
Drivers' internship when hiring in Russia

The internship of drivers when hiring is an event that is far from always the case. However, many people do not know why this procedure is needed and in what situations it is necessary. This is what we will talk about in our article.

What is it?

The internship of drivers when applying for a job is a specialized system for adapting a driver to real-life conditions so that he can work in a specific direction. Practical exercises are required in order to determine and, accordingly, as quickly as possible to eliminate any shortcomings in the existing training, to consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve extremely safe driving.

employment internships

Drivers' internships when hiring help prepare an employee for independent fulfillment of their duties in urban conditions, inform them of the main speed limits, dangerous road sections and those places where traffic accidents most often occur. Among other things, special instructors are engaged in training the driver in various actions that will prevent the occurrence of accidents and simply dangerous situations on road.

Why and when is it needed?

Drivers' internships when hiring are carried out if the employee had a sufficiently long break in work (in accordance with the standards, a break of more than one year is taken into account). Also, this procedure is carried out if the specialist has just graduated from an educational institution or is going to work in mountain conditions. Bus drivers' internships when hiring are also carried out if they manage a new mode of transport or travel on passenger routes. Among other things, practical exercises are mandatory for those people who have recently begun to live in the conditions of the far north, since they often have to deal with snowfalls and ice, which greatly affects the necessary actions when driving.

Upon admission to the route

The internship of bus drivers for employment is a separate topic, because this work is directly related to the risk to the health and life of passengers, and the driver is not only responsible for his own life, but also leads the fate of many other people. An intern initially drives a bus in accordance with a predetermined route assigned to his vehicle, and must also carry out all procedures under the close supervision of a mentor.

bus drivers internship

The internship of bus drivers when hiring a school or other institution includes two parts - route and pre-route, regardless of whether the specialist has a certain category of access. Pre-route internship is a theory, as well as various classes using special simulators. The main purpose of such events is to consolidate existing knowledge, as well as to identify any gaps in theory with their subsequent elimination to ensure the most comfortable and safe driving.

How is a pre-route internship for drivers when hiring? In Moscow and other large cities, it is customary to group students in accordance with the categories assigned to them.The theory is taught by specialized employees of safe traffic services in a comprehensive work with mentors.


The bus driver must:

  • To be able to smoothly start the movement, slow down and do not forget that he carries live people.
  • Be able to smoothly enter various turns.
  • Maintain optimal speed without making sudden jerks.
  • Timely follow the stops of the route.
  • Timely complete the journey along the route.
  • Observe all established precautions not only during movement, but also at the time of stopping.
  • Constantly observe in the mirror the movement of passengers in the door area.
  • Open doors only after a complete stop of transport.
  • Announce stops in advance.
  • Keep order in the cabin of your vehicle if work is being done without a jig.
  • Accept payment for travel if work is conducted without a conductor.

This is exactly what is checked in the process of how the internship of drivers in the Russian Federation and other cities is carried out.

Key Points

To conduct the audit, a specialized program is being developed, as well as a host of other methodological manuals that are determined for a specific category. The mentor who provides training for truck drivers when hiring or drivers of other vehicles must adhere to the fundamental rules of this program.

After the theoretical preparation is completed, a practical test of all student knowledge should be carried out. Route internship of the driver is a completely independent driving under close supervision by the mentor assigned to the intern by the enterprise management. The main goal pursued by such an internship for car drivers when applying for a job is to consolidate basic theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as to test the ability to use them in real conditions. During the route internship, the driver moves without any passengers.

bus drivers internship at school

The current provisions indicate that the practice should be carried out under the constant supervision of a mentor appointed in accordance with the order of the company’s management, or under the guidance of any other person who received this appointment in accordance with the contract. The mentor must have a license or a special certificate that would allow him to conduct training, as well as the experience of driving this vehicle for more than five years with the complete absence of any traffic violations.

The total duration that the drivers' internship should have when hiring the organization is set in accordance with the driver data, or rather, based on his total work experience, break time, and also depends on the type of transport and route being considered. Training of drivers at the enterprise is carried out in real road conditions in the process of passenger transportation specifically along the routes where this driver will subsequently have to work on an ongoing basis. Ultimately, the practice ends with a professional interview, as well as another test trip with a further mark in the sheet, whether this specialist can be admitted to work. Thus, the duration of the internship for drivers when hiring can be very different.

Why do we need a verification check?

