
Average salaries of programmers in Russia, duties and job description

Technological progress does not stand still, computerization is visible everywhere. Now even the smallest firmochki can not do without information technology, almost every house and apartment boasts laptops, personal computers, various gadgets. And who serves all this? Of course, programmers. Without them, in the modern world, nowhere. The Internet is full of vacancies and job offers for specialists in this field. Let's see what salaries programmers expect in different industries.

programmers salaries

What is a programmer?

A programmer is a person who communicates with technology in its language. The object of his work is a computer, and the subject is writing programs for him. As well as testing, documenting, amending, debugging, monitoring the correct operation of systems and their compatibility. At the moment, they write programs not only for computers in the narrow sense of the word, but also for smartphones, tablets, chip electronic equipment, are engaged in the layout of sites, control the order on the Internet and much more. At the moment, this is a very broad specialty, covering a lot of opportunities. The demand for such personnel is growing every day.

programmer salary in Russia

Profession history

The first programmable device in history loom. This opportunity to change the pattern now seems such a simple thing, and then there was a real revolution in this industry. This event happened in 1804. The first analytical machine was created by Charles Babbage. But the first program was written by a woman named Ada Augusta Lovelace in 1843. It was she who became the first programmer in history. Since then, much has changed, but each of the representatives of this remarkable profession has its own artist and sculptor, creative person and discoverer.

programmer salary in Moscow


By and large, all programmers can be divided into four types: system, application, tester, technical support specialist. Each of them is engaged in his own separate type of work, however, of course, they have the same general knowledge and understanding of the subject. The salaries of programmers depend on the scope of activities and the way they work. Some may serve one organization on their own, others contain a whole department of technical control, and third professionals work in free mode, providing services or working as freelancers. In most cases, the salaries of programmers depend on their ability to cope with huge amounts of information, as well as being able to manage their time and, of course, analyze situations very quickly.

programmer 1s salary

Profession training

At the moment, the profession of a programmer can be studied at colleges, universities, academies, additional courses and so on. This is if a person initially knew where he was striving. However, professional programmers are most often found among self-taught people, those who went through everything independently, experimentally at home. There are distance courses that you can listen to in the form of webinars via the Internet. In addition, in the vastness of the network there are many resources with completely free access for mastering the secrets and tricks of such interesting profession. To work as a freelancer or self-employed, such training is quite suitable. But if you go to an organization as a system administrator, you can’t do without a diploma.In the first case, the salaries of programmers depend solely on the amount of work that they can do. In the second - from the salary established by the head of the company.

Programmers 1C

About the program "1C: Enterprise, accounting, trade, warehouse" everyone heard at least a little. And those who work in this area as operators, storekeepers, accountants know it very well firsthand. However, it is one thing to create a document on ready-made templates and drive in the necessary numerical and nomenclature values, another thing is to create these same templates and control the stability of the program as a whole. For this, you need a 1C programmer. The official duties of this employee include configuration and administration of the subject of his activities. He must monitor the normal functioning of the system, prevent and correct failures, update and modify existing forms, documents, reports, and so on. To develop accounting methods for ease of use, introduce new developments into the program, train the rest of the staff to work with innovations - all this is a job description that a 1C programmer must fulfill. The salary of such a specialist is 70-90 thousand rubles. This is far from the ceiling. The averaged indicators are given.

software engineer salary

Software engineer

Such a specialist is engaged not in one program, its maintenance and modernization, but in many completely different information products in their purpose. Such specialists are engaged in the development of various applications and peripheral software for various devices, whether it be a tablet computer, a personal computer, a smartphone and other complex equipment. The job description of a software engineer says that it is his responsibility to analyze the presented mathematical model and the algorithm for solving the problem posed to him, to develop programs that can solve the problem or problem. Then he should test and debug the created algorithm. Also, to varying degrees, he works with the information provided, selects programming languages, launches software, enters the initial data. Further accompanies the product developed by him. The specialty is quite complicated and time-consuming. It requires tremendous knowledge in its field. But it is paid accordingly. A software engineer, whose average salary is 70-100 thousand rubles, is a rather demanded profession in the circles of organizations involved in developing programs and putting them on the market.

Web programmer and freelancers

These specialists concentrate their work directly on the Web. They create web pages and portals, link links between pages, and promote and impose the appearance of the site. Demand for the creation of such products is now very large. In any business, even the simplest single-page business card site opens up new customer flows. Therefore, all far-sighted businessmen are trying to enlist the support of an experienced craftsman in these matters. After creating the site, you will need to finalize it, introduce innovations, update and so on. It is much better if the same person will do all this. That is why programmers in the role of freelancers feel great and, by the way, often earn much more than their colleagues on salaries. Creating the simplest one-page site costs from 5 thousand rubles. An experienced master for this procedure will last one day, or even less. Usually people working in this mode already have some standard templates and best practices for any occasion. Therefore, the salary of a freelance programmer depends only on him and his hard work. Everything is in his hands. The average salary of a programmer of this kind is 50,000 rubles.

Qualities required by the programmer

Any profession requires certain personal qualities from a person. Otherwise, he is forced to work without much success, and even more so without pleasure. In addition, the salary of a programmer in Russia directly depends on this characteristic. This work requires an analytical mindset and outstanding mathematical abilities. The salary of a programmer in Russia often depends on his ability to quickly understand the essence of the problem, as well as quickly find its solution. Sometimes you have to work after school. And for this you need perseverance, the ability not to lose vigilance during monotonous work and stress resistance. Another necessary quality is excellent memory and the ability to quickly navigate reference resources. Not everyone will pull such a job, but the salary of a programmer in Moscow, for example, is on average 100 thousand rubles.

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