
How long and how long do they sell alcohol?

Alcoholism in Russia is a very serious problem that has appeared in the country. And it all starts with frequent feasts, which gradually turn into a serious illness. Moreover, this disease leads to various consequences. These are problems in the family, and violence, and even an increase in mortality. At the same time, everyone knows that alcoholism is scary, but few can refuse completely alcohol.

What measures does the government take?

A ban on the sale of alcohol was established by the government, as the state is struggling with alcohol consumption by citizens. The first law with this content was adopted in November 1995. It is he who determines how long they sell alcohol in Russia. In accordance with it, you can no longer buy a drink at night. According to statistics, it was at night that the largest number of feasts took place. In addition, the law defines the requirements for the production of alcohol, the sale and consumption of these products.how long do they sell alcohol

What is statistics talking about?

Statistics of alcoholism in Russia are simply scary. Currently, there are more than 5,000,000 alcoholics in the country, which is approximately 3.4% of the total population. 1/3 of the men who have died in the last 10 years have suffered from this disease. About 15% of women also died due to it. That is, about 500,000 people die every year due to drinking. Things are even worse with child alcoholism. So every third boy over 13 years at least once used vodka, beer, wine. However, most of them do this periodically. But these children are the future of our country. It’s scary to imagine what will happen next? The government is very concerned about this, so the head of state passes laws to limit the time until which alcohol can be sold.how much do they sell alcohol

Alcohol Prohibition Bill

The law states that all those that comprise more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol may be considered alcoholic beverages. These are vodka, wine, champagne, cognac, beer, as well as all drinks made on its basis (mead, poire, cider). Also, article 16 states not only how much alcohol is sold in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in what institutions alcohol trade is not allowed:

  • These are establishments in which children often visit. In no case should there be alcohol in institutions involved in education, medicine and sports.
  • In cultural institutions. But here it is allowed to sell low-alcohol drinks at public catering enterprises.
  • In public transport and at stops.
  • At the gas station.
  • In mass places (market, train station, airport).

Also, in no case can you sell the drink to minors. If the seller can not determine the age by appearance, then he has the right to ask for documents. Neglect of this requirement may result in criminal prosecution.how long do they sell alcohol moscow

When can I get alcohol?

Article 16, in addition to restrictions on the place of sale of alcohol, also indicates the hours until which they sell alcohol. So, you can’t buy it from 23:00 to 8:00. However, this rule does not apply to catering organizations and duty free trade. In addition, local authorities can change this time period by setting their own restrictions on how long they sell alcohol. Moscow is the capital of the country, so the restrictions here have become more severe. So, you can’t buy alcohol from 21:00 to 11:00. By introducing such a ban, the authorities seek to completely get rid of alcoholism, and, accordingly, to reduce the crime rate in the country.

Consider the regions of Russia, how long they sell alcohol:

  • St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) - it is forbidden to sell alcohol from ten in the evening until eleven in the morning.
  • Astrakhan.Here you can’t get a drink from nine in the evening until ten in the morning. In the same period, it will not be possible to buy a “hot drink” in the Pskov region.
  • Yakutia. This is probably one of the most “strict” areas, since it is impossible to buy alcohol here from eight in the evening until two in the afternoon.
  • Kirov region. It differs in the release of alcohol on weekdays and weekends. So, from Monday to Friday, alcohol is prohibited from eleven nights to ten in the morning, and on weekends from five in the evening.
  • In Saratov, alcohol is not dispensed from ten in the evening until ten in the morning.how long do alcohol spb sell

What days do you not buy alcohol?

Many are interested not only in how much alcohol is sold, but on what days you can’t buy it. And there are many such days. In addition, the law also allows local authorities to add their own restrictions. Therefore, in many regions there were days when it is generally impossible to buy booze in any institution. These are such holidays:

  • Graduation day at school - May 25.
  • Children's Day - June 1.
  • Youth Day - June 27th.
  • Sobriety Day - September 11th.
  • Russia Day - June 12.

The list of non-alcoholic days varies by region. For example, in Saratov they do not sell alcohol even on weekends. You won’t be able to get alcohol in places like monasteries, temples, and beaches. But this restriction extends to another 150 m near these facilities.how much can you sell alcohol

Sobriety Day in Russia

September 11 is the Day of sobriety, which is celebrated throughout the Russian Federation. Despite this, in some areas it is also possible to purchase alcohol on this day. However, this is a good reason to spend time without alcohol. In addition, this holiday was even approved by the church, which indicates its necessity. He first appeared in 1911, and two years later the church supported him. But during the USSR, this date was forgotten. Again they remembered her only in 2005. September 11 in the Russian Federation in different cities are events aimed at the prevention of alcohol dependence. Along with this, attention is paid to other problems, such as drug addiction.

What are the opinions regarding this law?

Officials believe that due to the fact that the law limits the time until how much alcohol is sold, the level of alcoholism in the country will be reduced. They believe that such actions are very effective, since people buy and drink less alcohol. However, they also have opponents who believe that it does not matter how much they sell alcohol. After all, a drink can be bought in sufficient quantities at the permitted time. And this can not only not solve the existing problem, but also exacerbate it even more. After all, a person suffering from alcohol addiction can drink all the drink he bought at once, as a result of which he may experience intoxication, alcohol poisoning, and the like. In addition, they are sure that not all stores comply with the law and neglect how much alcohol can be sold.how long can you sell alcohol

Experts say that, in addition to adopting the law, it is also necessary to carry out explanatory work and promote healthy lifestyle, starting from adolescence. And this should happen all the time.

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