
Marital status (types). What is marital status?

Marital status is a point that interests employers and those around you. Even when registering on some sites, you need to indicate whether you are married / married. Often, when filling out a resume, you must provide your marital status. The views of this item are different for representatives of the weak and strong half of humanity. Therefore, many people are lost in compiling a resume, because any mistake can be worth the desired position. For example, divorced men do not know what to write in the column "Marital Status": single or single? Women can also make stupid mistakes. Let's look at all the nuances of the status of “marital status”: types for men and women, documentary and moral subtleties of this paragraph.

Types of marital status

Marital status

On the legal side, there are several types of marital status. Consider each of them:

  • Not married means that a person has never been married and is currently not in a legal relationship.
  • Divorced means that the person was married or married, but now is not connected with any marriage.
  • Married / married - a person is in a legal relationship, which is documented.
  • Married - not officially legalized marriage, but it means that a man and a woman live together and share a common household. Recently, civil marriage has become especially popular, therefore this concept was introduced into jurisprudence.

Such is the marital status, the types of which we have considered above.

What is marital status in men?


Men have different marital status. For example, he may be married, which means that he is legally married. Also, a man can be unofficially married while in civil marriage. Another type of marital status in a representative of a strong half of humanity is single or not married. Many people believe that these two words have different meanings, but in fact, from a legal point of view, they are simply synonyms. They mean that the young man has never been married. There is also the term "widower", which is used to refer to the fact that the man was previously married, but his wife died.

Now you know what the marital status of representatives of the strong half of humanity is.

What is the marital status of a woman?

What is marital status

In women, the types of marital status are the same as in men. So, the representative of the beautiful half of humanity may be married or not married, and she may also be a widow. The meanings of these terms are understandable based on the above explanations.

Is marital status important for the employer?

Of course, your marital status plays a role in hiring. Moreover, the presence of a family can be both a plus and a minus. With young people who are barely twenty years old, everything is clear without words: at this time, most people are just graduating from universities and trying to get on their feet. At the same time, many employers are wary of candidates for a position who, by the age of thirty, have not started a family, because this fact may mean that they have problems in terms of communication. Relationship implementation for some employers may be a decisive factor when choosing an employee.

Legally married

Nevertheless, the absence of a family means the absence of serious responsibilities and factors that would distract from work. Therefore, many leaders prefer that a woman be divorced or not married, and a man is single.Such people will not be distracted by family responsibilities, which means they will be more effective in the office.

In general, it is impossible to predict whether your freedom from marriage will be an advantage, or, conversely, this fact will undermine your reputation. In any case, it is best to write the truth in the summary, because a lie will sooner or later come true. Moreover, first of all, the employer will evaluate your skills and education and only then will he begin to pay attention to secondary factors.

How to change your marital status in a passport?

If you want to legally legitimize your relationship with a soul mate, you must first file an application with the registry office. After painting you will be given a marriage certificate. It is worth remembering: to get a mark on the marriage in the passport, you need to come with a document confirming this fact to the passport office. When changing the name, the woman’s passport will have to be changed completely.marital status single or single

At divorce proceedings, after the official divorce, you need to do the same steps: come to the passport office with a divorce certificate and get the coveted mark: “not married” or “not married”.

It should be borne in mind that cohabitation in a civil marriage is not documented in any way, because this type of marital status is not considered official.

Marital status is not only legal status

As we have seen, in jurisprudence, marital status is important, the types of which you already know. But in fact, psychologists identify other types of marital status that do not depend on the stamp in the passport:

  • An ideal marriage in the understanding of relations specialists is a marriage in which spouses share joys and sorrows equally. Responsibility for living together does not shift to one of the partners, so coexistence becomes comfortable and pleasant for both.
  • Today, this type of marital status is often found in which one of the partners is dependent on the other. At the same time, psychologists note that now women are more inclined to take the reins of government in their own hands than representatives of the strong half of humanity.
  • A marriage where the couple constantly “butt”, figuring out who is the boss in the house. On this basis, quarrels constantly arise that do not give partners happiness to enjoy each other's company.
  • Families are also common where husband and wife try too hard to maintain each other's independence. Each of them can live their own interests, and partners are rarely interested in the affairs of their half. As a result, such an alliance sooner or later collapses.

Divorced or Single

As we see, from a psychological point of view, marital status can also be different.


  1. There are two types of formal marital status: married or single, single. Civil marriage, which is so common today, is not an official form of marital status.
  2. It is extremely important for employers to know if their potential employee has a family. The column "Marital Status" can tell a lot about a person. However, when compiling a resume, you should not lie, because the truth will sooner or later open to the employer.
  3. To be legally married does not mean to be a happy person. Psychologists highlight some models of relationships that show that spouses do not always get along well with each other.

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