
The most expensive phone in the world (photo)

Many people, choosing a mobile phone, start from the cost of the model, calculating the amount that they are willing to spend on it. But imagine that the device is bought by a person who has so much money that he does not think how much he is willing to spend - he is interested in the device itself, regardless of its price. Of course, such a buyer has special requirements for the phone, so the latter must satisfy them, regardless of cost.

In this article we will consider mobile devices, the cost of which significantly exceeds the usual framework for us. Due to this, such devices are not available to ordinary customers. These are the most expensive phones that humanity has released.

Why so expensive?

Before starting to list the models that will be included in our rating, a small remark should be made. The cost of devices that deserve our attention is due not so much to technological features or wide functionality. In fact, phones that have the maximum parameters from the point of view of the “stuffing” are not so expensive, and, in principle, everyone can allow them.

The most expensive phone has such a high price due to its design and materials from which the body is made. These are various jewels, which, in fact, are placed on a simple mobile device. Thanks to this, we are talking about the exclusivity and high value of such models. And now let's create a semblance of a rating in which the most expensive phones will be presented.

1. iPhone 4 with diamonds

very expensive phone

In the first place, according to all estimates, a unique iPhone 4 is placed, made to order for the Australian owner of the football club. They called the Diamond Rose Edition model, it was equipped with almost 5 hundred different diamonds and diamonds. Only the screen and the filling remained “native” on the phone - everything else (the button for switching to the home page, back cover, logo on it) was redone and decorated with additional jewelry. This is the most expensive phone because its value exceeds $ 8 million. Of course, such a price is set solely due to the precious stones with which the model is decorated, as well as for the jewelry work with which they were placed on the device. In total, the most expensive phone in the world was released in duplicate. In addition to each of them, a special stone cover made of granite was provided, inside containing a soft fabric coating to protect the device. According to information from official sources, the most expensive phone in the world (whose photo you see below) weighs quite solidly, so using it in everyday life, of course, is not so convenient.

2. iPhone 3G and 3GS for 2.5 and 3.2 million dollars

the most expensive cell phone

Next in our ranking are two similar models at different prices - the third-generation iPhone. If we take into account the current market situation, then these models lagged quite seriously behind the “flagships” - models 6 and 6S. But the point, of course, is not in technology, but in decoration. The creation of these two devices took a large amount of diamonds and gold, again, like the most expensive phone - the case and buttons. The phone itself cost only a thousand dollars at the start of work. Today its price is even lower. In the ranking, we combined these devices, since they are identical, the difference is only 700 thousand dollars in price.

3. GoldVish Le Million and Diamond Crypto Smartphone

The first was made by a Swiss company that has long specialized in the manufacture of watches and jewelry. At one time, the model got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive phone in the world. You can see a photo of it below. The cost is 1.25 million dollars.

the most expensive mobile phone

A little later, another device for the rich was released - Diamond Crypto Smartphone.Already by the name, you can guess what kind of “chip” he possesses - this is the encryption of the information contained on the device. Due to this, this phone, although not the most expensive, is quite expensive (about $ 1.3 million), it can guarantee the highest level of security for its owner’s personal data, including email. The company that sells these phones is based in Russia, and the assembly is carried out in Switzerland.

4. Million Telephone

It is for this price that you can purchase another model - Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot. Exactly 1 million euros must be paid by the buyer to become the owner of this exquisite device.

photo of the most expensive phone

This is the most expensive mobile phone with such dimensions - only 12 millimeters thick. If in other devices “bet” is made on the principle “the more diamonds - the better”, then in the case of this model, designers paid attention to sophistication and elegance. For example, a hand-polished back cover may include personal engraving; And crystal clear sapphire crystal is capable of transmitting the image in the best quality. At the very least, this device looks really stylish, and not just like an “iPhone with diamonds.”

5. Vertu

the most expensive phone in the world photo

Further, if we take into account the cost of devices that are rated “the most expensive cell phone”, a certain “gap” is obvious. Phones that cost something between a million and 300 thousand euros could not be found. But then, at around three hundred, there are several devices. In particular, these are representatives of the Finnish Nokia division - Vertu phones, originally from Britain, known for their luxury and inaccessibility to ordinary people. For example, the Signature Diamond Collection costs 350 thousand, and the Bucheron for Vertu Cobra - 320 thousand euros. Outwardly, these are just keyboard devices trimmed with sapphires, diamonds and diamonds. It looks beautiful, but the phone’s technical performance is even behind the iPhone 3G. This proves once again that the most expensive phone in the world does not have the corresponding functionality, and in general, this is not the point.

6. Unexpected Player - Sony Ericsson

At one time, Sony Ericsson (as it was several years ago) held rather high positions in the mobile market due to its keyboard devices. Today, times have changed, and not too many people know about such a brand. Which, however, did not stop him from launching the Black Diamond model, the cost of which is 300 thousand dollars.

the most expensive phone in the world

The device, like all those belonging to its category, is equipped with a mass of jewelry, which significantly add to the price of the phone. You can also note an interesting design decision - an OLED display located on the screen without frames. Visually, this expands the display space and at the same time adds a certain element of manufacturability. Plus, the buyer also pays for the exclusivity of the handset - because in the world there are only 5 such devices.

6. Another iPhone

In Austria, introduced another version of the iPhone, made in the style of Princess Plus. The device is a basic version of a smartphone loved by everyone with jewels installed. It all costs about 176 thousand dollars. Although this is really a lot, the look of the resulting product is quite attractive.

the most expensive phones

7. Just Nokia

The “simple” Nokia, made on the basis of the 8800 model, will cost a little cheaper. The phone, as is customary, was decorated with pink and white diamonds, which in total increased the cost of the phone to almost 130 thousand dollars. The functionality of the device is as simple as possible - “to call”. But those who will use it, clearly will be able to claim more in the eyes of others. In principle, this is the essence of such phones - to express themselves in front of other people, to show the world their exclusive phone model.

8. Vertu and the other “middle class”

Finally, the description of the “top” phones, the cost of which is overpriced, has ended. Next come the devices, which can be attributed, rather, to the "middle class". For example, this is the Vertu Diamond model (88 thousand) or Signature (83 thousand dollars).In some ways, they are similar to the Nokia 8800 model, but they are made in the corporate style of Vertu, which has already managed to fall in love with the “rich and successful”. There are several such models in this segment. Immediately after them are the converted versions of the Motorola V220 Special Edition (58 thousand), as well as the Samsung SPH-E3200 Diamond Crusted (54 thousand), encrusted with diamonds.

Less expensive models are, for example, the Gresso Black Aura Collection (13 thousand) or the Nokia 8800 mentioned above for 2.7 thousand dollars.

the most expensive phone


In fact, the devices are really high-quality assembled and beautiful, but there are a number of points. For example, beware of fakes, otherwise you can "get" on the money. Anyway, when you see a photo of the most expensive phone, you might not think what it is: it or a Chinese copy. We hope that in everyday life, the phones that were described above, really justify themselves.

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