
Recreational goals. Recreational Resources and Tourism

Those days are gone when the word "rest" came to mind mainly vouchers to Egypt or Turkey according to the "all inclusive" system that got its teeth sore. I want something else already: fresh, clean, without noise and fuss, interesting and at the same time improving. All this can give a recreational vacation. This name is still not very common, and it even scares someone, but several years will pass, and this word will be on the lips of everyone who is going on vacation.

recreational goals

What is "recreation"

By the name "recreational resources" they mean special natural areas that combine uniqueness, the ability to improve health and at the same time see something interesting. In general, this can be called an ideal pastime when you relax from the bustle of the city, do sports that are pleasant to you, whether it be leisurely walks or rock climbing, sightseeing, and gaining impressions and health a year in advance. A huge role here is played by the harmony between pristine nature and human-made communications that provide maximum comfort. For example, well-known sanatoriums or children's camps are also recreational resources. But today, the choice in this area of ​​recreation has expanded significantly.

recreational resources

Why is it necessary

Before choosing where to go, it is worth understanding what your recreational goals are, that is, what exactly do you want to get from the rest. It could be:

  1. Recovery. Specialized sanatoriums, hot springs, mineral waters - the choice is very wide.
  2. Fitness improvement. Surfing, climbing, hiking.
  3. Broadening the horizons. Walking in major cities, getting to know the culture of other countries and peoples, exploring historical or unique natural sites and other attractions.
  4. New impressions. Kayaking, trekking, extreme sports.

Of course, recreational goals are almost impossible to identify in their pure form, because most tourism objects combine several features, and even ordinary hotels today offer a wide excursion program.

recreation area

Holiday Options

From the point of view of recreation, the following types of resources can be distinguished:

  1. Shores of seas, rivers and lakes. But this is not about the usual “lounging on the beach”, but about sports such as swimming, surfing, diving, exploring the islands.
  2. Mountain rivers. Here kayaking is organized, which allows not only to strengthen health and muscles, but also to admire the grandeur and power of nature.
  3. The mountains. Clean air, magnificent landscapes, rock climbing, walking, skiing and snowboarding: you will definitely not be bored here, but at least minimal physical preparation will be required.
  4. The woods. It is in these zones that the majority of Russian sanatoriums are located. Rest here is accessible to everyone, as moving around the area does not present any special problems.
  5. Cultural and historical centers. This type of recreation is interesting for those whose recreational goals are mainly acquaintance with the traditions, history, culture of cities. A lot of new experiences and broadening horizons are provided.
  6. Ancient buildings: castles, catacombs, various fortifications. As a rule, such objects are located outside the city and offer both the study of history and outdoor recreation.
  7. Religious complexes. Monasteries and other Orthodox centers do not just open the doors for sightseers, but offer to live nearby or even on the site, to get acquainted with the history of this place, and with the life of those who have dedicated themselves to the service of religion.Such tours are interesting not only to deeply religious people, but also to everyone who wants to change the atmosphere and learn something new.

recreational facilities

State of the art

In the West, businessmen have long realized that recreational facilities can bring huge profits without harming the environment. Tourism is widely developed there in all directions. One has only to tell the manager in the travel agency that you want, say, to the mountains, as they will fill you with hundreds of offers. But in Russia, tourism is still very poorly developed. We are used to thinking that our main vacation spot is the Black Sea, and for a long time we did not notice the riches that surround us. Many recreational areas in our country are still very poorly developed, there are problems with roads and advertising. Often, foreigners know more about holiday destinations in Russia than the indigenous people!

Why it happens? This is partly due to the wealth of the territories. We are so used to it that we no longer notice. Near each Russian city there are recreational lands where you can have a great time. Why no one wants to invest in their development, one can only guess, because such investments would pay off very quickly. However, it is worth noting that this is partly due to the lack of a proper legislative and regulatory framework. If in the West every piece of land is carefully studied, recorded and carefully guarded, then our environmental protection measures are carried out very poorly.

recreational land

Soviet heritage

Of all the species in Russia, the most developed objects are those that pursue recreational recreational goals. Yes, those same sanatoriums. They were massively built in the Soviet period, so that “every worker” had the opportunity to relax and improve their health. And today, these institutions are in great demand, as they have a lot of advantages. The first of these is the proximity of the location. Almost every city has at least a small recreational site, whether it be a forest, lake or other object, where clean air will be preserved thanks to green spaces. Due to the mass, sanatoriums can offer fairly low prices, and, very importantly, you can really improve your well-being.

Sanatoriums are both general and specialized, aimed at the treatment of certain diseases. Many of them are located in places of mineral water deposits or therapeutic mud and offer a variety of recreation, including sports and excursions. In recent years, sanatoriums are increasingly turning into recreation centers, where they come as a family, not as prescribed by a doctor, but to have a good time.

recreational vacation

Russian North

Great opportunities for recreation offer the Solovetsky Islands. This is a well-known but inaccessible recreational area, interesting from several points of view at once. First of all, special climatic conditions formed on Solovki, a unique nature, uncharacteristic for this region, has been preserved here. The islands abound with the remnants of ancient structures, whose history goes back to the deep past, and the monastery offers everyone to get acquainted with the life of monks. But the trouble is that getting to the Solovki is not so easy, you will have to get on the crossroads, and sometimes the fare exceeds the price of the rest itself.

Another northern recreational zone of Russia is Karelia. Amazing edge of the lakes, which are legendary. Hunting, fishing, rafting, historical tourism, the study of the so-called anomalous zones - here everyone will find something for themselves. But again, we are faced with a lack of roads, poor infrastructure and poor information. However, despite all the difficulties, more and more people go to these places, attracted by amazing nature and interesting excursions.

recreational area

In places of memory

Central Russia as a recreational holiday offers mainly the famous Golden Ring route, but it is mostly interesting to foreign tourists or people who study history.Unique architectural monuments have been preserved here, in cities they offer to touch Russian traditions, such as tea drinking, three-wheeled skiing and so on. It is worth noting that the Golden Ring has a great advantage: the infrastructure is well developed here, and the prices are quite affordable.

In addition to this route, in Russia there are many ancient cities where you can touch history in the literal and figurative sense. What are only Pskov and Kargopol with their many ancient churches and fortifications! These cities still remain quite clean and calm, and even a regular walk gives great pleasure here.

Ethnic tourism

Fans of complex recreational tourism can be very pleased with the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Salavat region has huge potential, where there are health facilities, cultural and historical sites, pristine nature, and places of pilgrimage. But this area is of particular interest to those who want to get acquainted with the ancient traditions of small nationalities. In recent years, active work is underway to restore various cultures, a significant part of which was lost in the Soviet period. There are many museums in the Salavat region that tell about the history and features of the Bashkir people.

Where to go

We considered only a few options for recreational recreation in Russia. In fact, we have a huge number of interesting places where you can spend time with great pleasure and benefit. Each such recreational area has great potential, and if you are not afraid of the need to get "fast", then you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself, and most likely you will not want to buy a standard "all inclusive" package.

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