
Type and category of permitted land use. Land law

In the Russian Federation, the turnover of territories allocated to citizens and legal entities for development is regulated by land law. The rules also apply to any transactions relating to plots. According to Art. 8, paragraph 2, sub. 2 of the LC, the purpose of land is indicated in all contracts and agreements, the subject of which are the allocated territories. Legislation established a classification of allotments. The list is considered to be exhaustive and not subject to expanded interpretation. Let us further consider what types of land use exist. type and category of permitted land use

General classification

The purpose of the land is established in Art. 7, paragraph 1 of the RF Labor Code. The legislation provides for the following classification:

  1. Territories of industry, transport, communications, defense, security, broadcasting, energy, television, for space and other special activities.
  2. Land for agricultural use.
  3. The territory of the stock.
  4. Land forest fund.
  5. Territories of settlements.
  6. Earth water fund.
  7. Specially protected territories (including objects).

Land law does not provide for any other groups other than those indicated above.

General definition

From the norms of legislation it follows that each specific allotment can be assigned to only one of the above categories. Definition of groups, transfer from one to another are made in accordance with Art. 8 ЗК and ФЗ № 172. The type and category of permitted use of land are established according to zoning. The general principle and the procedure for its implementation are provided for in federal (sectoral) laws. The type and category of permitted land use are selected independently. However, additional approval procedures and any permissions are not provided. This provision is established by Art. 8, paragraph 2 of the LC. rational use of land

Land Use Control: Settlement Territories

Community areas can be assigned according to town planning regulations to groups:

  1. Living sector. These types and categories of permitted land use involve the construction of residential buildings, cultural facilities and other types. In such areas, individual, low-, medium- and multi-story and other construction can be carried out in accordance with urban planning regulations.
  2. Area of ​​agricultural use.
  3. Public and business area. These lands are intended for the erection of office buildings, objects of cultural, social, educational, social or other public use.
  4. Production area. In such territories, the construction of industrial, communal and storage facilities and other facilities of a production type intended for these purposes is allowed.
  5. Zone of transport and engineering infrastructures. On the lands of this category the construction of objects of pipeline, air, sea, river, road, rail transport, utilities, as well as other structures in accordance with town planning regulations is allowed.
  6. Recreational area. It includes land plots occupied by reservoirs, lakes, ponds, city gardens and forests, parks, squares used for recreation and tourism. land assignment

Use of agricultural land

In these territories it is allowed to carry out agricultural production, research, educational and other work related to agricultural activity, planting protective plantings, conducting private household plots, gardening, animal husbandry, and gardening.This provision is reflected in Art. 78, paragraph 1 of the LC. These territories include arable land, plots occupied by perennial plantations, buildings, structures, agricultural buildings.

Industrial territories

Rational use of land involves a certain order in the distribution of objects on the ground. Industrial territories are provided for the functioning of organizations or the operation of the corresponding administrative and industrial buildings, structures, structures and facilities serving them, as well as the development of minerals. Energy lands are intended for the implementation of organizations or the operation of energy facilities. In these territories, among other things, nuclear, thermal and other stations, hydroelectric power stations, storage facilities for radioactive compounds and nuclear materials, nuclear installations, and waste storage facilities can be located. These lands are also used to conduct overhead power lines, land facilities of cable lines, distribution points, substations and other energy facilities. land uses

Territories of transport

These lands are provided for the purpose of ensuring the functioning of organizations or the operation of inland water, sea, automobile, air, rail and other vehicles. In the territories, expansion, reconstruction, operation of buildings, structures can be carried out. Among them, among other things, include railway stations and stations, devices and everything necessary for the construction, repair, development, use, construction of railway transport facilities. These lands are intended for placement of highways, their structural elements and structures related to them, necessary for the construction, reconstruction, operation of underground and ground devices, buildings and other objects.

On the terrain, the installation of road lanes is allowed. On the territory it is allowed to place artificially created inland waterways, sea and river ports, marinas, moorings, hydraulic and other structures and structures, lay the coastal strip. Lands are used for the construction of airports, airports, airfields, take-off and landing lines, other facilities and structures that are necessary for the operation, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, development of underground and ground buildings and other air transport facilities. In the territories gas and oil pipelines are laid, structures related to pipeline transport are located. On the ground, security zones can be established within which the use of land is carried out under special conditions. agricultural land

Radio broadcasting, communications, computer science and television

Territories may be provided for the placement of structures and structures of the respective infrastructures. These include:

  • Enterprises that operate communications with cable, overhead, and radio relay lines and the corresponding alienation lanes on the balance sheet.
  • Underground structures and security zones.
  • Aerial, radio-relay and cable communication and radio lines on the corresponding routes.
  • Underground and ground maintenance-free gain points.

Space activity

Territories intended to provide it can be used for the functioning of relevant organizations and facilities. These include:

  • Cosmodromes.
  • Launchers and launch complexes.
  • Points and centers of flight control.
  • Command and measuring systems.
  • Base for the storage of space technology.
  • Landing ranges and take-off and landing lines for facilities.
  • The fall areas of the separated missile elements.
  • Experimental facilities for testing equipment.
  • Equipment and cosmonaut training centers.
  • Other facilities and equipment used in the implementation of space activities. use of agricultural land

Defense and security

Land of this category may be used to ensure the activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, formations and bodies, enterprises, organizations, institutions that implement functions related to the protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of Russia, the protection of state borders, information and other security within closed administrative territorial units. For defense, terrain can be allocated with the aim of:

  • Training, building and maintaining the combat readiness of the RF Armed Forces, other troops, bodies and formations. In the territories it is allowed to deploy military forces, institutions and other objects of deployment of troops and navy, conduct training and other events.
  • Repair, production and development of weapons, space, special and military equipment and ammunition.
  • Stockpiling mat. values ​​in mobilization and state reserves. land use control

Other territories

Recreational land can be used to organize tourism, recreation, sports and fitness activities of the population. Territories of the forest fund are allocated for the harvesting of wood, gum, secondary resources, research and other activities related to the forest industry. Rational use of land provides for the formation of reserve lands. They occupy a separate position. This type and category of permitted use of land is regulated by a special procedure. The use of these territories is allowed only after their transfer to another group. This procedure is provided for in Art. 103 ZK.

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