
List of goods not subject to return and exchange: medicines, food products, underwear

Often, having come home, the buyer may find that the purchased goods do not meet the declared qualities. It also happens that the consumer regrets the purchase and wants to return the purchased item. A list of non-refundable goods can be found in our article. Thanks to him, you will find out which purchases should be treated more responsibly so as not to regret the purchase in the future.

A product that does not meet the declared qualities

The decree "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" does not carry an explanation of the concept of "good quality product". But the wording of the defect is insignificant and substantial. The minor disadvantages of products and services include their inconsistency with the declared qualities.

A significant drawback of the product (work, service) is a drawback that cannot be eliminated. In this case, the goods must be exchanged or returned funds spent on its purchase. However, there is a list of non-refundable goods. You can find them in our article.

After analyzing the information presented in the bill, we can conclude that the goods of inadequate quality has a significant or minor defect. A purchase that does not meet the stated requirements is easy to determine.

non-refundable item list

Generally recognized product

A product that meets the declared qualities is a purchase that meets specific generally recognized standards and standards. The buyer can use it for its intended purpose in full.

The buyer has the right, according to the bill, to purchase quality goods. All retail outlets should sell only those products that meet the standards prescribed in the article "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

In case of any discrepancy of the goods, the buyer can exchange or return it. He can also file a complaint with a point of sale if the seller refuses to do so. The bill on consumer protection contains a list of non-returnable goods. It also lists the products that the seller is obliged to replace or return the money spent on it.

By law, you can not exchange or return:

  • a drug;
  • animal;
  • goods intended for personal hygiene;
  • contraceptive
  • chemical solution for pest control;
  • household chemicals.



Medicines are included in the list of non-refundable goods. However, in some cases, you can prove your case and return the money spent. The most common deficiencies of drugs include the following symptoms:

  • expired expiration date;
  • lack of labeling (expiration date, series);
  • the package does not contain instructions for using the drug;
  • the appearance or consistency of the drug does not match the description;
  • visible defect (chips, scratches, etc.).

In the event that the drug has the above symptoms, you can return it to the pharmacy or replace it with a medicine of good quality. The pharmacist may refuse the consumer because the purchase is included in the list of non-refundable goods. However, the buyer may write a complaint.According to the bill "On Protection of Consumer Rights", any citizen can replace the purchased goods if it is of inadequate quality.

Few people know, but if you find and inform the pharmacy that there is no marking on the packaging of the purchased medicine, the pharmacist may withdraw the goods from sale. Such a case will bring certain problems to the manufacturer of this drug.

What if the pharmacist refuses to exchange the drug?

Despite the fact that medicines are included in the list of non-refundable goods, in case of their inconsistency, you can demand the return of funds spent on the purchase. Often, pharmacists do not want to change the product. This is no coincidence, because consumers often do not know the legislation, and believe that such a purchase cannot be returned.

When buying a poor-quality drug, it is necessary to inform the pharmacist about this. In the event that he refuses to take appropriate measures to solve this problem, you need to inform him that in this way he violates the decree "On Protection of Consumer Rights". You can take a copy of the law on the information stand and present it to the pharmacist. If he still does not want to change the goods, ask to invite the head of the pharmacy. Explain the whole situation to her.

In the event that the manager, like the pharmacist, refuses to change the drug, tell her that you will contact the appropriate authorities and write a complaint to the outlet. Rewrite all information about the pharmacy from the information stand. As a rule, after these actions, the pharmacist and the manager change their mind and return the money spent on low-quality goods to the buyer.

list of non-refundable goods

If the pharmacy workers still do not want to solve the current situation, you must ask for a book of complaints and suggestions. There you will need to indicate your name, date of purchase, and describe the essence of the claim. You must also notify that if management does not take action and does not return the funds within 5-7 days, you will write a statement to the court.

If during the specified time the workers did not take any measures, the buyer should not only write a statement to the court, but also report any violation of the law to various authorities. Be sure, after this, the pharmacy management will not only return the money spent on a poor-quality drug, but also pay moral damage.

Food Returns

Purchased food products often do not meet the standards described in the legislative act "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". Defects may include the expired product shelf life or damaged packaging. For example, if you purchased dairy products, but when you come home you find that it has a sour taste or an unpleasant odor, then you can safely return it to the store.

Sometimes in small stores there is a sign that notifies customers that food products are not subject to return and exchange. However, this is a gross violation of the law on consumer protection. Most often in such stores are sold low quality goods. We strongly recommend that you do not make purchases at retail outlets with signs that violate the bill, so as not to endanger your health and your loved ones.

 goods not subject to return and exchange

It is worth noting that good quality food products are not subject to exchange and return. If the buyer has purchased a product that does not meet generally accepted standards, then he can return it or replace it before the expiration date indicated on the package. The exception is spoiled food products. In this case, you can also write a complaint about the store. Management will be held accountable for violating the Consumer Rights Bill. The complaint can be filed at the office of Rospotrebnadzor.

Often sellers of small stores do not give out a purchase receipt. Many buyers believe that in this case it is impossible to prove their case. However, it is not. In order to prove the fact of the purchase, it will be enough to find witnesses or to review the recordings from surveillance cameras.


All goods that are not subject to return and exchange are indicated in the bill "On Protection of Consumer Rights", in article 18. However, many buyers are not familiar with this law. The procedure for returning goods causes them a lot of questions. You can find information about the most popular purchases in our article.

It is known that items of hygiene and underwear cannot be exchanged or returned. Is it so? Linen is included in the list of goods that cannot be exchanged or returned. This is no accident, because experts say that when it is tried, close contact with the body occurs. Dangerous microorganisms may remain on the tissue. They can cause various infections in the following customers. It is worth noting that often sellers themselves do not properly sell underwear. They do not put it in packaging. Quite often, they allow a potential buyer to try on linen. Most often these are swimwear and bras. Such a fitting can result in a number of diseases and infections.

Sometimes sellers not only allow to measure underwear, but also change it to another model in case of complaints from the buyer. This is a gross violation. We strongly recommend a responsible approach to the choice of linen.

Carpet Products

Many buyers believe that meter carpets can easily be returned to the store. Is it so? Of course, a carpet that has a standard factory size can be returned or exchanged within the first two weeks after purchase. You need to take a check with you. In case of refusal by the seller, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor. However, meter products are goods that are not subject to return by law. A carpet cut to the standards provided by the buyer cannot be returned.
metric carpets

Animal return

A large number of questions from buyers causes the return of animals. Representatives of flora and fauna are a rather specific product. However, they may also be the subject of a contract of sale. Animals are also included in non-returnable and exchangeable items. An exception may be only if the recently acquired pet has deviations from the norm. You can return it or exchange it only in the first two weeks from the date of purchase.

Hygiene products

The list of goods not subject to exchange and return includes personal hygiene items. In the event that the purchased item has no defects, the buyer cannot demand to replace the purchase or to refund the funds spent on it.

If personal care products have not been used, but have any defect, the buyer can safely contact the seller with a request to replace the purchase. In the event of a refusal, store employees violate the bill on consumer protection.

hygiene items

To summarize

Each at least once came across a desire to return or exchange the purchased goods. However, not every item can be replaced. It is worth noting that in the presence of significant defects, sellers are required to exchange absolutely any product. In case of refusal, you must write a complaint to the appropriate service. Enjoy the shopping!

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