
Advertising, OKVED - important tools for the development of the modern market

Advertising aims to promote a specific product or service to create a favorable image, stimulate sales and consumption, and form the necessary public opinion. Today, all the prerequisites are being developed so that the domestic advertising business reaches a generally accepted world level. The indicators that stimulate the development of the modern market include such tools as branding, advertising.

OKVED: classifier

Entrepreneurship currently does not do without the classification of relevant organizations, institutions and other legal entities. Each subject receives an accompanying registration number, as well as certain statistical codes, depending on the type of activity. All these data are recorded in the form of digital symbols and are contained in the classifier OKVED. The new directory is valid from mid-2016. This edition has 21 chapters, 7 subchapters, 14 groups, 68 subgroups.


Classifier OKVED regulates the activities of various foundations, associations, organizations, institutions and other legal entities for the provision of financial, social, public services. He controls the educational, advertising, legal, cultural, sports, entertainment functions of these units.

Advertising activity, OKVED

Digital symbols or codes in a certain classification sequence reflect the field of activity of each business entity, register the process of any production or service, take into account all raw materials and materials.

Classifier OKVED in the advertising business

To implement such an indicator of modern business as advertising, OKVED provides its own codes. These digital signs regulate the advertising business, simplify the process of preparing and distributing image materials. In the classifier of OKVED there are digital designations that give this type of activity a licensed character. Each business entity must register its advertising activities. OKVED controls it with certain codes:

1. "Activities of advertising agencies" - 73.1.

2. "Market research, the study of public opinion" - 73.2.

The first group regulates:

  • distribution, delivery of promotional materials;
  • placing them on stands, posters, in signs, on transport;
  • collaborates with the media; prepares and conducts advertising campaigns, promotions; engaged in marketing and other research;
  • advises in the field of marketing.

The second group controls public opinion, forms a study of market conditions.

Advertising, OKVED, decoding

If a legal entity has a wider scope of activity, you can take several additional codes of the corresponding value, but the main one should be only one. The use of the classifier is not limited to indicators such as advertising. OKVED, the decoding of digital symbols in the new edition have a neat, convenient form for use. It includes chapters, subchapters, groups, subgroups.

Currently, such a tool as advertising (OKVED provides a separate code for each direction), allows not only to regulate the promotion of the business.It increases its effectiveness and helps to study public opinion, to control the conduct of marketing and other studies, which significantly raises modern domestic advertising to the generally accepted world level.

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