
Temporary registration at the place of stay. How to make a temporary registration

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any citizen can freely move, live, study and work in any city (settlement) of Russia. But at the same time, he is obliged to notify the state of his place of stay if the period of his residence in another city is more than three months. Temporary registration at the place of stay must be issued.

Temporary registration at the place of stay

What is registration of citizens?

Such a definition appeared relatively recently and it replaced the concept of "registration". What is it?

Registration is divided into two different concepts:

  • Permanent registration at the place of main residence is displayed in the passport of the citizen.
  • Temporary registration at the place of stay is issued in the event that a citizen is forced to leave for another locality (city, town, etc.) for some time, and this period exceeds three months. In addition, this may be a temporary status, necessary, for example, for registration of the purchase of real estate (home, apartment) in a particular city. If a citizen is not deregistered at his last place of residence, then, in addition to a certificate of temporary registration, he will still have a note in his passport with his place of residence.

How to make a temporary registration

How to make a temporary registration? Let us examine this question in more detail.

The movement of Russian citizens within their own country may be limited

Despite the fact that the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows absolutely all Russian citizens to move within their country without restrictions, there are still some exceptions to this rule.

Movements may be limited in the following areas:

  • Closed military camps.
  • Frontier strip.
  • State of emergency or martial law.
  • Zone of environmental disaster.
  • Quarantine areas where there is a risk of the spread of dangerous infections.
  • ZATO zones (closed administrative-territorial entities). These include closed cities, on the territory of which various objects of strategic importance are located (industrial or administrative-political centers, nuclear weapons depots, air bases, sea ports, missile positions, energy centers, etc.).

How long can I stay in a foreign city without registration?

During a stay in a foreign city for a period of more than 90 days, a temporary registration is required. This rule must be followed strictly. This does not apply to movements within a settlement where a person is constantly registered, that is, he can be registered in one place, and live in another. This will not cause any problems with the law, medical care and work. But if a person went to work or study in another city, he should be assigned to some specific address. It can be an apartment of your own, municipal, communal or a hostel.

Registration of temporary stay

Registration of temporary stay is needed not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other cities and towns of our country. So, you have arrived in another city (village) and are going there for some reason to stay for more than three months. What should be done in this case?

Should homeowners be afraid of temporary registration?

In order to register for a certain period of time in another locality, the consent of the owner of the living space is necessary. Such a person may be a relative, acquaintance or the owner of a rental housing where you stayed.

But the myths that a temporarily registered person can somehow encroach on this living space - to sell, exchange it, or later it will be impossible to write out this person, scare the owners who are not familiar with the registration law. This is actually not the case. We will understand these misconceptions.

Temporary registration of citizens

Temporary registration at the place of stay is not a residence permit, and it ends automatically after the time specified in the application. After this period, you should not go anywhere and do not need to write anyone out. Of course, registration can be extended, only in this case, again, the consent of the landlord will be required. In other words, without the owner’s signature, no one will be able to live on its territory.

Temporary registration does not give a person any right to perform any operations with housing where he is temporarily registered. And, of course, it does not give ownership of this housing. Therefore, citizens who agreed to temporarily register someone on their territory have nothing to fear.

What documents are needed?

How to make a temporary registration? To do this, you need the following documents:

  • Identity document person who needs registration. This may be a passport, military ID for military personnel, a certificate of release from places of detention. For Russian citizens who permanently reside abroad, a passport is required to prove their identity outside the Russian Federation.
  • For children under the age of 14, a birth certificate must be presented.
  • A statement stating that you need registration with a deadline.
  • A statement from the owner of the living space. If there are several owners, then the written consent of all of them will be required. If this housing is municipal (non-privatized), then the consent of all permanently registered on this housing and temporarily absent is also necessary.
  • A document giving the basis for registration, for example, a contract of employment or a certificate of ownership.
  • Address sheet filled in by the person responsible for registration.

