
Loom: types, description, characteristics

The introduction of the latest technologies in industrial sectors primarily affects equipment. Examples of various industries demonstrate the advantages of technological development, which is manifested in improving the quality of products. At the same time, there are areas where traditional methods of organizing technological processes are still relevant. In particular, the loom to this day retains the concept of the close relationship of manual labor and machine function. Of course, in some areas of production, the emergence of electronic systems with automation can be noted. However, due to the combination of advantages of the two approaches, the advantage still remains with manual and mechanical units.

Loom General


Despite a conservative approach to textile production participants in this segment use many variations of this machine. Moreover, all models serve one purpose - the formation of tissue. As a result of the interweaving of several threads with a certain arrangement configuration relative to each other, a textile product with a given structure is created. In general, the concept is simple, so its origins go down in history quite deeply. For example, the first finds that testify to the manufacture of fabrics by weaving count about 6 thousand years. If we talk about machines close to modern technical means, the first looms appeared in 1785. It was at this time that a mechanical unit of this type was patented. At the same time, it cannot be said that the device was something unprecedented and revolutionary. By this time, manual mechanisms were very common in Europe for almost a hundred years.

Main characteristics

loom dressing

A special place in the technical parameters is occupied by the dimensions of the machines. The most compact dimensions are traditional hand-held machines, which are easily placed even in a small apartment. They can be compared with a washing machine, but it is important to consider the need to organize a workplace. One of the most important characteristics is the width of the fabric, which on average varies from 50 to 100 cm. Of course, a loom for industrial needs can have a two-meter width of the fabric, which allows you to make carpets. The dimensions of the installation should also be considered in terms of placement on the floor. As a rule, models from junior and middle rulers occupy sections of no more than 100x100 cm. In this case, the installation height can reach 1.5 m.

Machine device

The classic design of a hand-held machine primarily provides for the presence of two cross bars for a commodity roller and a navoi. As a rule, these elements are included in the basic package. The machine does not do without the thread holder. In the process of warping, it is for this part that the ends of the threads are fixed. For passing the loops of yarn into the corresponding teeth, a parting hook is intended. This detail is also called the parting in the reed. In addition, the device of the loom provides for the presence of embedded slats. Using these elements, the user can keep the foundation even and smooth. Planks are usually laid on the base as winding. When the formation of the base on the machine begins, the function of the holder of the heald is necessary - it is performed by a special clamp included in the kit. As an option, kits with wire studs are also purchased, which fasten the headers after they are installed for operation.


weaving machine

Manufacturers offer manual, mechanical, semi-mechanical, as well as automated devices. Also, the models are divided into hydraulic and pneumatic machines, depending on the principle of operation. From the point of view of structural performance, it is possible to distinguish round and flat machines. By the way, the first option is used exclusively for the production of fabrics with special qualities.

For example, it may be a sleeve material. For domestic use, small narrow models are more often used, and for large productions industrial looms are suitable, which have enough power to work with large volumes of textile material. There is a division of machines according to the ability to form different tissues. So, eccentric models are used to create simple weaves, and small-mesh canvases can be performed on a carriage.

Classification by the method of laying the thread

industrial looms

On this basis, pneumatic and hydraulic devices are isolated. True, there is a third variety - rapier machines. As for the pneumatic models, they lay the thread in the throat using air flow. For this, the main nozzle is mounted in the hip structure. It is important to note that this part is fixed to the main tank that distributes the compressed air. Hydraulic and rapier types of looms are also common, which use water and special feeding elements in the laying process. In the first case, the thread is held by a flying water drop. In general, the device of such machines corresponds to pneumatic counterparts, only a jet of water is used instead of air. Rapier mechanisms introduce the thread into the throat with two metal rods, one of which performs the feeding function, and the second - the receiving one.

Maintenance Nuances

types of looms

The list of activities performed during the maintenance process depends on the specific design. For example, the content of manual models involves thorough inspections of the structure, which is most often made of wood. Proper configuration of components, strips and clamps is the main part of the wizard. More complex designs of mechanical and automatic units require additional measures. For example, it may be necessary to refill the loom with water when it comes to hydraulic devices. Pneumatic equipment also involves the separate maintenance of devices that provide air. It also requires checking the connecting hoses and nozzles that distribute flows.

Weaving Machine Manufacturers

The leading positions are occupied by European companies, including Belgian manufacturers, Italian and German. In particular, pneumatic models on the market are offered by Dornier, Picanol and Promatech. High-quality machines are also produced by Japanese companies, including Tsudakoma and Toyota. Hydraulic models also come under the same brands. It is noteworthy that Russian enterprises are not represented in this segment. But the domestic loom can be found in the category of rapier models. Tekstilmash and STB plants offer their products in this niche.


first looms

Despite the expansion of production capacity, the best textile products are produced by small enterprises that focus on manual labor. This approach has many advantages that provide quality products. For example, a loom with a manual principle of operation allows timely correction of fabric formation, as well as make the necessary adjustments to the setting of the feeding elements. In addition, there are many operations that automated machines cannot perform. In such cases, again, the hands of experienced weavers do best.

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