
LLC “PPF Life Insurance”: customer reviews, reliability rating, services

Choosing an insurance company in Russia is not as easy as it seems. Today in the country there are a lot of diverse organizations working in this field. Therefore, it is necessary to study information about each SC before contacting it. Today it is necessary to understand what “PPF Life Insurance” receives customer reviews. Only after this can we confidently judge the integrity of the corporation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the organization to pay attention to? What are customers satisfied and not satisfied with? What services are provided in this insurance company? How pleased are the prices offered to the population? About all this, and not only, will be described later!


First you need to understand what kind of company it is. Only then can you study customer reviews about the organization. "PPF Life Insurance" - what is it? As already mentioned, we are talking about an insurance company operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.ppf life insurance customer reviews

The corporation under study is a very large network. It includes several large and well-known organizations. More precisely, we are talking about LLC “PPF Life Insurance”, as well as “Home Credit Insurance”.

The company is known in Russia, but it belongs to the international company PPF, whose headquarters are located in the Czech Republic. The corporation got its start back in 2002. Since 2013 it is called "PPF Life Insurance". Until this time, the organization was listed as Czech Insurance Company LLC.

About Services

"PPF Life Insurance" customer reviews are generally mixed. But about them a little later. First you have to figure out what services the corporation is providing.

The thing is that we are talking about population insurance. Today, the PPF Life Insurance organization specializes in a variety of services in this field of activity. Nevertheless, the main direction of her activity is the life insurance of people. But the branch called "Home Credit Insurance" specializes mainly in property insurance.How much is insurance

Nevertheless, the specifics will not hurt. "PPF Life Insurance" provides the following services in all its branches:

  • accident insurance;
  • a program for the protection of women in the detection of oncology;
  • funded life insurance system;
  • health insurance (oncology, for all citizens);
  • investment insurance;
  • child insurance;
  • services travel insurance;
  • family insurance;
  • retirement insurance.

Also here get compulsory medical insurance policies and VHI. These are very common areas of the corporation.

Reliability Rating

An important factor for any company is statistics. Many potential visitors pay attention to it. An extremely important component is the so-called reliability rating. It shows the stability and stability of a corporation.PPF life insurance personal account

Generali PPF Life Insurance in this area pleases. The thing is that the reliability rating of the corporation is up to date. It is at A ++ mark. Sometimes you can see the AAA label. This is the highest level of reliability. It stands for "Highest Confidence", or "Exceptionally High Level of Confidence." It follows that one can believe in the stability of the corporation.

Rating among insurance companies

The next caveat - the place "PPF Life Insurance" in rating of insurance companies, working in Russia. This is an important point. It is unlikely that anyone will pay attention to unpopular corporations. Such, as a rule, quickly close.

According to data obtained in 2014, PPF Life Insurance receives good reviews from customers for a place in the ranking of similar companies. It is noted that the corporation took 11th position in the list of ratings in Russia.

To date, the exact position of the corporation is not known; different information is indicated everywhere. It’s enough to remember that “PPF Life Insurance” is an insurance company, one of the top 20 organizations engaged in public insurance.

Country Distribution

"PPF Life Insurance" receives positive feedback from customers for its distribution throughout Russia. It has already been said that the insurance company was created a very long time ago. Over the years of its existence, it has spread throughout the country. Today it is one of the largest UK groups in Russia.

A similar feature can not leave customers indifferent. Thanks to her, confidence in the corporation is growing. "PPF Life Insurance" has many branches and offices in Russia. Even in the smallest city, you can find the office of the corporation.ppf life insurance pay a second installment

All this means that it is impossible to accuse the insurance company "PPF Life Insurance" of fraud. The company really exists, it has been operating in Russia for a long time and offers services in life and health insurance citizens.

Stability forecasts

Some more statistics. PPF Life Insurance is a company whose stability plays an important role. Therefore, it is recommended to study statistics from all sides.

The reliability rating of the corporation pleases, this has already been said. But what about stability? Statistical forecasts indicate that PPF Life Insurance is described as a stable and sustainable company. Accordingly, some are inclined to believe that it is possible to apply here for life insurance services without much concern.

About programs

It is already clear what services are provided by the studied corporation. And what about what “PPF Life Insurance” programs offer? What additionally do all customers need to know about? Real or potential - not so important.