A check is carried out in order to ensure an adequate assessment of the professional skill of the driver. Basically, it is a collection of test questions from a standard program.Such an internship for a driver when applying for a job (sample below) is just a test of theoretical knowledge, and only then it will be possible to start the practical part when the skill of driving a vehicle is assessed. Practical experience involves testing in real conditions of movement along the route with the fixation of even the most minor violations, which are then summed up. As a result, conclusions are drawn as to whether this employee is suitable. Ultimately, after an internship, specialists provide a conclusion on whether he is allowed to work, and this document must necessarily indicate the specific type of vehicle and the established route. The conclusion is stored directly in the personal file of the employee.Drivers internship in Moscow

It so happens that they still refuse access after the internship of the drivers was carried out upon hiring. In this case, the management’s order may provide for the transfer of this specialist by his personal consent to any other types of work. And if he does not show such a desire or does not have the opportunity, he is simply dismissed in accordance with the Labor Code. Only those drivers who have previously undergone a pre-trip examination at the doctor’s are allowed to perform their duties on a daily basis, and before leaving, a bus inspection must be carried out, the health check of various nodes that ensure traffic safety is carried out. In the end, travel documents are issued, and the driver can go on the route in accordance with the established schedule.


The current provisions on internships, as well as admission to independent performance of duties for drivers, include the basic norms of how the internship should be carried out on real routes. it all depends on what category the person was assigned to:

  • 1 category. A person has never worked as a driver anywhere before, but at the same time has the appropriate profession by education, passed the necessary traffic police exams and has category "D" rights.
  • 2 category. Persons who have been retrained in category “D”, having previously “B” and “C”.
  • 3 category. Persons who have not previously driven buses, but at the same time have I and II class.

internships for truck drivers when hiring

  • 4th category. Persons entitled to manage the bus, but at the same time not working in this area for more than six months.
  • 5th category. Workers whose work break exceeds three months.
  • 6th category. Drivers who used to drive one brand of bus, but now were forced to switch to another.
  • 7th category. Drivers who have switched to other routes. If they did not know this route before, then in this case a route internship should be carried out for at least four hours, while in mountainous difficult routes this time will increase to eight hours with the obligatory presence of a mentor who knows this route perfectly.

Thus, depending on the category, what kind of training for drivers when hiring is required for the company and how long it should take is also changing.

A responsibility

For the organization, as well as ensuring appropriate control over the internship, is responsible:

  • The chief engineer who should periodically monitor the implementation of this procedure.
  • Competent individuals who have been commissioned by the chief engineer should monitor how well the internship provisions are implemented.
  • Instructors are involved in monitoring the internship process, as well as addressing the shortcomings noted.

drivers internship in rf

In general, the main responsibility for how the driver passes the internship rests with his mentor, because he is in close proximity to the driver and should better pay attention to various errors better than others, correcting them at the right time.Among other things, the mentor supervises the pre-route internship and then conducts the route with his intern.

Fundamental rules

As with any other training process, certain requirements are provided here, as well as a clearly established order of conduct. The following may be noted as key internship rules:

  • Appointment of a training person, which becomes one of the most experienced employees of the company.
  • Assigning the trainee to a specific mentor who will train him during the entire training time.
  • After the internship procedure, the test is taken by the responsible person.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that it is necessary to train a specialist on that particular brand of buses, which he will continue to use on his route. It is worth noting that the driver-mentor must have at least five years of experience in this category of vehicle, as well as at least three years drive a vehicle on the chassis of heavy vehicles. Also, during this period, he must not fall into a traffic accident through his own fault or flagrantly violate the current rules of the road.

Main steps

In this case, it provides several of the most important steps:

  • verification of the theoretical knowledge of the driver;
  • driving in a park area or a specially equipped area;
  • Riding in urban conditions (or directly along the road of the future route) under close supervision by the mentor;
  • a control trip together with a certain cargo or passengers, which is also carried out under the supervision of responsible persons;
  • full execution of all necessary documentation, in which the results of the trainee's verification will be recorded.

internship for car drivers when applying for a job

Checking the basic knowledge of traffic rules in the process of hiring a driver is carried out through an exam, in which the applicant will have to answer questions of various tickets. In accordance with the requirements of this test, it is necessary to give the correct answer to 20 questions asked, while only four incorrect answers are allowed. If a person cannot pass this stage, then in this case he is forbidden to continue an internship using a vehicle. The possibility of participation in no more than three exams is provided, and after successfully passing the theoretical part, the driver is issued a specialized sheet with information on checking the knowledge of traffic rules.

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