, a huge pipeline through which gas flows to Europe, have one common property. Each of these structures is an object of capital construction.

Casuistic nonsense

There is no clear definition of this term in Russian legislation, although they are freely operated on in official documentation. It is clear that the capital construction project implies a time-consuming process of building a building, reconstruction or repair work. And this facility is a long-term construction. Temporary buildings such as stalls, awnings, small architectural forms, target structures, cabins, even bridge crossings and highways are not considered capital buildings. This category also does not include buildings intended for the individual residence of individuals and their families. The concept of capital construction is inextricably linked with the definition of capital construction.

capital construction project

What is capital construction

Not all construction can be called capital. Construction activities may include activities that are not related to real estate, for example, the construction of a sea vessel or aircraft. Capital construction refers to a set of construction and installation works, the purpose of which is to create a new facility or implement space-structural solutions in relation to an existing building or structure. Oddly enough, this term has an economic, not technical, origin. Economists in this concept put the need for the indispensable development of significant material resources and investments. Financial costs should be expressed in a certain kind of expensive product. Construction work on the construction of capital facilities can be carried out in three ways: by contract (with the involvement of a third-party organization), economic (by the forces of the developer itself) or mixed (part of the work is carried out by the developer, and specialized work - with the involvement of contractors).

The building under construction is already real estate

Both those under construction and unfinished buildings (canned) represent a certain material value. In accordance with the legislation, the capital construction object is real estate and, on the basis of the provisions of Article 130 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, requires mandatory registration with state supervisory authorities. The following composition of the capital construction object allows attributing it to real estate:

  • Placing on the land.
  • Inability to move without breaking the structure.
  • Significant book value (an asset in the financial sector).
  • Socio-economic importance.

A building or structure that has not been completed is to be entered in the state register as an object of incomplete construction. Preservation is carried out in case of suspension of work for more than six months.

order of construction of the capital construction facility

Object classification

The purpose of the capital construction project determines the totality of the requirements for its design, construction and operation. Systematization of real estate is based on the functionality of buildings. Capital objects by their purpose are divided into the following categories:

  • Industrial buildings and structures, including defense infrastructure.
  • Residential buildings, buildings of cultural and social purpose, stadiums - all of them are united under the general concept of non-production facilities.
  • Pipeline systems, transport communications (roads and railways, but not bridges), power lines are linear objects.

reconstruction of capital construction

Unique facilities

One of the categories of long-term structures is unique capital construction objects. In accordance with article 48, paragraph 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, this type of facility is characterized by at least one of the following parameters:

  • The underground part of the structure is fully or partially located below the construction zero by 15 meters.
  • The design provides for the installation of a console with a length of more than 20 meters.
  • The height of the structure exceeds 100 meters.
  • Span structure - more than 100 meters.

The creation of such structures requires special permissions from designers, contractors and regulatory authorities. Unique objects of capital construction involve the implementation of non-standard technical and technological solutions during their creation. Unique may be individual designs in configuration and functionality, the calculation of which applies unconventional techniques.


The construction of the capital structure is associated with a certain coordination algorithm in various structures of state power. The list of official bodies approving the construction of a real estate object includes not only services directly involved in construction or work control (Capital Construction Department, Architecture Directorate, design institutes) - the capital construction object can be erected in a certain territory subject to agreement with environmental organizations , Department of Culture and the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs responsible for the management and organization of traffic. The steps for creating a new object are as follows:

  • The architectural design project is developed based on customer requirements.
  • An act of coordination of the boundaries of the site is drawn up.
  • Survey work is underway.
  • The next step is the creation of design estimates (PSD).
  • Permission for the construction of a capital facility by local authorities.
  • Construction work.
  • The act of acceptance into operation of the completed construction facility.

purpose of capital construction

One of the key points in the development of working documentation is the state examination of capital construction facilities. The list of structures subject to this procedure is determined by the Town Planning Code. The subject of expert analysis of documentation is the establishment of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.

