
The most expensive company in the world according to Forbes

Success has no limits. Looking at the world's giants, you can verify this. Over the past few years, a number of companies have been striving to win the title of “The Most Expensive Company in the World”. Different ratings evaluate the success of the company according to different criteria. But one criterion remains a weighty argument - the amount of profit for a certain period. It is the ability to generate income that is the value of the enterprise.

Clash of the Titans

Forbes magazine, which has become a popular way of calculating world capital, regularly compiles championship ratings. So, the TOP of the most expensive companies in the world according to Forbes for 2015 is as follows.

Google closes the top three, increasing its capital for the year by 16%. A substantial part of Google’s earnings comes from the Google AdSense contextual advertising service. Over the past years, he has been constantly improving and today has become one of the best tools for advertising and promotion on the network. In addition, the system makes it possible to earn considerable amounts for those who decide to build a business on the network.

the most expensive company in the world

Users notice a change for the better and on the YouTube service, since 2006 owned by Google. This brought the corporation a significant increase in the number of advertisers.

The second place belongs to Microsoft Corporation. It should be noted that for many years this brand has not left the top five world leaders. It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without the products of this company. It does not cease to amaze users and every year improves product quality, taking into account the requirements of the time.

Title “The most expensive company in the world” conquered the Apple brand. Indicators rose by 17%. By the way, this company works closely with Google. It is no coincidence that the search engine Google was chosen for the iPhone. Apple itself is always in search of new solutions in the field of information technology, it finds and implements them in the best possible way. Today, Apple is not just a company, but a legislator and the undisputed leader in the field.

rating of the most expensive companies in the world forbes

Other leaders

A significant increase in Facebook’s capital can be noted. A popular social network, which has become an integral part of life for many, in 2015 increased its value by 54%. Rating of the most expensive companies in the world Forbes Mark Zuckerberg gives 10th place among the leaders. Also on the list are companies such as Yulmart and Avito.

what are the most expensive companies in the world

Undoubtedly, ratings like “the most expensive company in the world” arouse keen interest, and stories and achievements are admired. Wealthy people are always in the spotlight of the public. However, there is an opinion that the public rich are in fact middle-income people in the circle of world capitalists. This is due to the fact that truly rich people do not like publicity and it is very difficult to calculate their condition from the outside. In this regard, corporations and their indicators are more accessible.

Secrets of success from world values

Everyone who is familiar with the history of world corporations once wonders how they managed to achieve such successes and win the title “The World’s Most Expensive Company”. In this regard, quotes by Steve Jobs, the "father" of Apple have long become almost catchphrases. However, is everything so simple as formulated in one sentence?

Modern marketers and advertising specialists puzzle over which tools lead to such sales figures. In addition, every self-respecting specialist even has his own vision of Apple's success.

top most expensive companies in the world according to forbes

However, everyone knows that Apple has never engaged in intrusive advertising. Have you seen iPhone ads? You are not alone in this. Are there many Apple product models when compared with other brands in the industry? Quite modest.

A feature of Apple products is the ability to intrigue society long before it comes into the world. Moreover, the world is making guesses and assumptions about what the new gadget will be. And all this happens without advertising. Perhaps this effect is achieved by the condition that the brand is as famous as possible and can afford some kind of psychological game with consumers. And the question again arises for the specialist: how was this achieved and how is it maintained to this day?

Some people think that the secret is in personalized hidden advertising, such as Dmitry Medvedev and his Apple gadget, while others tend to believe that the company initially positions itself in a special way.

Former ranking leaders

However, not everything goes smoothly in the world championship marathon. It is already known which of the most expensive companies in the world achieved success in 2015, but some of them have significantly lost ground. Moreover, there are most of them, rather than TOP-5 or TOP-10. There are as many as 30, including Adidas, Loreal, Danone, KIA Motors and others.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the world is now ruled by information technology. Until the 2000s, Forbes ratings were mainly filled by automobile concerns and enterprises producing basic necessities. However, realities are changing, and now the inhabitants of the planet Earth spend the most money on communications and gadgets.

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