
How much travel agencies earn. The entire cuisine of the tourism business. How many travel agents in Moscow

how much travel agencies earn

Surely, each of us, at least once in his life, when booking tickets and arranging trips, wondered how much travel agencies earn. And in fact, what is the turnover of an average company in this area? Is it worth it if you have a certain amount of free funds and want to work only for yourself to start this particular business? Let's talk about everything in order.

Experts and entrepreneurs agree that even a small, but correctly built tour operator is quite realistic to earn 250,000 rubles. Is it a lot or a little? Hard to say. Profit is a relative thing. For example, for the capital - this is a perfectly achievable and real figure.

In the provinces or in a small Russian town, the agency’s earnings may be several times lower. True, in order to get even closer to this result, it is necessary to invest some funds. And before rubbing your hands in anticipation of profits and exaggerating the question of how much tour operators get, you should take a chance and work hard.

Tempting profit

Let's get back to the alluring quarter of a million rubles. Let's look at very specific examples of what needs to be done, how much work is needed to have this amount in our monthly asset. The goal will be achieved if you sell at least 70 tours in 30 days, the cost of which will average 60,000 rubles. As a rule, this is a regular tour for two people. Most travel agencies try to work in this particular range.

We consider further. We multiply seventy by sixty thousand, we get four million two hundred thousand rubles of revenue. The commission received from the tour operator for the implementation of these tours is 12%. This is the figure that you can get if you start working not directly with the tour operator, as many novice agencies do, but through a special booking center. So, if this figure is reached by your travel agency, and you can realize 70 tours in a month, you can earn a good commission - 504,000 rubles.

Fly in the ointment, or talk about the costs

Along with the question of how much travel agencies earn, one should also understand how much they spend. A figure of half a million rubles literally attracts you to start your own business. But how much will you really have in your hands after you make all the necessary payments? The main item of expenditure is the salary of employees. In this matter, an amount of 100,000 rubles should be pledged. This money should be enough to pay for the work of a couple of managers and a courier (we’ll talk about how much a travel agent gets). Go ahead. Approximately 50,000 will be required to pay the rent of your office, as well as communications.

How much do travel agencies earn?

how much travel agents getThe experience of many entrepreneurs in this field proves that without a full and systematic advertising business will stand still.

Therefore, a very large (relative to other costs) budget should be laid for these purposes. After deducting other small expenses, you will receive an amount approximately equal to a quarter of a million rubles.

Now let's see how much you need to invest to earn this money. Before starting a business, be sure to monitor. Find out how many companies are currently operating in your city, with what tours and in what price range they work.This will help you correctly calculate your strengths, determine which office you need and which staff, which vouchers to offer clients in order to successfully compete.

We do not sell gas

The tourism business is attractive in that it does not require extra-large investments, such as, for example, some industrial plant or the same gas station. At the first stage, you should only equip an office for two or three people. At the same time, you should not spend much on the design of the room or its repair.

The experience of many entrepreneurs in this field proves that most customers easily shop for tours at mid-level offices that are not littered with figurines from different countries. A person who comes for a ticket, you just need to sit comfortably on a chair or a soft sofa and comfortably, without being distracted by the entourage of the office, draw up all the required documents. Therefore, adhere to strict and calm minimalism. In addition, take into account the fact that tourism is not a field of activity that will pay back hundreds of thousands of rubles spent simply on an office.

If in the future you want to impress your competitors and customers with some exotic and make a “repair”, then earn really good money, for example, several million rubles, and then spend it on office surroundings.

City correction

how much travel agency earns per monthWe would like to once again focus your attention on the fact that the costs associated with starting a business can be very different in Moscow and in another Russian city.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of how much travel agencies earn can be very variable. In our material, we consider the Russian capital as a platform for business.

At the initial stage, according to our estimates, an entrepreneur will need to spend about 400,000 rubles at a time. And if you take into account the fact that a travel agency will become profitable only for 2-3 months of work, this means that you should have an amount of about 800,000 rubles. This money will be needed in order to equip your office and at first just stay afloat. Here, rent and employee salaries have already been laid.

Core value

Speaking of the latter. Good road managers do not roll. Therefore, cherish your staff. At the first stage, you can recruit middle-skilled personnel. Further, as the company grows, you can gradually increase the professionalism of your personnel by working in your company and special courses. If the budget has a sufficient amount, then it is better, of course, to immediately recruit professional staff.

How much do travel agents get in Moscow? Much depends on the activity and initiative of the employee. On average, according to experts, he receives 45,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg this amount is lower - in the region of 35,000. In other large cities it is even lower - about 20,000 rubles. Estimating how much travel agents get on average in Russia, keep in mind that here, as in any other business, it is very important what a person’s experience is. Experienced employees can have a salary that is two to three times higher than the earnings of beginners.

What else do tour operators earn?

Of course, with a certain amount of creativity and initiative, you can come up with unusual earnings within your company. However, the lion's share of firms engaged in the field of tours, try not to spray. They focus on the main thing - the implementation of permits - and do well in this matter. Therefore, do not puzzle over what travel agencies earn. Their main source of income is commission.

If you as a beginner entrepreneur are not satisfied with the level of income and profits, do not invent anything new, but try to improve the service of the services provided or invite more advanced managers. Then you can significantly improve your financial situation.

Or maybe ready?

Instead of starting from scratch, some entrepreneurs prefer to buy ready-made and well-developed companies. What are the risks here? First, the pros. First of all, you save a lot of time. Having made a deal to purchase a travel agency, you immediately get an operating business with an office, customer base, equipment and contracts with partners.

The second important point is the reduced risks. Opening a business on your own, you can miscalculate and burn out in the first months of work. If the company lasted several years in the market, then we can already say that it has occupied its own independent niche. True, it is worth considering the fact that such an organization will cost you much more than a travel agency created from scratch.

Item of purchase

Now let's talk about what is most valuable in the company that sells in the tourism industry. This, of course, is the staff. It is extremely difficult to find true professionals in their field. And then you immediately get experienced staff with their own customer base. This point is especially important. If, for example, a company that has just appeared on the market works at a loss precisely because of a lack of clientele, then a company with experience will do much better. You can purchase an agency that immediately starts making a profit.

On the other hand, the costs of maintaining such a company can increase significantly for you. Take at least the salary of employees. We have already mentioned how much a travel agent gets with experience and its own base. Multiply this figure by the number of people in your state. You will get an increase in your own expenses. And on the other hand, do not forget about how much travel agencies that have already found their niche earn. If young companies will be happy with a quarter of a million, then organizations with a name can well count on a million or more.

how much tour operators get

Optimal option

Since we are talking about the client base, it is worth noting that it is important to pay attention to the state in which it is. For example, if it is concentrated only in the heads of employees and is not displayed on paper or in electronic form, then we can assume that it simply does not exist. Another plus in acquiring a finished business is that it is now quite difficult in the capital to find a decent room in the center for moderate money. In the case of buying a company with work experience, this is possible.

And now a few words about the downsides of acquiring a finished company. The main one is the price. An organization cannot cost 300,000 rubles. This will talk about some of her serious problems. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs advise paying attention to companies whose value starts at 3 million rubles.

For this money, you will receive a promising office with employees and a decent client base. We hope that our material helped you understand the question of how much a travel agency earns per month and how much money is needed in order to open it. Good luck in your own business!

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