
How much alcohol can I bring to Russia from abroad?

Resting abroad, you must definitely take a couple of souvenirs with you, returning home. It’s customary for many of our fellow citizens to buy exclusive alcoholic beverages. But here the question arises of how much alcohol can be imported into Russia? This will figure it out.

how much alcohol can be imported to Russia

What are the limitations?

No changes to the Customs Code are expected this year. But it is precisely this document that regulates international relations and sets quotas for the import of various goods, including alcohol.

At the moment, a citizen of any country can bring with him to the territory of our country only three liters of any alcoholic product, and at the same time it does not need to be declared. If the volume exceeds 3 liters, but not more than 5, then the list of goods transported above the norm should be written in the form of the customs declaration.

More than five liters, no one has the right to bring.

the amount of alcohol imported to Russia

At the end of December 2014, the government of the Russian Federation made some changes, which entered into force in January 2015. Many people became interested in the question whether the data on how much alcohol can be imported have changed. The fact is that at one of the forums a message was written stating that from January 1, 2015, Russians will no longer be able to bring alcohol to the country. It is not true.

At the moment, there is no evidence that the import of alcohol is completely prohibited. As before, the restrictions are three and five liters, but no more. And the amendment refers to the fact that it is forbidden to import excisable goods into the country, that is, those purchased outside stores duty free trade Duty free.

What about beer?

The question "How much alcohol can be imported into Russia" concerns not only strong alcoholic drinks, such as vodka, cognac, wine, whiskey and others, but also beer. Are there any restrictions on low-alcohol products and what is this expressed in?

In fact, it is generally accepted among the countries of the Customs Union that beer is the most alcoholic drink, which means that the same restrictions apply to it. Thus, remember that you can bring a hops drink with you only 3 liters, without declaring them, and 5 liters, describing the contents.

Who and why introduced the restrictions?

The amount of alcohol imported into Russia is limited to a certain volume (5 liters), and this law applies to the entire territory of the Customs Union. The rule is displayed in paragraph 3 of the List of goods for personal use that are prohibited for import into the customs territory of the Union of three countries. The rule applies not only to strong drinks, but also to other products such as tobacco and cigarettes.

For reference: The Customs Union is the territory of the countries of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. These states have united and signed an agreement on the free movement of any goods and citizens. In practice, this means that, crossing the border of these camps, it is not necessary to pass customs control. There is no border as such between these countries.

In this issue, the concepts of customs territory and customs border should be distinguished. The first includes the area of ​​three countries, and the second means the external border of the Customs Union.

Features of customs payments

How much alcohol can be imported into Russia seems to be clear. But imagine such a situation. You bought five liters of wine and crossed the border. At customs, you will be asked to pay a customs fee for your goods.

According to the law, you are entitled to transport only three liters of alcoholic beverages free of charge. You will have to pay for the remaining two. The amount is 10 euros per liter.Thus, keep in mind that you should have 20 euros with you to pay customs duties.

If you decide to bring pure ethyl alcohol, then the price for it will be higher - 22 euros per liter.

What should be done at the border?

It remains to solve the question of how to import alcohol into Russia?

how to import alcohol to Russia

When you are at the airport or train station in front of the border of the Customs Union, you will be asked to fill out a declaration. If you have only three liters of alcohol, but do not need to write anything, but if you are carrying surpluses, then indicate the full name and quantity in the proposed form. After that, transfer the document to the authorized person.

Please note that airports usually have two corridors: red and green. If you did not fill out a declaration - green for you. Otherwise, go through red.

how much alcohol can I bring

Responsibility for non-compliance

Many people know how much alcohol can be imported into the Russian Federation, but at the same time, some still try to deceive the state, trying to hide or not to declare the excess. Know that it makes no difference how you transport the bottles. Whether it’s luggage or hand luggage, your items will still be described and counted. And the responsibility for the violation lies only on your shoulders.

The legislation of the Russian Federation for non-compliance with border crossing rules provides for both administrative and criminal liability. But in almost all cases an ordinary fine is prescribed. Its size may vary. The minimum threshold is half the price of alcohol, the maximum is twice the amount of goods purchased.

Criminal liability applies to persons who have committed an offense in the form of transportation of alcoholic beverages for a significant amount. In the Criminal Code it is customary to understand that a significant amount means the total cost of alcohol for 250,000 rubles. In this case, the violator may be awarded a fine of 300,000 rubles or imprisonment for up to twelve years.

And one more nuance. If you do not want to pay or withheld part of the product, then you simply confiscate it.

how much alcohol can be imported to rf

What else do you need to know

There are situations when a person has to travel frequently, and each time he brings "souvenirs" to his business partners. How much alcohol can I bring to Russia if a person crosses the border almost every month?

Now the rule has been repealed, according to which it is possible to transport three liters of strong drinks for free only once every three months. Theoretically, no one forbids doing this every month. But all the information about your movements is recorded in a single database, and if the inspector notices suspicions of importing alcohol for personal purposes, this can lead to problems.

All of the above rules apply to persons who have reached the age of 18. It doesn’t matter if you are a foreigner or a Russian: in Russia you can bring only 3 liters of alcohol for free and another 2 for a certain amount.

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