
Workplace internship: program, features and rules of passage. Duration of internship at the workplace

Internships at the workplace are a frequent practice in employment not only in our country, but also abroad. Such events are necessary for the admission of young professionals without work experience, as well as when hiring workers in large companies with well-functioning internal mechanisms for carrying out labor activities. Practicing directly with a potential employer allows both him and the applicant to decide and make the right mutually beneficial decision on cooperation.

The concept of internships, categories of persons passing it

The preliminary stage before being hired directly at the workplace is carried out in order to familiarize the potential employee with these working conditions, their specifics, as well as general principles of labor protection and safety.

Internships at the workplace are often relevant not only for newly arrived employees and students who have only received higher or secondary education. Professionals already working in the company are also undergoing similar tests, moving to a new position, in the sphere where they have not worked yet and do not have specific, required skills.

workplace internship

Under the law, an internship is compulsory for persons applying for vacancies in industries with harmful or dangerous working conditions. A preliminary familiarization with the work processes in such a situation begins only after the initial briefing.

Also often the term “internship” is identified with trial period. In the first case, in addition to fulfilling the employee’s direct labor duties, it also means passing through training.

It should be noted that preliminary familiarization is by no means necessary for every specialist getting a job. First of all, it is required at enterprises with hazardous activities, ordinary office employees in fact do not need such tests. However, for them, similar opportunities may be provided for by the internal regulations of the employing company.

workplace internship program

Internship clearance: position

How do internships take place at the workplace? First of all, it should be noted that this issue is poorly regulated by the current labor legislation. The only official recommendation is to sign a fixed-term contract with interns, everything else remains at the discretion of the employer.

The optimal solution for the latter is to draw up a separate regulation governing the internship at the enterprise (firm). A unified form of such a document is not provided, each employer has the right to draw it up at his discretion, however, most staff members adhere to a similar position. Ideally, the position should include the following positions:

  • goals of preliminary practice;
  • the place where the intern will work;
  • payment procedure for the activities of the trainee and his mentor;
  • internship procedure;
  • documents governing the intern.

The position is drawn up in advance, a list of professions implying an internship may be attached to it.

workplace internship sample

Registration of the internship: contract and order

An applicant for a vacant position is required to familiarize himself with such a position. If the parties have reached prior consent, the future trainee writes an application for admission to the internship (and not to apply for a job), an urgent labor contract is concluded with him and an order for admission is issued. The last document must necessarily contain information about the appointed curator, the duration of the internship, as well as the position held by the intern.

What should the order look like?

How exactly do internships take place at the workplace? A sample order is given in the article below, it can be taken as the basis for any personnel officer. The document must contain the following information:

  • date and number of the order;
  • links to official documents (article numbers and their names);
  • information about the intern and the curator (whom, where and for how long they determine);
  • indication of responsible persons (directors and others).

internship at the workplace


How is the internship program in the workplace built? There is no clear regulation for this, again, all issues are for the most part based on the internal documentation of each legal entity. In factories and large enterprises, the internship plan is often developed in advance and is suitable for many workers at the same time, however, in some cases, the internship program is individually compiled by the joint efforts of two parties - the intern and his curator.
workplace internship for labor protection


Internships at the workplace, that is, the trainee’s direct fulfillment of labor duties, are carried out strictly under the supervision of a curator and are recorded in a special journal. Upon completion of the orientation course, it is possible to schedule exams. It is customary to distinguish two main types of internships:

  • Special. Most often it is necessary for technical or "complex" specialties. In the process of familiarization, the rules of fulfilling immediate duties, the rules for using equipment and all necessary equipment are highlighted.
  • General (or internship at the workplace for labor protection). This is the most important type of production practice, which is to cover the basic rules and standards of labor protection, safety technologies. According to the results of its conduct, an exam is always assigned, the purpose of which is to check the assimilation of the knowledge gained.

coaching after internship at the workplace

Payment and Duration Issues

What is the average duration of an internship at the workplace? According to the standards given in the Labor Code, the terms for its passage vary from 3 to 10 working days and cannot exceed two weeks. It should be noted that in some cases, training may be required before the internship, the duration of which is not taken into account in practice.

An intern has the right to pay for his work, the amount of remuneration in this case is determined by the Labor Code. According to the official position, it cannot be lower than the minimum wage (minimum wage). It is logical to assume that the accrued financial resources will be an order of magnitude smaller than that of specialists working in the main state. Payment is made once at the end of the practice.

The working hours of the trainee should not exceed the norms established by labor legislation.

Coaching after an internship at the workplace is not mandatory; it is usually carried out before the introduction of practice. After listening to it, the trainee must leave a note about this in a special journal. If the final tests were passed successfully, the supervisor has the right to sign an order for admission to the interns' work independently.

If the results were unsatisfactory, the employee may be suspended from duty until the retake of the exam. For this period of time, salaries are not paid.

internships in the workplace

Documents upon completion of the internship

An internship at the workplace ends with a review of it. The document is prepared by the interns themselves in a free-form and must necessarily contain information of the following nature:

  • what goals were achieved as a result of labor activity;
  • tasks that have been successfully completed;
  • tasks that were not completed, as well as reasons that prevented this;
  • a short list of acquired skills;
  • suggestions aimed at improving the workflow, as well as conducting practice for other interns.

Documents at the end of the familiarization course are drawn up by the curator. His task is to prepare a characterization for the applicant, describe how satisfactorily he coped with the tasks set during the work, and also leave his opinion about the intern as a professional worker and person. In conclusion, the characteristics are given feedback on whether the employer should accept the applicant in the main state or not.

The employer must also issue an order based on the results of the internship and passing examinations on admission to the state or on refusal to the applicant in this.

Student Help

Workplace internships are often conducted for university students and technical schools. In this case, a special contract is concluded between the educational institution and the company, and according to the results of practical training, the student is issued a special certificate. It should contain the following information:

  • FULL NAME. trainee;
  • Duration of internship and training in the workplace;
  • basic information about the institution sending the trainee, as well as the company hosting him;
  • documents governing internships;
  • signatures and stamps of the parties.

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