
Own business: production of marmalade. Technology, SES requirements and equipment for the production of marmalade

marmalade production

Marmalade today is becoming increasingly popular both in the domestic and foreign confectionery market.

Despite the relatively large number of manufacturers of this product, there is still the opportunity to take its place in this niche. In this regard, the production and sale of marmalade as a business is a very promising direction. We offer to learn more about how to open such an enterprise.

The history of marmalade

Despite the fact that this confectionery owes its real popularity to European countries, it was born in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Due to the hot climate, local residents were forced to look for ways to preserve the beneficial properties and taste of berries and fruits. So they learned to boil the fruits to a very thick consistency.

What varieties of marmalade exist?

Depending on the raw materials used, the final product can be obtained of various types, among which jelly (for the production of gelatin forming agents), fruit and berry (based on gelling mashed potatoes from berries and fruits), jelly-fruit (using both gelatinous and mashed potatoes can be distinguished) from fruits and berries).

Domestic production of marmalade is mainly concentrated on the jelly product. This is due to the fact that its taste is in no way inferior to fruit and berry, and the cost of manufacturing is much lower. The production of marmalade in this way involves the use of a gelling component of agar, as well as dyes, food acids, flavors and syrup from sugar and molasses.

Also, this culinary product is divided according to its shape into sliced ​​marmalade (when the whole mass is divided into parts), plastic (when the whole mass is immediately cast into containers) and molded (when the mass is poured into molds).

Registration of necessary documentation

To start this business, first of all, you need to go through the registration procedure, get all the necessary certificates of conformity, statutory documents, as well as a package of permits, which includes a certificate from the sanitary epidemiological station, a sanitary passport for the premises for the production workshop and vehicles involved in the transportation of finished products and raw materials, an agreement on the disinfection of both production and storage facilities, the conclusion of a fire inspection.

What equipment is needed for the production of marmalade?

One of the reasons for the growing popularity of this business is the relatively low cost of organizing the line for the manufacture of the final product. Equipment for the production of marmalade includes, first of all, a marmalade melting machine, as well as steam cookers used for cooking masses of different colors.

In addition, you will need to purchase a steam generator that serves to generate steam, cabinets for cooling and drying, a tempering machine and a string cutting machine. If you plan to produce mixed types of products and pastille, then you need to purchase equipment for marmalade, such as a whipping machine that produces an opaque layer, as well as a tubular apparatus. In addition, silicone molds for casting culinary products and trays for drying them will be required.

Used high-quality marmalade production lines can be purchased at a price of 600-700 thousand rubles.However, the cost may vary depending on the performance, equipment, as well as the operating condition of the equipment.

equipment for the production of marmalade

What should be the premises for the production of marmalade?

The workshop for the manufacture of this type of product should be located in a room with an area of ​​at least 250 square meters. It should have access to water supply, sewage, power, etc. Since you will produce food, the production room must meet all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire safety. Renting such a workshop will cost about 60-70 thousand rubles a month.

In addition to the production premises, a warehouse will also be required, which must also be brought into line with all the requirements and storage rules for marmalade so that the product does not deteriorate and does not lose its presentation.

How many staff will be required to work?

Marmalade production does not require a large number of employees. So, it is quite possible to manage eight workers working in shifts. Also, due to the fact that you will be engaged in the production of products related to food products, employees must have medical books. Otherwise, conflicts with the sanitary and epidemiological station are inevitable.

Marmalade production technology

The manufacturing technology of this confectionery directly depends on its type. The production process of jelly marmalade requires the availability of raw materials in the form of agar (or pectin) and consists of several stages. First of all, there is a washing and subsequent soaking of the gelling components.

Then make syrup from sugar, molasses and agar. After that, the jelly mass is boiled, cooled and poured into molds. Then jelly formation of marmalade takes place, after which the product is selected from the molds and dried for about an hour at a temperature of 40 degrees. After that, the culinary product is sprinkled with sugar, again dried and cooled. Next is the packaging.

The process for producing a fruit and berry product is slightly different. So, first prepare the raw materials and the recipe mixture, then the marmalade mass is boiled, cut and poured into molds. Then there is drying (if the marmalade is molded) or maturation (if the layer). After that, the product is ready for packing and packaging.

The recipe mixture is made on the basis of mashed blended puree from berries and fruits (most often it is applesauce) with sugar and molasses. Modifier salts are also added to the mixture, which reduce the viscosity of the mass during cooking and the speed of its solidification. After this, thorough mixing of the mixture and its entry into the apparatus for boiling occurs.

Then the mass is again mixed and cast into molds or immediately packaged. Molds are cast in marmalade-smelting machines, then the culinary products are laid out on aluminum sheets to dry.

As for the units for drying, they are of several types: conveyor, cabinet and chamber. Since drying occurs at high temperatures, after its completion, the product must be cooled and only after that send it for packing and packaging.

Sales of finished products

Since today there is a fairly high competition in this market segment, entrepreneurs are forced to make a lot of efforts to attract customers: this is the price of the product, its quality, and also a wide range.

However, the vast majority of confectionery factories cannot afford an expensive marketing company to promote their own brand, so they do not deal with issues of positioning in the market for their brand.

marmalade production lines

The best option for the implementation of ready-made marmalade is large retail chains. However, if you just entered the market, you may encounter certain difficulties in concluding agreements with them.In this regard, at the initial stage of your activity, it is best to produce weighted, not packaged marmalade. Such a product can be sold in small retail grocery stores.

Packaging for marmalade

Experts advise against saving on this item. So, retailers most often use the so-called "TVs" (which are boxes covered with a transparent film), in which weight marmalade is packed. So the buyer has the opportunity to evaluate the appearance of the product. For packaged marmalade, they often use bright translucent attractive packaging.

Business for the production and sale of marmalade: the financial side of the issue

According to experts, if you decide to open the production of marmalade, then you need a starting capital of about 1 million rubles. At the same time - depending on the equipment used - per month you will be able to produce from 25 to 35 tons of finished products.

In this case, the cost of raw materials will influence the level of profitability. On average, this indicator is in the range of 20-40%. As for income, even with minimal production volumes per month, you will be able to earn from 500 thousand rubles, which will make it possible to recoup investments in just two or three months of active activity.

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