
The most expensive city in the world: rating, description

Everywhere is good, where we are not! This is undeniable! But where is not only good and not so good as much as expensive? Is the most expensive city in the world Moscow? Not at all! There is even a special rating, which is updated annually. Let's try to take it apart and, accordingly, find out where in our time it is too expensive to live.Paris city

Achievement or loss?

According to statistics, for 2012 the most expensive city in the world is the Russian capital. Still, Moscow is winning the battle for such a position. Is it good? After all, it turns out that life is simply wildly expensive for foreigners here. If you do not limit the rating only to European cities, then the metropolitan region still remains in favorites. He is fourth in the world. When calculating, experts take into account the cost of goods and services necessary for a comfortable stay for each person. In particular, these are clothes, food, transportation and entertainment expenses. Almost always should be taken into account the cost of rental housing. A foreigner is forced to spend more than a local resident, who, for example, can purchase provisions in the market. singapore city

For foreigners

So, let's try to consider the rating of the most expensive cities in the world for foreigners. In 2011, Tokyo won the palm, and Luanda in Angola and Osaka in Japan shared the top three with him. Moscow was in fourth place, which, of course, inspires some optimism: after all, foreigners are a little easier to live here. Immediately after Moscow are Geneva and Zurich.

What to take as a standard?

Surprisingly, experts took New York as the main criterion, where prices for goods and services are fully consistent with local standards. There are adequate salaries and pensions at relatively digestible prices for food and clothing. Of course, there are expensive areas here too, where you have to spend a lot of money at the club overnight, but this is more an exception than a rule. Accordingly, experts calculated the high cost of living in different cities by comparing income and expenses. By New York standards, the cheapest city in the world is Pakistani Karachi, which ranked 214th in the overall ranking. You can live here three times cheaper than in Tokyo. In the United States, New York, by the way, is considered the most expensive for foreigners, but in the world ranking it takes only 33rd place.the most expensive city in the world

Decades trend

In recent years, the growth of megacities has intensified, which has become especially noticeable in the countries of the East. Some of them become the personification of wealth, luxury, power and the triumph of modern technology. In connection with this trend, the city of Singapore is often mentioned. The wealth of the city cannot be judged by surface data. For accurate calculations, there are visual indicators, which include the gross domestic product, the annual income of residents and market prices for goods and services. The wealth of a given settlement is often drawn conclusions based on GDP.

The new leader in the ratings is the city of Singapore (according to the British magazine Economist). The conclusion was based on a comparative assessment of 400 different indicators, including food and utilities. Today in Singapore there are many expensive boutiques. In addition, transportation costs are higher here than in New York, which is taken as the basis of the study. Also, the city is distinguished from others by high costs for utilities, due to the limited reserves of natural resources and full dependence in terms of water supply and energy supply from neighboring countries.

What explains leadership?

Singapore's leadership is largely due to the growth of the local currency.Just some ten years ago, the city was in the tail of the second dozen ratings, but then began to overtake competitors. Such a leadership has no obvious reasons, since Singapore does not possess either natural resources, production, or even impressive territories. But on the other hand, all available land has been given up for the development of concerns. It turns out that the state is flourishing precisely at the expense of capital of large companies.

In fact, Singapore performed an economic miracle and turned into an Asian shopping center, where four religions harmoniously exist and the world's best amusement parks work. At the same time, strict laws apply here, and the standard of living is higher than in many European cities. The average "odnushka" for rent will cost 600 Singapore dollars. About $ 300 will have to be paid for utilities, but the main expense item is a car. Only insurance takes $ 1,000 a year. But the food here is cheap - a good lunch costs only $ 5. rating of the most expensive cities

The luxury of poverty

Although a number of European and Asian cities are leading in the ranking, many settlements in the Middle East and Asia are considered the cheapest. Inequality between cities and people allows preserving prices at an acceptable level, which is supported by state subsidies. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most expensive cities in Europe are adjacent to the cheapest. An example can be the same Singapore, which only in 2014 squeezed out the former leader from the pedestal - Tokyo, displacing it in sixth place.

In terms of high cost, the first five cities are not much different from each other, but the second is interesting enough to describe. For example, the most expensive city in Switzerland - according to the latest ratings - is Bern, which got on the list due to the large number of emigrants. Moscow, by the way, also falls into the lists, not least because of the influx of tourists. For them, the most expensive city in the world is probably Shanghai, which attracts with its color. Although a number of other settlements may compete with him. For example, outside the European Union, the most expensive thing is to live in Moscow, and the cheapest is to live in Tehran, where consumer basket will cost a quarter of the London counterpart. the most expensive cities in europe

Cities of Dreams

The most expensive city in the world, according to Russian tourists, is Paris. This position is often explained by a halo of reverie and romance, the presence of delicious croissants and fine wines. After all, the city of Paris is a recognized center of haute couture, where fashion weeks are held annually, and therefore there are always many famous designers and famous people. Who does not want to get into this city of dreams? But as soon as you come here, the dreams disappear, and more mercantile thoughts come to the fore. The city of Paris will not be pleased with prices for accommodation, prices for transport and social services. Maybe he is not a world leader, but he holds silver of honor with confidence.

A prime example of the synthesis of beauty and tradition is Sydney. There is an abundance of gorgeous beaches and unique nature reserves. Life is in full swing, the bars are full of people, and the clubs are fun and picturesque. Now it’s a little expensive to live in Sydney, because the cost of renting housing and transport is the highest in the world. According to these indicators, the picturesque city of Australia gets fifth place in the ratings.

Charming Melbourne is a harmonious combination of tradition and modernity, but living here is hard on the wallet, as ordinary people have to pay for a high standard of living. Here is the highest income tax in the world.Oslo city

Confident middle

One of the most populous cities in Asia is, of course, Beijing. The average rental apartment in the center is 7,000 yuan, including utility bills. Dinner costs about 20 yuan, and a glass of coffee - as much as 35. Cheaper here to eat at home - you can give only 18 yuan for a package of products.

In terms of quality of life, Copenhagen is a leader, the high cost of which is explained by quality. Food here is expensive, and rent ranges from $ 2,500 and above.For two people a week you will have to spend at least $ 200, even with complete isolation. Add another $ 200 per week for utilities and $ 50 for each taxi ride.

The picturesque city of Oslo is always in the top ten most expensive cities in the world, but here the high cost is justified. A high standard of living provides a flattering status, but also requires returns. The city of Oslo is considered one of the safest in the world and attracts foreigners with a pleasant level of salary. According to the last criterion, he overtakes all European cities.

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