
The most expensive Mercedes in the world (photo)

The Mercedes concern never wasted time on the production of so-called "consumer goods" - cars that every unpretentious buyer could afford. From the very beginning, a three-beam star on the hood meant comfort, quality and a high class of vehicle. When mentioning the name of the car, you can immediately immediately draw an analogy with wine - over the years, the most expensive Mercedes in the world is only becoming more expensive, especially if you talk about cars from one of the exclusive series produced in small quantities.

Current market position

Every week, and even every day around the world, there are sales of various expensive items at auctions. Mercedes vehicles are no exception. Buyers are ready to offer unthinkable amounts for the most expensive and valuable copies of the car in pursuit of owning an exclusive copy.

the most expensive Mercedes

But do not forget that the records are also broken by customers of car repair shops and tuning studios who pay at least fabulous money for the completion of purchased modern copies. And in order to understand what he is - the most expensive Mercedes in the world, you need to explore a lot of material.

And what is there in 1934?

It was in that year that the sports version of the car, the Mercedes-Benz 540 K Special Roadster, saw the light. Then the cost of the car was relatively high, and the buyer would have to pay about 12 thousand US dollars. At that time, these roadsters were considered an inadmissible luxury, and only a few bought them. One of the 25 cars produced was made to order by an entrepreneur from Argentina, who also paid for the expensive transportation of the car overseas. As it turned out, the efforts were not made in vain - in 2011, the most expensive Mercedes 540 K Special Roadster was auctioned off for unrealistic $ 9.86 million in a private collection.

By the way, do not forget that, in addition to the collection value of 540 K, this device is able to show a high class to many modern “hybrids”. The secret lies in the large inline “eight” under the hood, capable of accelerating the car to 170 km / h, which were unthinkable in 1934. The unique body structure, its streamlining and a shortened base allow you to develop excellent dynamics even for a car of that time.

Arabs love expensive cars

But the next car was produced in the relatively recent 2011, just when the last time sold 540 K. The luxurious new 999 Red Gold Dream, which was built on the basis of the notorious Mercedes SLR McLaren, was the subject of admiration for many fans of cars. I would like to note that the SLR is still not the cheapest car (about 400,000 US dollars from 2004-2005). But here the most expensive Mercedes SLR McLaren cost a businessman from Dubai as much as $ 11 million.

the most expensive Mercedes in the world

The reason for this is the use of 11 kilograms of the purest 999 gold and 600 rubies in car decoration. As can be seen in the photo, gold prevails almost everywhere - on the exhaust pipes, headlight reflectors, and even rims. Rubies also decorated steering wheel and center console in the car.

Did not suspect

It is unlikely that in 1954 the creators of the Formula 1 racing car under the name Mercedes W196 could assume that someday their creation would exceed all expectations and become the most expensive car. And the thing is that in 2013 at an auction called “Bonems,” which is regularly held in London, an anonymous buyer bid $ 29.65 million on the most expensive Mercedes in the world, the photo of which can be seen below, and won.

the most expensive Mercedes in the world photo

In order to understand why the collector who did not identify himself laid out a tidy sum for this car, it is worth paying attention to its history. The fact is that the car in the F1 championships was driven by the famous driver Juan Manuel Fangio, who received the championship title thanks to this unit. In addition, the car was put up for auction in the state in which he had finished his last race - the dents from collisions with cars of Fangio's rivals still flaunted on the body. Even the dirt present on the car has been preserved since his time in the race. That is why the title “The Most Expensive Mercedes in History” rightfully leaves the W196.

"Geliki" is also in the subject

If we were talking about exclusive cars above, then it's time to talk about modern production copies that are no less worthy of respect. In this case, you can take into account a car with an unrealistic character and a formidable look, which has long won the hearts of all motorists. Yes, it’s about the Gelendvagen, about a large and bulky device, which is famous for its large engines and excellent cross-country ability.

the most expensive Mercedes gelendvagen

As for the modern "Geliks", they have inevitable comfort and allow you to experience unique sensations with each new trip. Well, the most expensive Mercedes Gelendvagen at the moment is the Brabus tuning studio, the so-called 850 Business. Given that the G65 AMG base model costs $ 325,000 in stock, the “charged” Brabus 850 Business costs as much as half a million treasured green money! Weighty like that, isn't it?

Luxury sedan

It is impossible to ignore the comfortable, fast and respectable sedans that are in demand among the most successful businessmen and business women. For a long time, the same Mercedes, but with the S nameplate on the trunk lid, has become the favorite car of this class of population. When you see such a car, and even the S65 AMG model, you involuntarily realize that in front of you is the most powerful and expensive German sedan, which, in addition to comfort, allows you to enjoy a good road at high speeds.

But how much is the most expensive Mercedes S-Class? If we talk about a production model that you can buy in any salon, then the price tag will “freeze” at around $ 260,000. But if you turn to the same Brabus, you can forget about the meaning of the word “adequacy” - $ 450,000 for the Rocket 900 model. At that very moment, the story should be finished.

the most expensive Mercedes s class

As can be seen from this review, not everyone can afford to purchase not only collectible, but also serial top models. Modern billionaires and even millionaires do not spare money for luxury at all, and Mercedes cars are one of the best and practical ways to invest their savings. These representatives of the elite breed will help to stand out from the crowd, emphasize the status and complement any collection of even the most sophisticated rich man.

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