
Strategic management of the organization and personnel

The effectiveness of any organization directly depends on the quality of the solution of the tasks assigned to it. A well-thought-out management strategy allows you to optimize the processes in which the goals of the enterprise are achieved. At the same time, many components are taken into account, on the basis of which the company operates. In particular, strategic management (SU) provides for the optimization of human potential as the basis of the enterprise, focusing on consumer needs and timely responding to conditions in a competitive environment. As a result, effective management allows us to meet the challenges of the modern market, achieve advantages over competitors and lay the foundation for long-term stable development.

Strategic Management Objects

strategic management

The primary objects of SU can include economic departments and functional areas at the enterprise. Depending on what problems strategic management is called upon to solve, its objects may be general goals and external factors affecting the organization’s activities. In addition, the solution of problems associated with the formation of the missing element in the enterprise, which in the future will help realize current goals, is not ruled out. Such MS planning allows you to cope with currently uncontrolled factors. When choosing a management strategy, it is important not to make a mistake in analyzing the goals and the final result that it will help achieve. You should also evaluate the social, scientific, political and other factors affecting the activities of the enterprise and its future.

Strategic decisions

The work of any organization involves making decisions. Actually, they are the instrument through which the strategic management system of enterprises is implemented. This is a category of management decisions focused on the perspective of the development of the organization. The complexity of this process lies in the uncertainty of the final result, since it is impossible to calculate in advance the influence of external uncontrolled factors. Especially if significant resources are involved, it is difficult to foresee the long-term consequences for the company.

The following can be included in the list of strategic decisions:

  • Entering new markets.
  • Reconstruction of the organization.
  • Introduction of technical, structural or other innovations to the enterprise.
  • Change in the legal form of organization.
  • Merger of the enterprise.

Features of SU solutions

strategic management system

The decisions that provide for the strategic management of the organization have some features. For example, they differ from coordination and tactical decisions by the following features:

  • The nature of the innovative approach.
  • Orientation to promising goals.
  • Subjectivity in assessments.
  • Difficulties in forming if strategic alternatives are not defined.
  • High risk and irreversibility.

As you can see, the decisions dictated by the management strategy involve serious responsibility. Successful implementation, on the other hand dramatic changes the company can bring a lot of dividends in the future, which is impossible to achieve through less risky, but still local solutions.

Principles of Strategic Management

strategic management process

In the process of implementing strategic management, it is necessary to focus on several basic principles that will lead the organization to a more favorable position in the market and reduce the likelihood of undesirable effects.So, the strategic management system should be based on the following principles:

  • Science and creativity. For the manager, this means that it is necessary to look for new ways to solve problems based on the experience of scientific research. This will allow you to focus on key problems and find solutions to the most difficult situations on an individual basis.
  • Purposefulness. This principle assumes that strategy developers will focus on strategic analysis and implementation of the global tasks of the enterprise.
  • Flexibility. This characteristic of SU, which provides for the possibility of its change in the implementation process. Since in the future a change in the working conditions of the organization is not excluded, flexibility will allow us to adjust our strategic management in accordance with the new conditions.
  • Unity of strategy. Planning in large organizations covers units of different levels, the functions of which differ. Therefore, it is very important that the tasks, programs and plans for some structures do not conflict with others.

HR management as part of an overall strategy

strategic personnel management

Personnel policy refers to the paramount components that are regulated by the strategic management of the enterprise at different levels. In this part of planning, the formation of a personnel management model is taking place, which has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the organization. By and large, this is one of the functions of modern management, which is closely interfaced with the overall strategic goals of the organization. The regulation of the work of personnel consists in the formation of an optimized and competitive staff. In this process, possible changes in the environment of the enterprise, as well as its internal state, are taken into account. A professional and regulated human resource contributes to the development of the company, its survival in harsh conditions of competition and fruitful work on the tasks.

HR goals

Even a competently debugged work model of employees without a clear statement of the goals facing the company will not ensure its successful operation. In this regard, it is necessary to note the importance of the tasks that strategic personnel management in the organization should set. For example, the following goals:

  • Formation of a payment system sufficient to ensure employee motivation, as well as their retention at different levels.
  • Leadership development in key positions.
  • Providing opportunities for replenishment of personnel in the future.
  • The introduction of effective training programs and courses in order to improve the professional qualities of employees.
  • Optimization of communication interaction between employees in departments and divisions of different levels.

Also in the modern world, strategic personnel management cannot do without taking into account psychological aspects in the work process and the need to introduce elements corporate ethics with business communication culture.

Types of strategic personnel management

organization strategic management

There are several varieties of strategic personnel management that provide effective methods for creating conditions for teamwork, searching and attracting ready-made specialists, the possibility of providing the company with a small number of employees, etc. These strategies come from the tasks that the company poses at the moment. In particular, the goals of strategic management may necessitate the application of the following approaches to the formation of personnel policy:

  • The strategy of attracting new innovative employees is used if the company faces the need for major changes, the risks of which are difficult to calculate.
  • The strategy of consolidation and retention of personnel is used in conditions of intensive development, when it is necessary to maintain stability of profit growth.
  • Attracting employees with emphasis on the criteria for their number and effectiveness is required if the organization aims to maintain the current level of profitability.

HR strategy development

strategic enterprise management

Work on the strategy begins with the analysis and determination of factors that are key at this stage of the organization’s work or, possibly, will become such in the future. It is important to consider that the development of strategic management in the future will allow you to cover new aspects of the activity and internal structure of the enterprise. This is due to both positive development conditions and threats from the environment, which should be calculated in the management strategy. The next step involves formulating the most appropriate models and analyzing alternatives. Based on them, a general strategy is drawn up, the management function of which is assumed by the management department.

Implementing a Management Strategy

The implementation of the planned strategic plan is carried out through management programs, budget allocation models, as well as procedures that represent medium-term and short-term strategies for the implementation of plans. It is important to note that the strategic management process is continuous, therefore, it is necessary to initially compare the tools for achieving goals with the resources of the enterprise for a certain period of time. In addition, the structure of the organization itself must correspond to the chosen strategy, otherwise opposition of different departments and departments is possible. Correctly selected managerial methods, in particular programs of compensation and improvement of the organizational structure, will allow you to effectively achieve your goals.


strategic management development

The general management strategy and the regulation of personnel policy are the key elements that form the basis of any modern organization. Even under the most favorable external conditions, ineffective strategic management will nullify all the advantages of the company. And, on the other hand, a well-thought-out and optimal strategic model for a particular company will not give the expected result if many uncontrollable factors act against its implementation. Therefore, when choosing a management system, careful analysis is important, which will allow you to calculate the risks and provide the opportunity to adjust the intended course in the future.

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