
Dairy business: yogurt production. Dairy production business plan: technologies, SES requirements and equipment for the production of yoghurts

yogurt productionYoghurts are fermented milk products. Among fans of a healthy diet, all kinds of diets, and just delicious food, they are simply fantastic in popularity.

And therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that you can make good money making quality yoghurt.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at how to organize your own production of yoghurts and begin to receive real income in this area.

Assessment of business prospects

Before you draw up a business plan and take some practical steps, you should analyze the market.

In fact, the prospects for sales growth are simply excellent. The average European eats about 20 kg of yogurt annually, while in Russia 3-5 kg ​​are still per person. And given the development of a trend towards a healthy lifestyle, we can expect that in the near future the market will flourish.

The production of yoghurts is primarily aimed at ordinary people, buyers of markets, shops, supermarkets, supermarkets. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the shelf life of the finished product is small, and therefore the delivery time from production to the outlet should be as short as possible.

Step 1. Choosing a form of ownership, registering a legal entity and opening a bank account

The most common types of legal entities in Russia are IP, OJSC, LLC, and ZAO. It is best to choose the form of ownership, listening to the opinion of an experienced lawyer. Only he will be able to analyze the features of your business plan and suggest the best solution.

As for the procedure for registering a legal entity, as well as opening a bank account, the entrepreneur can take on these tasks directly. However, turning to a specialized law firm, this process can be significantly accelerated and simplified.

Step 2. Search for a room

Organizing your own dairy production, it is extremely important to choose a room that meets all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station. The best option would be to rent several medium-sized rooms. The main factor to be guided by when choosing is that the automatic line can be placed normally in the production room.

To place the line, it will be necessary to allocate about 150-200 m2. In addition, you need a place to store chilled finished products (about 50-80 m2).

Step 3. Studying the technology of yogurt production

In order to provide your customers with a healthy and tasty product, you need to be well versed in yogurt production technology.

For the preparation of homogeneous yogurts that do not contain pieces of berries or fruits, the reservoir method is used. The necessary raw materials are cow's milk, sugar and natural fruit and berry syrups. According to current standards, milk should contain 21% solids, 5% sugar and 3.4 to 4% fat.

The production of yogurt itself is as follows:

  • Reception, pre-treatment and purification of milk using specialized filters.
  • Normalization of milk. At this stage, the method of evaporating or adding skimmed milk powder normalizes the concentration of solids.Depending on the type of yogurt, the amount of fat can also be different (from 0.1 to 3.5%). The smaller it is, the more difficult it is for a producer to obtain and process a yogurt clot. Normalize the fat content of milk using a special separator-normalizer.
  • Adding other ingredients to the mixture in accordance with the approved recipe. After this, the yogurt must be made homogeneous - for this the mixture is subjected to a dispersion process.
  • In the next step, yogurt is pasteurized at 95-98 ° C, and then cooled to 41-45 ° C. At this moment, leaven is added (2-3% of the total volume). Then the mixture is stirred for 10-15 minutes. It is important to monitor compliance with the proportions of the starter and the mixture - otherwise, the taste of the finished product and its uniformity may suffer. The whole ripening process takes from 2 to 4 hours.
  • After this period, the necessary fillers are added to the mixture, everything is mixed and cooled to 8 ° C.

yogurt production technologyThis ends the production of yogurt. It remains only to sort the finished product according to the prepared containers and deliver to outlets.

Separately, it should be said that the production of yogurt by the reservoir method requires the normalization of the level of air content in raw materials. Most of it is removed in special vacuum chambers. Due to this, the shelf life of the product increases, it acquires a high viscosity.

We examined the reservoir method. The technological scheme for the production of yogurt in a thermostatic way includes all the steps described. However, another one appears - one on which pieces of berries and fruits are added to the yogurt.

They are added to the mixture, cooled to the fermentation temperature. At the same time, yogurt is constantly mixed for 15-20 minutes. After this, as in the case of the reservoir method of preparation, the mixture is fermented and checked for acidity and strength.

Step 4. Purchase of equipment

Modern equipment for the production of yogurt allows almost completely automate the entire process.

You will need a special production line, which includes several main units responsible for the various stages of product preparation:

  • milk intake and cooling (milk pump, filter, milk storage tank and cold water unit);
  • mixing and pasteurization (pump, mixing tank, milk pasteurizer, device for recording temperature data, hot water control unit, set of pipelines);
  • yogurt preparation (tank for yogurt preparation, monopump, tank for yogurt termination, set of pipelines, hot water control unit);
  • cup filling and packaging of finished products (unit for filling and printing cups, packaging on trays);
  • compressor and boiler
  • laboratory equipment and C.I.P. washing;
  • refrigerated boxes and trolleys for transporting trays.