The thing is that the programs are open today as follows:

  1. "Gloria". This is insurance for women with cancer.
  2. "Comfort". High Savings Insurance. It is used to insure citizens against accidents and natural disasters.
  3. "Premium". An offer to help provide life insurance for yourself and your loved ones.
  4. "Sun". A service that is used for joint insurance of a parent and child by choosing insurance parameters.
  5. Guardia. An expanded insurance package that allows you to return part of the paid contributions.
  6. "Opt." Life insurance, in which the emphasis is on the formation and increase of savings.
  7. "Victoria". A program aimed at helping with the diagnosis of cancer.
  8. "Capital". An offer invented for investment.
  9. "Option." This is a kind of adult accident insurance. It is understood that these are high-risk circumstances.
  10. "Option +". Extended interpretation of the previously proposed package.
  11. Children's option. Child accident insurance.
  12. Family option. Insurance of families against certain incidents.
  13. Grande. Way retirement insurance population.

All these programs are relevant today. The variety that the corporation offers is pleasing. Therefore, PPF Life Insurance receives extremely positive feedback from customers in this area. You can always choose the best package of services for yourself and your family.ooo pdf life insurance

About insurance cost

Sometimes you may come across questions about how much insurance costs in the studied corporation. The cost of services plays a significant role for potential customers. Nobody wants to overpay.

In fact, it all depends on the insurance conditions, as well as on the category of the insured person and the chosen program.To find out how much insurance costs in a particular case, it is proposed using calculators from PPF Life Insurance. They help to determine the amount of monthly contributions from the input.

For example, child accident insurance provides a minimum payment of 500,000 rubles. In this case, 3,770 rubles will have to be paid monthly. And adult insurance for 250,000 rubles a month costs 4,230 rubles. More detailed information will be in the corresponding service cost calculator.

Some say that insurance in a corporation is not so expensive. And someone says the opposite. Clients of PPF Life Insurance rate the organization as a company with average rates. Not too expensive, but not budget.PPF clients life insurance

Service speed

The company "PPF Life Insurance" receives a variety of reviews about its activities. Not too happy with the population speed of service. It is noted that applications for the provision of services and insurance payments are time consuming.

Also, employees of PPF Life Insurance are very slow. Some claim that employees in the insurance company’s branches do not provide very quick service. Therefore, you can often encounter queues in the offices of the corporation. This fact should not be repulsive.

"PPF Life Insurance" "My Account" has for all customers. It significantly accelerates the speed of serving the population. With its help, on the official website of the corporation, you can get information about the services and insurance used by the citizen. Applications for various reasons can also be considered electronically.

Nevertheless, “PPF Life Insurance” “My Account” does not always earn positive reviews. Yes, the availability of such a service pleases. But along with this, citizens complain about malfunctions of the "Personal Account". Sometimes there are problems with ordering documentation, and someone says about the impossibility of authorization in the system. Therefore, it cannot be said that the service being studied is perfectly embodied in life.

About Payments

“PPF Life Insurance” receives good and not very good customer reviews. What about the payments made by the corporation? Almost all potential and real customers pay attention to this feature.

When contacting the studied corporation, part of the population has problems with payments. Some say that insurance is paid in installments and for a long time, someone complains about refusals to provide funds. Some say that “PPF Life Insurance” simply terminates the concluded agreements with customers instead of making this or that payment.

But in some cases, you can see that the firm under study has been cope with its duties for a long time. Someone has been working with PPF Life Insurance for more than 10 years and at the same time assures that payments are made on time and in established amounts.PPF life insurance company

Summary and Conclusions

“PPF Life Insurance” offers to pay the second installment or any other one either through a personal visit to the corporation’s office or through the “Personal Account” on the SK official website. There is nothing difficult or special about this.

In general, the studied company is a good insurance company. The range of services pleases, the programs also do not leave indifferent. But the insurance company still has problems with payments. The corporation is very reliable, albeit with its own shortcomings.

Now it’s clear what “PPF Life Insurance” is. You can pay the second installment, choose one or another insurance program, or you can clarify the features of cooperation in any branch of the organization. It is possible to consider a company for further application for insurance, but do not think that it is ideal.

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Reason for complaint
life insurance is completely ripped off, and when an insured event occurred, they refused to pay out referring that it was not insurance and the money was not returned for the payment period


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