
How much do stewardesses receive in Russia and other countries?

The work of a stewardess at first glance may seem quite simple. But is it really so? All applicants undergo a rigorous selection, and here they will need some physical training, good looks, the presence of secondary or higher education, knowledge of a foreign language.

Stewardess story

The emergence of the profession is associated with the name of the American Helen Church.

The young nurse was able to convince the Boeing Air Transport authorities to hire women with a medical education on an airplane. In 1930, eight girls were selected. The first flight of Helen Church took place in May 1930.

The duties of the first flight attendants were very difficult.

Their functions included:

  • meeting and seeing off passengers;
  • ticket check;
  • weighing passengers and their baggage;
  • cleaning the cabin before departure;
  • reliability check of passenger seats;
  • extermination of flies in the cabin;
  • loading and unloading baggage;
  • distribution of blankets, slippers and chewing gum on the plane;
  • cleaning of passenger shoes;
  • cleaning the toilet;
  • carrying fuel buckets for refueling the aircraft at intermediate points;
  • assistance to ground personnel when rolling the aircraft into the hangar after the end of the flight.

The flight attendants lasted 100 hours per month. The salary was 125 dollars.

New employees were given a three-month probation. Girls worked perfectly. They became full-time employees. Subsequently, the management decided to hire only the fairer sex as flight attendants.

How is the training

Stewardesses are specially prepared. The duration of the training is approximately three months. Some private schools are limited to a two-month course. A set is usually produced in the autumn and spring.

The most convenient is training at the airline. It has several advantages:

  • no tuition fees;
  • trainings will be held on the appropriate equipment on which you will work;
  • the company will provide internships;
  • she will employ you.

At the interview, in addition to general questions, you will be asked questions of a psychological nature. For example, how you will behave in a particular conflict situation on board. The stewardess must be balanced and resistant to nervous overload.

Teaching includes theory and practice. Future flight attendants get acquainted with the device of aircraft, learn to use equipment for rescue.

The practical part involves training on simulators that simulate the cabin of an airplane and passengers.

You must fly 30 hours to work. Only after that you will be allowed to this profession.

If you are attending an airline training course, you must work for it for 3 years. An official contract will be concluded with you.

What determines the level of salary of a stewardess

It is very difficult to answer the question how much the flight attendants receive, since the range of their income is wide even within the same airline. How then to compare the salaries of stewardesses from different countries?

How much stewardesses get

The salary level depends on many components:

  • company size;
  • internal management policies regarding the salaries of its employees;
  • the route along which the stewardess flies;
  • type of flight;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • work experience.

One of their main roles is played by the formation of a flight attendant and knowledge of foreign languages. Many foreign airlines require applicants to have knowledge of at least two foreign languages.

Stewardess salary in Russia

Undoubtedly, it is not necessary to apply for a high salary for very young cadres who do not have experience. So how much do stewardesses in Russia get?

How many stewardesses in Russia get

The initial salary in Russian airlines averages 20,000 rubles. But with an increase in the experience and hours that the stewardess spends on flights, the level of remuneration for her work gradually increases and can reach 60,000 rubles. Highly skilled workers receive an average of 100,000 rubles. It should be noted that many companies receive additional cash incentives for a high level of work.

Remuneration for Aeroflot flight attendants

Aeroflot is considered the leader of Russian airlines. The salary level in it is the highest. Girls who have a Moscow residence permit can work. Applicants go through hard casting. How much does Aeroflot stewardess get?

How much does Aeroflot stewardess get

The salary level in Aeroflot ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles. Remuneration is not fixed and depends on many factors:

  • the presence or absence of complaints or thanks for the work flight attendants;
  • level of English, which is tested on exams;
  • the number of hours spent on flights.

The best flight attendants can apply for work on foreign flights. In this case, they get a good trip. It also provides the opportunity to take the place of honor of a senior flight attendant or instructor.

Employees of charter flights, in addition to English, speak German and French. Aeroflot also teaches its employees Japanese, Korean and Chinese languages.

Earnings of stewardesses of Belarus

The largest airline in Belarus is Belavia. The company often selects girls who want to become flight attendants. Applicants must be citizens of Belarus, without bad habits, have an education not lower than secondary, have good English. How much do stewardesses get in Belarus?

