
Importing goods from China: step-by-step instructions. Import duties on goods from China

China is the world factory of all modern civilization. This country produces clothes and shoes, cars and computers, as well as food, mobile phones ... In a word, it’s easier to say that they don’t produce there.

import goods from china

Many world-famous companies have long moved all their production there, since the labor force in China is very cheap. That is why various Chinese-made goods are inexpensive.

We establish the import of goods

There are two ways to arrange the import of goods from China: work directly with their manufacturers or trading companies, or use the services of domestic intermediaries. You should be well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of these two methods.

The easiest option may be direct cooperation with the Chinese themselves.

Rates and other conditions

Chinese companies charge at least 10% of the transaction amount for its support and control of the manufacturer. The same fee also includes the execution of all necessary customs documents. Working with such companies, you can also order a search for manufacturers for any specific indicators. It will cost at least a thousand dollars. For this money, you will receive full information about both the manufacturing factory and its owner.

 selling goods from china

Domestic intermediaries

If you are planning to import goods from China, but do not have the slightest idea of ​​either Chinese or even English, we strongly recommend that you contact domestic companies. There is a risk in this case too, but it is far from so great.

As in the past case, you can not only choose a supplier yourself, but also visit its production. And it will cost much cheaper: from $ 400, and the same amount often includes translation services. For a fee and subject to a written request, they can provide samples of the goods you are most interested in.

This is especially important for those entrepreneurs who carry car accessories from China: fashion and demand for them are constantly changing, so it is better to know in advance about the prospects for sales.

Note that many companies offer to "rent" an interpreter for the whole day. As a rule, you will have to pay for it from $ 100. Optimal for those entrepreneurs who still want to organize the import of goods from China, independently negotiating with manufacturers.


We really do not recommend trying to negotiate with manufacturers on their own without using the services of at least Chinese intermediaries. Even if you know the language (which is very, very doubtful), you will almost certainly be “thrown”. Do not forget the usual rules product rotation when first of all they try to sell his most illiquid samples. From the point of view of the Chinese, you are ideally suited for this.

You need to understand Chinese law very well and have good friends or at least acquaintances among the Chinese, so as not to lose all your money.

We go to the fairs

The most reliable and proven way to find an honest supplier is to visit Chinese trade fairs. Hire a translator, and go!

At these events, you can easily talk at least with the CEO of each organization you like. Moreover, interested manufacturers themselves can offer you the most favorable conditions for cooperation, and you will make a lot of useful acquaintances, without which importing goods from China is often unprofitable.

We would recommend that you visit the Canton Fair, which annually concludes contracts worth more than $ 50 billion.

When there is no need to pay for freight?

So that the import of goods can be considered non-profit, the mass of imported goods cannot exceed 50 kg, and the amount - two thousand dollars. As a way out: you can divide the transported goods into several people, and you can do this even by registering part of the cargo per child.

The problem is that in some cases, the decision on the appointment of imported items is made by the customs officers themselves. So, five down jackets of the same size do not fall under the definition of commercial cargo from a formal point of view, but it will probably be difficult for you to prove that you are not transporting them for the purpose of sale.

Generally speaking, customs officers are guided by the following rules:

  1. Consumer qualities. Simply put, you definitely can’t prove the everyday purpose of a couple of thousand socks or a barrel of bleach.
  2. The assortment sometimes plays a decisive role. It is unlikely that anyone will believe that you need a pair of hundreds of identical children's tights for household needs.
  3. Finally, the frequency of your trips. If you will be transporting the same type of goods over and over again, then you definitely have to pay for them.

auto products from china


If you import goods not by transport, then the export quota is about 10 thousand dollars. If you exceed this value, then duties are set for the import of goods from China in the amount of 30% of the cost of cargo, but not less than four dollars per kilogram of weight.

Up to three liters of alcoholic beverages, up to 200 cigarettes per person, and up to five kilograms of food products can be taken out of China without duty. Once again, we recall that this applies only to cases where the goods are deemed intended for personal use.

Note! You must pay the duty established at the border within a maximum of 15 days.

Fee to the Chinese side

The Chinese most often consider any exported cargo as commercial, and therefore they have to pay for it. The duty depends on the type of product, its weight and cost. No need to pay for advertising product samples, defective goods, as well as some types of goods that are not subject to duties in accordance with international agreements.

Payout amount

duties on importing goods from chinaKeep in mind that you need to pay not only the fee, but also the VAT. Moreover, the tax is paid from the total cost of the goods and duties.

All auto products from China, cigarettes and alcohol are subject to standard taxes. Remember that the VAT rate varies greatly depending on the type of product.

So, for industrial goods a tax of 17% is set, while for agricultural goods - 10%.

Certain categories of goods that fall under Government decisions on measures to stimulate the economy suggest VAT refund. The percentage of return and types of these goods are constantly changing.

In any case, in order to receive part of the tax back, it must first be paid on time, and then correctly filled in documents must be provided. It is worth noting that with the transfer of this money very often there are hiccups, so you don’t have to rely on them especially.

But even taking into account all the above taxes and difficulties, selling goods from China is a very profitable business.

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Magamed Nikaev
Hello. Tell me, please, how to register part of the cargo per child, that is, provide customs - at the border - a passport with a mark, or a certificate. about having a baby? Thank.


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