
Own business: producing. How much do producers get?

business producingMany people heard about the profession as a producer. Almost everyone knows at least one by first name and surname.

A reasonable question arises: "Why not try to enter into such a business - production?" But few people know what the work really is. To start a business in this area, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this interesting and creative profession.

What is a producer by profession?

Every second person has a misconception about the producers. They compare it with a money bag, which pays for all the expenses of the artists. In fact, everything is much more complicated. A producer is a person who is able to promote a new, unknown artist.

And he does not have to pay all the expenses from his own pocket - he is looking for sponsors who will agree to finance the filming of a new film, video and other projects. The producer must ensure that the project brings maximum income, and the work is done by 120%. In addition, a whole team works with him. It is precisely her professionalism that plays a big role: productive work requires the best cameramen, lighting, and directors.

The producer has full control over the creative life of the ward artist and solves the following issues:

  1. Creative - selects the appropriate repertoire and image of the future star, who will be able to maximize his talent.
  2. Defined with record companies for recording and selling discs.
  3. Performs all administrative work.
  4. Together with the concert director, he organizes tours, performances of the artist at private events and in clubs.
  5. Communicates with the media.

Existing Producer Specializations

There is not only a well-known musical specialization of the producer. This profession has the following areas:

  • Theatrical producer.
  • TV producer.
  • Computer game producer.
  • Executive producer - controls the work of his colleagues.
  • Line producer - manages the work of the staff and regulates other issues not related to the creative process.
  • General producer - coordinates the work of all other producers.

How to become a producer?

It is advisable to start your own "Production" business by getting an education at a university and going through a vocational training program. If there is no necessary education, it’s not scary. You can approach in another way: get a job in a recording or film studio or on television, for example, as an administrator. Gradually, delving into the essence of the work of the producer, climb up the career ladder, reaching your goal.

It is important that the producer for his successful career possess the following qualities:

  1. Sociability - to always be in the spotlight and be able to find a common language with everyone.
  2. Readiness for new, unexpected changes. If the project model is successful now, then in a couple of years it will not work, so you need to constantly improve. To do this, you need to find new artists, see in people the potential, zest, isolate something new that competitors do not, and only a few are capable of it.
  3. Have structural thinking, find winning options for the artist, be able to navigate information and structure it.
  4. Possess working capacity, flexibility, responsibility, build trusting relationships with the artist.

How to create a business plan for a producer?

Before you start a business "Producing", you need to develop your plan.This is necessary so that things go well, so that you can plan all your actions and consider possible risks. The producer’s business plan may approximately include the following items:

producer business plan

  1. Decide on the direction of the project and the area in which the producer will work: music, theater, television, etc.
  2. What services will be provided, how the artist will be searched: through castings or through bars in which singers work.
  3. Will there be a selection of the image and repertoire for artists, recording of disks, videos, organization of concerts.
  4. What audience to work with: singers, actors, musicians.
  5. Find an advantage over competitors, that will highlight and attract specifically to you.
  6. Consider all possible risks and find their optimal solution in advance.
  7. How to advertise yourself through the media, the Internet, etc.
  8. How to provide yourself from the technical side with all the necessary equipment.
  9. Decide where the finances will come from, which sponsors to contact, who will be able to help finance the project.
  10. Calculate all income and expenses.
  11. Assess how effective this project is.

How much does a producer earn?

how much do producers get

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how much producers get, because his earnings directly depend on work. He receives the greatest profit from concerts, somewhat less from albums.

You can give examples of earnings of the general producer of the famous television, which receives from 10 thousand dollars, and the assistant to the executive producer - from 400-600 dollars.

It’s very difficult to get into this business - producing - and the circle of producers. First, for a fairly long time, you will need to work for your reputation, but then it will work for the producer.

Offers will come by themselves, you don’t have to search for them. For a successful career, you need to find connections, create a professional team and get involved in the production of projects to the maximum. Only then will all goals be achieved.

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