Order of registration

Documents collected, what to do next? Further action will be a trip to the police station in the police department. He must fix your statement and put a resolution on it. If it is positive, then you need to proceed to the department of the Office of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). It is she who makes the decision on registering a temporary stay, which must be taken within three days, after which a certificate is issued. Temporary registration of a child under the age of 14 is executed at the place of stay of his parents. However, no additional consent of the homeowners is required. At the request of the applicant, FMS employees can send a certificate of temporary registration by mail with mandatory notification to the address indicated in this document.

Temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation

After temporary registration at the place of stay is received, you need to proceed to the regional Unified Information and Settlement Center (EIRC). There, in accordance with the number of people registered in the living space, utilities are recalculated.

In order to register at the place of temporary stay, you do not need to be discharged from the place of permanent residence.

What is it for?

Temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation gives them the right:

  • apply to various medical institutions;
  • officially get a job. Sometimes employers prefer people with permanent registration. But according to the law, they do not have the right to refuse to hire people who have temporary registration in their hands;
  • take loans and borrowings;
  • draw up documents for the purchase of real estate;
  • refer a child to a kindergarten or school;
  • receive social assistance;
  • to draw up all kinds of documents, for example, a pension certificate or passport.

After that how the registration is made (temporary registration), a citizen becomes the so-called legal resident.

What are the fines for staying without registration?

Up to three months, any citizen of the Russian Federation can freely be in any city of Russia without registration. But after this time period, you must either return home or register for the indicated period.

Temporary registration in Moscow

If this is not done, then according to Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation a fine may be imposed. Its size is from one and a half to two thousand rubles. In addition, the owner of the living space also expects an unpleasant surprise - an administrative fine in the amount of from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

When can they ban registration?

If the apartment is not privatized and is in municipal ownership, then registration may be prohibited. This is possible if the total area of ​​a separate apartment is less than the accounting norm calculated for each person living in it. If the housing is communal and its area is less than the provision rate for each of the registered people, then the state may also refuse temporary registration.

Another reason is the presence in a person who needs temporary registration of some kind of chronic disease, for example, tuberculosis.

How much does registration cost?

By law, registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, as well as temporary stay, is free of charge. This is spelled out in the law of the Russian Federation on the right of free movement of citizens within Russia No. 5241-1 of June 25, 1993, edited on December 31, 2014. But in fact, free registration is usually difficult to obtain. Perhaps only relatives or friends can provide assistance in this procedure for free.

Registration. Temporary registration

There are many organizations that can help you arrange temporary registration at the place of stay for a fee. Prices for this service may vary in different cities. Usually visitors to citizens in a dormitory are registered. Temporary registration in such organizations is done if there is only one document - a passport, or rather, a copy of it. In time it takes from one to three days. But be careful - in this area of ​​activity is a huge number of scammers.

Temporary registration in Moscow

We will get acquainted with the prices for registering a temporary stay in Moscow. The cost depends on the period for which you need to make an official document, as well as on what purpose it was needed.

Registration term Price in rubles
6 months 900
1 year 1200
2 years 1400
3 years 1800
4 years 2100
5 years 2400

For a similar document, a slightly larger amount may be requested to obtain a driver’s license. So, temporary registration in Moscow for this purpose for a period of 3 months costs 1600 rubles, and for 6 months - 1800. The price of such a service for a cash loan (credit) in Moscow is 4500 rubles.

Temporary registration in St. Petersburg

This service in the city of St. Petersburg is performed for a fee by individual organizations and legal centers. The approximate cost can be found in the table below. In different organizations, prices may vary slightly.

Registration term Price in rubles
1 month 900
3 months 1100
6 months 1650
1 year 2300
2 years 3900
3 years 5000
4 years 6000
5 years 7000

Loss of registration certificate

If this document is lost, you need to contact the same branch of the FMS of Russia, where it was issued initially. Employees of this service will issue a duplicate of the certificate in return for the lost. This is provided for in the current Administrative Regulations.

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