How many flight attendants in Belarus

On average, the salaries of Belarusian stewardesses are the same as those of Russians: from $ 800 to $ 1,600. The level of earnings depends on experience and qualifications.

Earn stewardesses in Moscow

How much do stewardesses get in Moscow? The level of earnings of a flight attendant serving with an airline in the Russian capital ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the work schedule and qualifications.

How many flight attendants in Moscow get

The salary of an entry-level stewardess is about 50,000-60,000 rubles. At Sibir, salaries are lower - 45,000 rubles.

To get a decent salary in a Moscow airline, the stewardess must constantly improve.

What is the average monthly earnings of a stewardess?

Answering the question how much stewardesses receive in Russia per month, experts note the positive growth dynamics of her wages. From 2014 to 2015, the cabin crew salary increased by 5,000-7,000 rubles. The average salary is 60,000 rubles.

How much does a stewardess receive per month in Moscow? Metropolitan cabin attendants are paid the highest. The average monthly salary varies from 70,000 to 80,000 rubles.

How much does the stewardess receive per month

If we look at the statistics for 2015, then it indicates:

  • the average salary of a Russian flight attendant is 82,500 rubles;
  • the highest salary is 120,000 rubles;
  • the smallest - 45,000 rubles.

How much do air hostesses receive abroad? In Australia, the average salary of flight attendants is $ 4,090; in the United States, $ 3,500; in England - $ 3,500; in Germany –3 000 $; in Kazakhstan - $ 250-800.

The data suggests that Australian flight attendants are best paid.

What is the income of Ukrainian flight attendants

Only a third of applicants for this profession are selected. The place of training is chosen depending on which aircraft the stewardess will serve - domestic or foreign.

The duration of study is 3 months. Particular attention is paid to the psychological training of flight attendants, the ability to behave in emergency situations. Also, stewardesses teach how to avoid conflicts with passengers. They take a short English course and study international law. And how many stewardesses in Ukraine get?

How many stewardesses in Ukraine get

For Ukrainian stewardesses, the salary consists of the main rate, the bonus for flights and travel allowances. On average, Ukrainian flight attendants receive 40,000 hryvnias.

According to statistics, the stewardesses in Dnepropetrovsk have the highest salaries. The amount of their salary reaches 90,000 hryvnia. Following Dnepropetrovsk, cities such as Kharkov and Zhytomyr follow.

For example, until May 2015, only 16 flight attendant vacancies were opened in Ukraine. In 43.8% of advertisements, employers indicated a salary level of 35,000-38,000 hryvnias. In 31.3% of advertisements, salaries of 38,000–72,500 hryvnias were indicated. In 12.5% ​​they promised a salary of 141,500 hryvnias and above.

Stewardess salary on international flights

Many are interested in the question of how much the flight attendants of international flights receive. First you need to determine who the flight attendants serving overseas flights are.

How much do international flight attendants get

World-class airlines exist worldwide. They fly not only within their own country, but also to other states.

In Russia, they are represented by Aeroflot. The average salary is from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. The more the stewardess works, the higher her rank. The higher its level, the higher the salary. In the case of service in business class, a flight attendant can apply for a salary of 120,000 to 150,000 rubles. But this work is not easy.

Foreign flight attendants who serve in large international-class commercial airlines have a high level of training and excellent physical data. Top flight attendants receive from $ 8,000 to $ 10,000.

Negative sides

The minus of the profession is considered to be a lot of physical activity during flights. Duration of flights has a bad effect on the condition of the leg veins, and an early exit to work causes hypotension.

It is worth noting the fact that passengers have changed a lot lately. Some constantly strive to be in the spotlight, they want to humiliate the stewardess, considering her a servant. Of course, this is bad for her nervous condition.

During the period of work as a flight attendant, a woman quickly gets used to freedom. Therefore, when changing the work of a stewardess, it is difficult to get used to a different daily routine, both at the psychological level and at the physiological level.

Often flight attendants leave their work due to illness, cuts or due to family circumstances. Stewardesses retire at the age of 45 (men - at 55). Throughout their work they provide long vacations.

But all these nuances do not stop the romantically inclined girls from the desire to work as a stewardess. They do not consider this profession difficult or dangerous.

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