
Average salary in Germany by occupation

The average salary in Germany is the envy of any average Russian citizen. Why? Yes, because in this state the average level of wages is several times higher than the one that is established with us. In addition, Germany has always been a country that maintains its stability and the status of the most powerful country in the EU.

average salary in Germany

Briefly about statistics

So, before talking about what the average salary in Germany is, you need to look at the statistics. As many as 73% of Germans and citizens living in this country occupy highly paid places and get good money. That is, in other words, it is precisely so many wealthy people in Germany. The rich there stand out differently than in Russia, since few complain about wealth there. By the way, in this beautiful state the number of working hours is much lower than in others - 1413, and not 1776. And the difference of 15 days per year is quite significant.

There is unemployment in this country, but it does not flourish. On the contrary! It is constantly decreasing, which sometimes seems to be - it is about to be minimized at all. Today, 3 million people are unemployed. This is 7% of the population. For comparison, in Russia this figure is ... 27%! And this is the data for 2015. It is possible that the percentage increased over several months. And indeed, even in the Eurozone, the number of unemployed is 14%. So Germany is very successful in this regard.

Germany average salary

Who is in demand?

So German labor market formed by both economic and demographic component. The thing is that the state’s population is not getting younger, therefore in the industrial sectors it is necessary to replace workers who are retiring. But this does not apply to every profession. Engineers are the most sought after. The country really lacks these professionals. Thus, the average salary in Germany for a mechanical engineer is approximately 4 thousand euros per month. Quite a good bet! And civil engineers get even more - 4650 euros. Architects, who also belong to this field of activity, can count on 4,5 thousand €.

The average salary in Germany differs not only by specialties, but also by region (or rather, by land). Take, for example, the same civil engineers. These specialists, working in the cities of Baden-Württemberg and Hesse, receive 53,000 euros per year. This is almost 4,200,000 rubles! 140 thousand p. per month! Such money in Russia is received by highly qualified specialists at large enterprises and with solid experience. In general, these individuals are considered to be rich in us. And there - just moderately wealthy. But the same civil engineer, settled in Mecklenburg-Vorpommen, can only rely on 37,000 euros. The difference is rather big.

average salary in germany in euros

"Cash" professions

Many are interested in how much economists Germany needs. The average salary of these professionals is also not bad. About 5 thousand euros per month, but this is if the specialist is already with good experience. No one will pay such money to a beginner, but a university graduate can count on approximately 2.5-3 thousand.

In general, those professions that are related to banking are considered the most profitable in Germany. The director of a financial institution, for example, earns about 7 thousand euros per month. Member of the board - about 6,500. People holding less senior positions in the banking sector receive 4 thousand euros per month. And it is not surprising why many young people decide to enter this institution in this specialty.

The medicine

Doctors have an average salary in Germany (in euros) of six thousand.But this is only a fee for experienced professionals. Beginners can expect about 3600 per month. Interestingly, the ranking of the ten most popular and highly paid professions of 2015 includes four medical specialties. This is the chief doctor (8,370 euros), a neurologist (7,480), a pediatrician (7,130) and a radiologist (almost 7,000). By the way, even a nurse receives not so little - 2350 euros. True, if you get a secretary, you can find yourself in more favorable conditions and financial gain - there the salary is on average 3600. I must say that medicine in Germany is aging very quickly. Every year, approximately 9,000 doctors are retired. And only 6 thousand young doctors are replacing them. There is a lack of personnel.

what is the average salary in germany


A considerable number of people are interested in what is the average salary in Germany for teachers. Indeed, in Russia, it is worth recognizing that it is teachers who are in the most deplorable situation regarding finances. But in this developed country, teachers are honored. Firstly, a teacher in Germany can easily find a job. For example, get a job in a gymnasium or a school. Secondly, he has the right to count on a good salary.

3 260 euros - this is how much ordinary teachers pay for a month of activity. If a specialist teaches physical education, then the salary increases to 3,300. Does he play music with children? He will be paid 3,465 euros. Is a specialized teacher in college? Can count on 3,463 euros. School educators receive 3,610 euros. Gymnasium students are paid 4,040 euros. And associate professors, academicians - 4,065. Here, in general, what is the average salary in Germany for teachers.

how much is the average salary in Germany

IT specialists

Technology is taking leaps and bounds, especially in Germany. It is not surprising that technical specialties are in demand there. Nowadays, the activities of programmers and IT technologists have gained particular popularity. So, in the cities of Bavaria, they receive approximately 54,000 euros per year. In Hesse - a couple of hundred less. In Baden-Württemberg - 52,900 euros per year. In Hamburg - 50 800 €. And in the cities of North Rhine-Westphalia - 49,000 euros.

Salaries can vary - it all depends on experience, as well as personal and professional skills of the worker. But, in principle, the average salary of a German worker specializing in computers and technologies of this kind will be rather big. To achieve high salaries, in this country one does not need to work 30 years for the same company - successes are noticed and appreciated for several years. And, perhaps, earlier - it all depends on the specialist himself.

average wage of a working germany

Other specialties

Talking about how much the average salary in Germany is in euros, you can not forget about other professions. In general, in this state everyone will find employment. Managers, entrepreneurs, auditors, journalists - if you have the skills, little experience, desire and ability to interest the employer, then the work will be.

Managers, for example, receive 20-50 thousand euros per year. Here is such a specific specialty - it all depends on the number of sales and transactions, therefore, if you work hard, you can earn good capital. Auditors can receive approximately 5 thousand per month, and beginners - 3000. Lawyers have good salaries - also 5 thousand euros. Brokers get about the same. The least paid specialties are those related to tourism and cooking: in this area the competition is too great, therefore, to achieve success, you need to work very long and hard. But otherwise no one complains. The standard of living and salaries in Germany are decent, and this is a fact.

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