Gas, water and electricity

The connection of capital construction facilities to engineering networks is carried out only in accordance with certain regulations prescribed in industry standards and design estimates. Codified acts in this area are constantly updated. The latest document is the Government Decree of December 30, 2013, which approved the rules for connecting newly constructed and reconstructed facilities. The capacity of centralized backbone networks should provide the possibility of connecting a new structure and provide for an increase in loads. The rules for connecting capital construction projects provide for coordination with all relevant services and organizations that own and operate engineering networks. Operators put forward certain conditions to the developer, the fulfillment of which makes it possible to connect the technical system of the structure being constructed to the central networks.This stage of construction should be agreed upon at the design stage.

unique capital construction projects

Organization of construction of capital construction facilities

Organization of work on the construction of the structure is a strictly regulated sequence of events. The basic document is SNiP 12–01–2004 (“Code of rules for the organization of construction”). Two most important documents establish the procedure for the construction of a capital construction facility at a specific site: a work production project (PPR) and a construction organization project (PIC). If a major overhaul is being carried out, a project for the organization of a major overhaul (POCR) is also needed. These collections containing information on the rational organization of production should be located directly at the place of work. In case of their absence, work is prohibited. In addition, the following documents must be mandatory at the construction site:

  • Copy of building permit.
  • A complete set of design estimates. If the construction is carried out in accordance with certain stages, then a set of albums of the current stage of work should be present.
  • An instance of a document defining a red line.
  • General and special journals of a standard form for accounting and recording the work process.
  • Conclusion of construction expertise.
  • Technological maps of the types of work performed at the site.

composition of the capital construction facility

Design stage

The list of initial data and documents establishing the sequence and nature of the work is determined by a special Regulation approved by the government on February 16, 2008 and the Town Planning Code. Project documentation of capital construction objects includes text and graphic components on paper. For convenience, all information is reformatted to electronic media. The text contains calculations of future expenses, as well as a description of the technical solutions used, links to regulations and explanations. The graphic part includes drawings, diagrams and plans. The content of the package of project documentation is not arbitrary, but must comply with the types of work and industry technical requirements. Typically, the typical composition of the paper includes the following sections:

  • Explanatory note - contains initial data on the construction site and technical characteristics of the structure.
  • Calculation of the expendable part - estimate.
  • General plan of the facility and site planning schemes.
  • Architectural and construction part and space-planning decisions.
  • The device of internal and external engineering networks.
  • Information about engineering devices.
  • Environmental and fire prevention measures.
  • PPR and PIC.
  • Landscaping and land reclamation.
  • For hazardous production facilities industrial safety declaration.

rules for connecting capital construction facilities

Working documentation can be divided into separate blocks in accordance with the sequence of stages of the construction of the object. In this case, each album contains a certain finished cycle of events. This principle of creating a project is negotiated by the customer before starting work. During the construction and overhaul of individual housing - detached buildings up to three floors inclusive, designed for one family - the development of design estimates is not required.

Reconstruction of buildings

Reconstruction and repair are not identical concepts. Any space-planning measures affecting a change in the position of load-bearing structures, structural parameters (building height, floor area, configuration) are classified as reconstruction of capital construction objects. This type of work involves the superstructure or dismantling of floors, the expansion of the building, as well as the restoration or replacement of power elements of the supporting frame.The purpose of this set of works is to inform the object of new overall, static and aesthetic characteristics.


Overhaul of capital construction facilities implies a set of measures whose purpose is to restore or preserve the design characteristics of a building or structure or its individual fragments. Its main difference from the scheduled repair is the frequency (more than one year), the volume and nature of the work. Overhaul measures may affect load-bearing structures, utilities, equipment, technical means and other elements that affect the safety and reliability of the building.

Repair does not imply a change in the dimensions or strength parameters of a building or structure. At the same time, the result of measures of this kind can be an increase in the resource of the structure and optimization of its operational performance. Overhaul and reconstruction of capital construction facilities should be carried out in accordance with urban planning regulations Code and industry regulations. The legislative framework for such events provides for preliminary coordination with interested organizations and the full range of work in accordance with the developed design and estimate documentation.

requirements for capital construction

Commissioning and commissioning

One of the most critical stages of construction is the commissioning of the completed facility and its commissioning. This work cycle must be carried out in accordance with certain conditions. Requirements for capital construction objects are set out in 55 Art. Civil Code and the Regulation on State Construction Supervision. The latest version of the document was approved by the Government in 2006. The conclusion on compliance with the requirements of the constructed facility is prepared by the authorized body, which previously issued a permit for construction work. This procedure includes a visual inspection of the structure and examination of the working documentation. Paper, if the object meets the requirements, is issued to the customer within ten days. A permit to start operation of an object is the basis for registering a new object with the registering authority or for making changes to the unified register if reconstruction was carried out.

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