
The most expensive cognac in the world

Cognac has always been a noble drink, which the elite loves to indulge. In the world of alcohol, it occupies a special place and is traditionally expensive. Probably, only a bottle of cognac can sometimes cost under $ 2 million. Other drinks to such heights still grow and grow.

Where does Monsieur Cognac come from?

The history of cognac has its roots in the days when the Romans brought grapes to France. And it happened at the very dawn of the first millennium. The French were seriously interested in making wine, and by the beginning of the Renaissance, they had difficulties with its storage and export. Too much drink was made annually, and long journeys by sea to the table of the customers the wine could not stand - spoiled. And once someone resourceful decided to distill him. The result is cognac.the most expensive cognac

The new drink immediately fell to the taste of both producers and customers. And after it was highly praised by Louis the Fourteenth, cognac gained immense popularity and became a symbol of France.

It is believed that for the first time, the inhabitants of the city of Cognac began to turn wine into alcohol. They also organized a massive sale of the drink, soon named after their birthplace.

A lot of time has passed since then, but to this day the most expensive cognac is French.

What makes the price?

Of course, in any domestic supermarket you can buy a bottle of cognac, which will not cost more, for example, vodka or wine. But it is unlikely that its contents can compare with what the barrels of famous cognac factories of France are filled with. What is appreciated by connoisseurs in the first place? Is it true that the most expensive cognac and the best cognac are synonyms?

Of course, the high price of the “amber drink” has its justification. This is a unique recipe, and special aging conditions, and pleasant, incomparable tastes, and the original packaging, often a work of art.the most expensive cognacs

The combination of these factors makes the most expensive cognac not just a drink that can be easily “sentenced” during even a very important feast. And even more so they do not drink it to raise the mood or to fill in troubles. Such cognac is, rather, an exclusive collectible, inherited as a family heirloom.

What is the most expensive cognac in the world?

The honorable first place in the hit parade of expensive cognacs is rightfully occupied by the famous Henri-IV. One bottle of this drink costs (attention!) Two million dollars, which allowed him to become an “inhabitant” of the Guinness Book of Records.

Cognac is named after the King of France, Henry the Fourth. For its production, spirits with a hundred-year exposure, discovered back in the late 18th century, are used. The most expensive cognac in the world is stored in barrels, each of which is pre-dried for several years.the most expensive cognac in the world

But not so much the qualitative characteristics of the drink itself determine its high cost, but how elegant packaging. The layout was developed by eminent designer Jose Davalos. Made of precious metals such as gold and platinum. And they create bottles manually ... direct descendants of the French kings! They look like sea shells, and each of them is quite worthy to take a place among the rare exhibits of the Louvre.

The most expensive cognac, a photo of which can be seen in this article, and the taste, of course, is amazing. But packaging definitely costs more than the drink itself. Actually, she does the weather in this case.

A brief overview of luxury brands

However, almost all the most expensive cognacs boast a unique container. For example, Hennessy Beaute du Siecle Cognac, considered exclusive, is sold in crystal bottles placed in wooden boxes with velvet and mirrors inside.A crystal decanter and four glasses are attached to the bottle, instructed in gold and pulled out when the box lid is opened. Cognac costs about $ 188,000 and is released in the amount of only 100 bottles.the most expensive cognac photo

Another exhibit for the collections - Remy Martin Cognac Black Pearl Louis XIII - can be bought "only" for 52 and a half thousand dollars. e. The drink has an exquisite taste, and smells like flowers, fruits, spices and Cuban cigars. Extract of this brandy - from forty to one hundred years.

The oldest and noblest brand is Hardy Perfection 140 years. And although cognac costs less than 13 thousand dollars, connoisseurs of expensive alcohol treat it with special trepidation. After all, this is a classic that is already one hundred and forty years old. A drink with an oak-chocolate-coffee flavor is very difficult to find on sale.

Also among the "nobility" stand out Johnnie Walker: Le Voyage de Delamain with the aroma of skin and tobacco, Martell Creation Cognac In Handcarved Baccarat Decanter with a marmalade-nut aftertaste, sweet-vanilla Frapin Cuvee 1888 in a bottle with a golden cork and some others.

What are the most expensive cognacs in Russia in demand?

On the Russian alcohol market, you may not find cognacs worth a million dollars. But domestic lovers of expensive drinks have something to profit from.

The most expensive cognacs that the local elite is hunting for are, of course, also "French". True, not always “purebred”. For example, the coveted dream of collectors Meukow Esprit de Famille is produced by a French company created in the mid-19th century by Russian brothers. The drink contains the best cognac spirits. In the world there are only two thousand bottles of Meukow Esprit de Famille, and every connoisseur wants to take possession of one of them.the most expensive cognacs in Russia

Extremely popular among the Russian elite Tiffon Centenaire 100 Years. Although this is not the most expensive cognac, you cannot call it cheap either. It has a delicate taste, is sold in handmade bottles and is considered a rarity.

Another candidate for the cellar of a millionaire is Daniel Bouju Reserve Familiale Grande Champagne with an exposure of as much as eighty years. It has an unusual taste, created from elite grape varieties. Exclusive bottles are packed in handmade wooden boxes, which themselves are masterpieces and determine the value of treasures.

The most expensive - means the highest quality?

This question was already asked at the beginning of the article. And now the answer to it is obvious. Not at all necessary! Of course, brandy for two million dollars can not be bad a priori. But its much cheaper, but simpler “dressed” “colleague” is also not bad. And sometimes cognacs with the price of an average hand are even better than the most expensive ones. After all, as it has already become clear, the cost determines not so much the quality of the drink as its packaging. Well, of course, the brand. And while there are people who are ready to give crazy money for this, there will be goods more suitable for museums than for a festive table.

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