
Cottage and garden plots insurance: overview, features, types, reviews

A country house is just a paradise for an urban man, confused by everyday vanity. Here he rests, admires nature, replenishes his diet with vitamins, grows fragrant strawberries, apples and other goodies. Against this background, insurance of garden houses and cottages is a very urgent issue. Indeed, most often suburban areas cannot boast of special protection. Well, maybe, except for the most elite. Thieves, robbers and hooligans of all stripes use this with great pleasure. Finding broken windows, broken doors and looted property is a common thing for spring. It is the summer house insurance that will help to avoid all these troubles. Let's take a closer look.

summer house insurance

What can be insured in the country

Home and summer house insurance can be either voluntary or pledged. The latter happens when a country house was purchased on credit. Almost all more or less large financial institutions offer similar programs today. For example, Rosgosstrakh provides summer house insurance in the following areas:

  • engineering Communication;
  • gas, water and electricity systems;
  • sewage and heating system;
  • interior and exterior decoration of the building;
  • bearing structures;
  • outbuildings;
  • fencing;
  • any property available inside and outside the building.

In addition, you can arrange title insurance of a summer residence. In this case, you will save not only your property, but also the ownership right to it. The only caveat is that in this case the house itself and the land under it must be insured separately.

Rosgosstrakh country house insurance

Types of programs

Property insurance is extremely important for those who live outside the city only in the summer or a little longer. The rest of the time the dwelling is empty, and most often there is no one to look after it.

There are a huge variety of insurance programs designed to protect your property. All of them differ in cost and the number of risks covered, have different names and duration. If we consider all such policies in general (regardless of the specific IC), they can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Package "Minimum". Contains very few items. Most often this is something global - fire, flood, collapse of structures and so on.
  2. Medium Package. In addition to the above, it may include the protection of household buildings, the fence, protection against hacking, spoilage or theft of garden equipment or tools, and more.
  3. Package "Elite". Here everything can be insured, up to the last nail. The policy can extend to the design landscape, sculptures and statues, fountains and pools, every tree or bush of raspberries, all the property in the house, right down to the last spoon. Everything will depend on how much you are willing to pay.

summer house insurance reviews

Depending on the insurance package, the risks included in the policy may also be different:

  • flooding of an object with water from various sources;
  • natural disasters, including hail, lightning, hurricane, heavy rain;
  • illegal actions of third parties - hacking, penetration, theft, hooliganism, damage to property, other;
  • falling on a house or a plot of a variety of objects or parts thereof;
  • collision of transport and so on.

From what we insure

To get insurance for a summer residence, a lot of documents will not be needed. You should prepare:

  • a document confirming your right to this object;
  • plan of the land plot and the building itself - according to them, the manager of the UK will evaluate the size of your summer cottage;
  • document proving your identity.

Perhaps something else may be needed. After all, each SC has its own list of documents, it needs to be checked with the manager in each specific case. Additionally, photographs of a summer cottage may be required. According to them, a specialist will assess the value of your property. In some cases, a specialist may need to travel to the place.

summer house property insurance

There are also so-called boxed products. Here you will not need almost anything except a passport. But such a policy can be called rather formal. It is more suitable for inexpensive summer cottages.


In order to save money or for some other reason, many owners of summer cottages do not register property. In this case, you may encounter a failure of insurance. Of course, you can look for not such a scrupulous UK, but then the amount of payment, most likely, will not exceed 1.5 million Russian rubles. This may not be enough, but at least something.

Some insurance organizations draw up separate policies for the cottage itself, the land, utilities and personal property. Therefore, when signing the contract, you need to pay close attention to this issue. Remember: an accurate list of insured property is also part of the contract. It is compiled separately, signed by both parties and attached to the contract as an integral part of it.

Determine the price

When applying for a policy, you can independently name the cost of a summer residence. It is likely that this will be enough. But most often, the amount will have to be justified by presenting a drop-sale agreement, checks for building materials and other documents. If you can’t do anything like this, the insurers will conduct a free assessment assessment and calculate the average cost of such facilities.

home and summer house insurance

Summer cottage insurance is a purely individual matter. And the cost of the policy will depend, for example, on such factors:

  • the cost of materials used in construction;
  • the current state of the building and all property;
  • location of a suburban area (in remote, wilderness areas the cost increases significantly);
  • the presence of various kinds of alarms (security, fire and so on);
  • period of permanent residence of the owners in the territory;
  • franchise and its value;
  • other factors.

What to look for

When applying for a policy, carefully study the list of risks included in it. Try to foresee all the possibilities, and not be content with the standard set.

It is best to take out replacement cost insurance. This means that you will be refunded the amount you spend on damages.

Do not try to underestimate the cost of a country house and make timely changes regarding the insurance object. For example, if during the term of the contract you built a garage or a bathhouse on the site, be sure to make changes to the policy. Otherwise, if an unforeseen situation arises in these parts of the site, you will not receive compensation.

Try to fully describe all available property: year of manufacture, model, type, damage. Otherwise, it will be difficult to prove that the crack on the antique chest of drawers appeared as a result of hooligan actions of third parties, and not from old age.

How to get paid

Approaching the issue with all responsibility, you can draw up a fairly profitable policy on summer house insurance. Feedback from customers who already use this service will help determine the choice of insurance company.

insurance of garden houses and cottages

All documents required to receive payments upon the occurrence of an insured event are most often indicated in the contract. It also prescribes the procedure for obtaining funds.

However, payment may be refused. For example, in such cases:

  • if it is proved that the client intentionally damaged his property;
  • when assessing damage, losses were revealed that were not expressly indicated in the contract;
  • if it is proved that the client could have prevented the occurrence of the insured event, but did not do it (for example, the contract states that the owner must install the gratings on the windows, but this was not done);
  • damage to property occurred in connection with a case not specified in the contract.

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