
How to recognize counterfeit alcohol? Anti-counterfeit alcohol liability

In our article we want to talk about counterfeit alcohol. Unfortunately, there are a lot of it in the modern market. Of course, in order not to poison them, it is better not to drink alcohol at all. But this is not acceptable to everyone. Let's talk about how to distinguish counterfeit alcohol. What nuances should I pay attention to when buying alcohol, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation?

What is counterfeit alcohol?

This is a product prepared on the basis of an existing brand, but with a violation of all technologies. It is one thing when an alcoholic drink is fake and does not have an appropriate level of quality, and another when it is poisonous and toxic, which leads to loss of health or death. And there are many such cases. Counterfeit alcohol is very dangerous.counterfeit alcoholCurrently, not only inexpensive drinks are actively faked, but also elite expensive brands of alcohol. So, when buying fashionable whiskey, you are completely not immune to the fact that you buy counterfeit alcohol.

Where to get alcohol?

Definitely, in no case should you buy alcohol from anyone else’s hands or at obscure points of sale. There are supermarkets and specialty stores for this. However, they cannot fully guarantee the quality of the goods sold. But still the chance to buy counterfeit alcohol in such a place is slightly lower. And remember that taking alcohol in street stalls and stalls is also not worth it. It is unlikely that one can count on acquiring a quality expensive drink in them. In such places they do not hold him. To do this, there are specialized stores in which the consultant will help you choose the right purchase.

Is fake spirits allowed?

The sale of counterfeit alcohol is prohibited by law (Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). A violation is punishable by a fine and imprisonment of up to five years. However, this does not stop anyone. Otherwise, this was not discussed. sale of counterfeit alcohol

And we are witnessing a steady growth trend in the production of non-certified alcoholic beverages. Especially the process is activated before the holidays, most of all - before the New Year. At this time, sales of alcoholic beverages increase significantly. This is what unscrupulous individuals use, actively introducing counterfeit alcohol to the market. As a rule, in the pre-holiday bustle, people lose their vigilance, everyone hurries about their business, preparing for the festivities.

What is the danger of counterfeit alcohol?

Fake alcohol may contain methanol. It is wood or methyl alcohol. In common people it is called technical. In fact, this is a serious poison from which people die or become disabled. It can damage the human nervous system, the retina, the optic nerve, which leads to blindness. Poisoning with counterfeit alcohol is dangerous precisely because of its consequences.

How to identify a fake?

Many manufacturers pour alcoholic beverages into containers with specific marks (these include: corrugations, patterns, labels). In addition, all labels on the bottle should be evenly glued, without distortions.

Alcohol produced in the customs union has stickers in the form of federal stamps. But imported products are pasted over with excise duty stamps. This marking is a confirmation of payment of the fee.

counterfeit alcohol

To visually learn to recognize such brands, use the tips:

  1. Stamps are printed on specialized paper that glows in ultraviolet rays.
  2. Copper foil depicting the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is pressed into the raw materials for excisable stamps.
  3. The paper has a protective pink thread. Under the influence of ultraviolet, the letters "RF" are visible on it.
  4. On the back of the stamps is also the abbreviation "RF".
  5. The brand number has three characters.
  6. All information on the labels and brand must match exactly. After all, many parameters are indicated here: product name, container volume, name of the manufacturer, etc.

Counterfeit champagne

The fight against counterfeit alcohol is ongoing, but not very successful. They fake alcohol faster than they have time to seize from trade.punishment for counterfeit alcohol

On the eve of any holiday, champagne is especially popular. Oddly enough, but he is also very actively faked. How to determine what is in front of you - the original or the counterfeit? The indicator is the bubbles. In a glass with a drink, you need to throw something, for example, a berry. It should immediately become covered with small bubbles. Such champagne is real. If the bubbles are very rare and instantly float to the surface, then this indicates that you have counterfeit. At best, it’s just soda with alcohol.

Counterfeit Vodka

Vodka is probably the most fake liquor. How to determine in appearance - to take or not to take?

There are signs that should cast doubt on you. If you don’t like something in the bottle, then it’s best to go straight to choosing a different brand.

seized counterfeit alcohol

Characteristic features:

  1. The first indicator is the price. If you prefer to buy the same brand, you should know about its cost. Do not believe any promotions and sales. The price is about the same everywhere. But the lower should alert about the origin of such a drink. Do not take similar alcohol.
  2. Colour. Counterfeiters are now smarter. Previously, fakes were sold at a lower price. Now, as a rule, they put up the cost of the original. Therefore, you need to look at other indicators. For example, the color. Natural vodka should be completely transparent, without impurities and sediment. Turn the bottle over and look through it at the light. Inside, there cannot be any colored particles (orange or yellow). If the color changes, then this is far from an original product.

What is the difference between ordinary alcohol and technical?

Sometimes it’s extremely difficult to distinguish a fake from the outside. Therefore, when you open the bottle, you must check whether there is a surrogate inside. How to do it?

how to distinguish counterfeit alcohol

Methyl and ethyl alcohol are identical in appearance, and therefore they can be distinguished in several ways:

  1. If you set fire to vodka, it will have a blue flame. Methanol burns green.
  2. If the drink is clear, then throw a piece of peeled potato into it. In vodka, he will not change his color. But in methanol it will turn pink.
  3. If a hot copper wire is lowered into the drink, then methanol will give an extremely unpleasant smell of formaldehyde. Good vodka will not give any smell at all.

How to recognize substitute poisoning?

The first signs of poisoning are very similar to the state of intoxication: nausea, dizziness, weakness.

counterfeit alcohol poisoning

But after a couple of hours, other alarming symptoms appear:

  1. Hurt and pain throughout the body.
  2. Visual impairment.
  3. Slows breathing and palpitations.
  4. A person can fall into a coma.

Fighting counterfeit alcohol

We already spoke about this earlier. The law penalizes counterfeit alcohol. However, it is extremely difficult to find participants in such proceedings and punish them legally. Therefore, ordinary citizens should be connected to the process. No need to purchase dubious products. Remember that drinking fake alcohol can result in loss of health and death.Do not believe those stories when buying that this vodka is cheaper because it is seized and cleared goods. It is not true. This does not happen.

If fake consignments of alcohol are found by the competent authorities, they must be seized. What do you think they do with them when they are seized? Counterfeit alcohol must be destroyed. And it doesn’t matter whether it is safe or not. In any case, it was produced illegally with a violation of all technologies.

Be careful and vigilant when buying alcohol. Even if in the store you did not notice anything suspicious during the purchase, and at home you were visited by any doubts about the quality and origin of the product, it is better not to use it. Contact the counterfeit product hotline in your area.

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