
How long you can live without a passport registration: legal requirements and recommendations

How long can I live without a residence permit? This question is asked by many citizens, especially those who decided to change their place of residence forever. More precisely, this applies to the host city, because in this case the issue of registration arises very sharply. I do not want to face problems in the future. So you have to study how much you can live without a residence permit in your passport. And after that one should ask a question about how to draw it up in certain cases. And if you prepare in advance, then there will be no problems.

how much can you live without registration

Temporary registration

But for starters, it’s worth learning a little about what types of registration accounting generally take place. For example, the first scenario is a temporary registration. It helps to avoid permanent residence. This is the most common type of registration of foreign citizens in the country. Using temporary registration, you will not think about how much you can live without a residence permit in your passport. Why? You will have a temporary right to stay in the country. Not very convenient in some cases, but it helps to “delay” the moment of real registration. So it is worth paying attention to this type of registration accounting.


How long can I live without registration by law? It all depends on which option you have chosen.

Without temporary registration, you can stay in Russia for only 90 days. But after you have to arrange it. And you need to do this in advance. One thing is good - the process is completely free. And to implement it is not so difficult. So the first answer is 90 days.

how much can you live without a residence permit in your passport

Full time

The next type is permanent registration. It is now called a residence permit. In contrast to the temporary method of registering citizens, upon receipt of this a special stamp is placed in the passport. But in the first case, you are given a special certificate, a separate one. And no cliches.

How long can I live without a passport? The question is rather complicated, and it will definitely not be possible to answer it. As we have already found out, without temporary registration you have the right to stay in Russia for about 3 months. Next, you will have to register at the place of temporary stay. And what about a permanent residence permit?

So, speaking of permanent residence, it should be noted that the situation in this case is changing. After moving a citizen, 7 days are allotted for him to receive a permanent residence permit. That is, it all depends on what type of accounting is involved. A week a citizen has the right to be without permanent residence in Russia. And then, if the problem is not resolved, he will be fined. Plus, you have to quickly register in one form or another. So it’s better not to delay the process.


There are some exceptions, however. Very often, parents are interested in how much they can live without registration (registration) of their newborn children. Is it really only 7 days?

Not at all. This period is extended when it comes to only born children. After all, the baby has no documents at all. And parents are given the opportunity to receive them. So how much can you live without a residence permit in this case? 30 days, in other words, a month. And even another week extra. Why is such a deadline set? A month is given for a birth certificate, and a week for registration. After receiving the first document of the child will go "countdown" 7 days.

how long can I live without a residence permit

If during this time you do not provide your child with registration, you will have to pay a fine in a certain amount.


How long can I live without a passport? A lot depends on what category of citizens you are involved in, because the terms are different. And only after studying all the possible options for the development of events, you can establish how much time you will have for paperwork. This is sometimes very important.

How long can I live without a residence permit? Foreign citizens (with the exception of citizens of the CIS countries) are entitled to stay in Russia without consequences for only a week from the moment they arrive in the country. And then you have to either leave, or pay a fine and quickly get a residence permit. When it comes to residents of the CIS countries, the length of stay without registration is increased to 90 days. During this period, you need to make yourself any registration. Usually use temporary.

How much to pay

How many days you can live without a residence permit, we have already found out. Now you need to understand what kind of punishment will be imposed on a person after a violation of the rules and regulations established in the country. As already mentioned, a fine is required.

Its size may be different. In principle, in most regions you will need to pay about 2-3 thousand rubles. And nothing more. But, as a rule, this payment is charged only when you are "caught" (and this is rare), or in the case of a long stay without registration, in principle.

how much can you live without registration under the law

But in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the tariff rises. After all, we will deal with cities of federal significance. Here for an expired registration and its absence will have to pay from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. The exact amount will be announced to the offender immediately when he is caught.

Avoid payment

In some cases, a fine can be avoided. But you should not be too happy. If you think about how much you can live without a residence permit, then you should not count on indulgence, because you will break the law. All citizens in one form or another must be registered. The state already allowed it to choose exactly how to register - temporarily or permanently.

How can you not pay a fine if you are late in residence? It is enough to come to the FMS or MFC as soon as possible to draw up documents. A confession is a common reason to avoid a fine. Only those who have been living in the country for a long time without any registration may not be welcome. It is these rules that currently apply in Russia.


So, we found out how much you can live in Moscow without registration. And in any other city in Russia the rules are the same. Moreover, it is now clear what punishment one can fear and how to avoid it. This is not all that hard to remember. The next question that interests citizens: how exactly is registration made?

how many days can I live without a residence permit

Let's start with the time. The first thing you need to know is where to go. Either MFC or FMS is suitable. It is these two bodies that will receive your documents for registration and the issuance of the relevant certificate. Once you have decided where exactly you will go, you can start collecting documents. They are not so much needed.

To get started - your passport and a copy of it. This is the main document, without which no one will talk to you. Inquiries confirming your registration rights are also useful. This is usually a contract of employment. By the way, a temporary residence permit can be obtained both on the territory of the apartment and in a hotel, boarding house or any other dwelling. Now you need to get the consent of the owner of the premises to design you in your home. As a rule, there are no problems with this. The final step is to write an application for temporary registration. Usually it is written in advance, and then attached to the general list of documents. Contact the FMS and wait. After about 7-10 days, you will be required to issue a certificate of provisional registration.This all the paperwork ends.

We register in housing

It is already clear how long you can live without a permanent residence permit. How a citizen is able to register temporarily is also clear. And how is the process of permanent registration? It is slightly different from the previous version.

To get started, write a statement, and also take a copy from your ID. Usually implies a civil passport. The original will also be required of you, do not forget it. Next, you need to provide the basis according to which your registration takes place.

how much can you live in Moscow without registration

If you are a homeowner, you can simply show a certificate of ownership. Otherwise, permission from the owner of the premises to carry out this operation will be required. Another feature of permanent registration is that you have your own birth certificate. Without it, they are unlikely to communicate with you at all. Do you have all the documents? Then you can go to the FMS (or the MFC, if you want) and apply for permanent registration. In the passport after you will see a stamp.

For babies

But newborns are much more difficult to prescribe. Indeed, in the Russian Federation there is such a thing as primary registration. She will require from parents a huge list of documents that will have to be submitted to the relevant authorities. What will they ask you? These are copies and originals of passports of parents. Plus, don't forget your baby's birth certificate. Photocopies will have to be removed, you will give them back. A marriage certificate is also required (if mom and dad officially formalize their relationship). The consent of one of the spouses that the child was not registered with him is an important point that must also be taken into account. This also includes an application for registration from the "second half".

how much can you live without registration

Please note that the consent of the owners of the housing where the newborn is prescribed is not necessary. Moreover, no one has the right to refuse you in this process. As you can see, registration is not so simple actually when it comes to primary registration. In principle, if you prepare in advance, no incidents will arise. In any case, do not hesitate to register! Having this will save you from problems.

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