
Own business: production of aluminum structures. Technology and equipment for cutting aluminum profiles

production of aluminum structuresIn recent years, the number of entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens who provide construction services has increased dramatically. greenhouse production and plastic windows, as well as the manufacture of false ceilings and other decorative structures.

Do you know what unites all these activities?

The fact is that in these structures the frame of aluminum and duralumin is widely used.

So the production of aluminum structures is a very promising business that must be developed.

Prospects for the domestic market

Experts say that the prospects for this area of ​​production are simply huge. The need for metal structures is growing exponentially, and there are very few strong players in the market.

Permits and other bureaucracy

In order to establish the production of aluminum structures, it is necessary to obtain a certificate for the right to engage in such activities, as well as a license for construction work. Do not forget about the certificate of conformity.

do-it-yourself curved facadesSo, for starters, you will need to independently or with the help of specialized firms develop a project for your production. Then the leadership of the local administration should approve this project.

Next, it will be necessary to coordinate a long-suffering document with firefighters, architectural supervision, and even SES. Finally, to fully coordinate the project, you will need to put on it the visas of all the above authorities.

But much more important is the notorious certificate of conformity. In order to get it, you need to make a sample of your products, and then submit it to the Standardization and Specifications Center. The cost of this will be about $ 660.

And further. In the case when you plan to use an import profile in your production that does not yet have certification in our country, you will have to certify it at your own expense. This is especially true of enterprises located in the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions.

Remember that the production of aluminum structures is more cost-effective, the more you use domestic materials and components.

Staff required

As a rule, the production of small-caliber metal structures requires no more than 10-12 people per shift. At least 2/3 of the total number of employees should be employed in the production itself. The workshop must have a specialist in charge of controlling the quality of the assembly. The specification of other employees is distributed based on the nature of the operations they perform.

Most requirements for installers. It often happens that workers produce high-quality metal structures, but the people responsible for their installation do their part very badly. In a word, it is worth considering, but do you need these knights of the hammer and screwdriver? It is sometimes easier to enter into partnership agreements with professional teams, for the work of which they certainly will not have to blush.

Please note that if you need to manufacture really complex metal structures (including frames for small buildings), you will definitely need a professional architect.

By the way, the assemblers themselves can be trained in courses (which are often completely free) conducted by representatives of firms that directly produce a profile.According to experts, it can take up to four months to train one professional collector.

Basic cash costs

So, what is required for the primary organization of production? First, you have to pay for all the bureaucratic procedures. Secondly, get hold of all the necessary equipment and rent a suitable room. Experts say that equipment alone can cost up to one and a half million rubles, or even more. Manufacturers themselves note that with minimal starting investments, production pays for itself in about a couple of years. But at first, profitability does not exceed 25%.

Purchase of raw materials

It should immediately be noted that with the acquisition itself problems are not foreseen for sure: dozens of Russian and Western firms work in the domestic market, so there is no need to worry about a narrow choice.

As for the manufacturers, Schuco, Hueck and Hartmann products are especially popular in our country. The latter is known for the fact that bent facades are often made from its products. With your own hands and with the availability of equipment, this is not difficult.

Of the domestic manufacturers, Agrisovgaz is the most famous. Practice shows that over the years, nothing has changed much: domestic raw materials are cheaper, and foreign raw materials have better quality. However, recently the situation has begun to level off.

Production methods

aluminum products and structuresWhat aluminum cutting equipment is needed? To better understand its purpose, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic information regarding the methods of joining a metal profile.

In the first case, the parts are simply screwed to each other. To do this, holes are drilled in the profile into which fasteners are inserted.

In the second method, the parts are pressed together. Manufacturers say that the latter option is somewhat more expensive, but the final product is better.

Why did we all write this? Yes, the whole point is that in the first case you only need a metal saw and a drill, and therefore we will not consider the costs of them. By the way, almost every second production of aluminum structures in our country works according to this scheme.

A set of equipment and its cost

If you are going to make bent facades with your own hands (or something more complicated), then the list of necessary tools will be much richer: a saw for sawing a profile and a press for connecting parts, a compressor and a complete set of tools running on compressed air. Such a set of equipment will cost you 15 thousand dollars.

It should be noted that all of the above is suitable only for the manufacture of small batches of metal structures. Something larger will require larger purchases: a special saw with forced cooling to cut large volumes of the profile, a milling machine for cutting curly holes, and also a machine for processing end cuts.

As for the transport for transporting finished products to customers, it is better to buy it, since renting a truck takes too much money.

Among other things, you will need to purchase assembly racks and workbenches, ventilation and air conditioning systems. All the "trifle" ultimately pulls thousands of three dollars.

The total value of all instruments in this case may exceed 50 thousand dollars.

what can be made of aluminum


Do not forget that cutting an aluminum profile is better with a machine that is controlled by a special program. It greatly reduces the cost of production, since all calculations are made in just a couple of minutes.

Of course, the same architect will be able to do all this manually, but then it will take tens of times more time. Whether business is a program! Such software costs around a couple of thousand dollars.

By the way, what can be made of aluminum in principle? From the profile, frames for double-glazed windows and doors, greenhouses and small outlets are produced. Aluminum is used to make the bases for advertising billboards, as well as all similar products.

In a word, you will definitely not be left without clients! Yes, and you will also have money, since aluminum products and designs only become more expensive every year.

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