Such equipment for the production of yogurt can be used to prepare products with or without pieces of fruit / berries. The productivity of the installation averages 12-15 thousand cups (150-200 ml each) for a 9-hour shift. However, it should be noted that you can choose or order equipment with other parameters depending on your needs.

Step 5. Recruitment

To organize the work of the enterprise, you will need the following employees:

  • milk production technician - 1 person;
  • skilled workers - 6-9 people .;
  • electrician - 1 person

In addition, you may need loaders and drivers (to deliver finished products to stores), cleaners.

In any case, preference is given to applicants with work experience and relevant education. Your workers should understand all line operating modes and equipment functions. A medical record must be kept for each employee - for work in the food industry this is a prerequisite.

Step 6. Contracts with suppliers

It is best to order bulk yogurt raw materials from manufacturers. The list of ingredients you may need includes:

  • cow milk of at least grade 2 with an acidity of up to 19 ° T (according to GOST 13264);
  • skim milk with an acidity of up to 20 ° T obtained in the process of separation of cow's milk according to GOST 13264;
  • whole milk powder (GOST 4495);
  • cream pasteurized according to TU 10-02-02-789-08 (up to 35% fat, acidity up to 20 ° T, without odors and tastes) obtained as a result of separation of cow's milk according to GOST 13264;
  • skimmed milk powder (GOST 10970);
  • short sugar (GOST 2316);
  • jams (GOST 7009) and jam (GOST 6929);
  • starter cultures of lactic acid cultures.

In addition, you can order fruits and berries (if you plan to add fruit slices to your products).

It is advisable to look for suppliers of raw materials nearby - this will allow you to reduce transportation costs.

Step 7. Choosing a method of marketing products

As we have already said, dairy production should be organized taking into account the fact that yoghurts cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, you need to implement the finished product as quickly as possible. There are two alternatives here.

tank production of yogurtFirstly, you can resort to the services of a wholesale company. Representatives of the partner company will regularly (2-3 times a week) take products from you. In this case, you do not have to spend time and effort to independently find and establish distribution channels.

However, this option has a significant drawback - you are depriving yourself of part of the final profit (up to 15-20%). Nevertheless, this is an excellent option for newcomers to business, because retail chains rarely express a desire to cooperate with small enterprises directly.

But after dairy production has already established itself in the market, you can begin to search for your own distribution channels and not pay wholesalers. However, in order to make this possible, it is necessary to allocate funds for the remuneration of freight forwarders and drivers, as well as for the purchase of refrigeration equipment and vehicles. At the medium business level, these costs are more than justified - as a result, your profit will increase several times.

Step 8. Assessment of necessary investments

When preparing a business plan for dairy production, you should immediately determine the size of the initial and regular costs:

  • rental of premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition of the main production line - 2.3-2.5 million rubles;
  • purchase of additional equipment - 300 thousand rubles;
  • bringing the premises in accordance with the requirements of SES - 300 thousand rubles;
  • raw materials - 200 thousand rubles.

In addition, a certain amount of money will be spent every month to pay salaries to employees. It depends on the skill level of employees, as well as on the region in which you reside.

On average, you need from 3.5 to 4 million rubles to start the production of yoghurts.

Step 9. Assessment of project profitability

Finally, it remains to answer the most important question - is it worth it at all? The production of yogurt requires a fairly large investment. And, of course, before spending their money, every entrepreneur wants to make sure that this is a truly profitable and promising type of business.

On average, all possible costs pay off within two years.

Monthly profit from activities can reach 230-250 thousand rubles.

Step 10. Product Approval and Certification

yogurt makingRepresentatives of Rospotrebnadzor do not participate in the process of opening production. But you, as an entrepreneur, will have to agree with them the Production Control Program of the enterprise, as well as the Assortment list of products (it indicates the entire list of products in accordance with certain regulatory documents - GOST, TU, etc.).

Program production control in turn, involves quality control of raw materials, packaging materials and finished products. Such programs are developed for each enterprise individually.

Immediately before the opening of the enterprise, the management is obliged to send a letter to Rospotrebnadzor indicating the date when the production starts.

Finally, an important point is to obtain certificates of conformity (for mandatory certification of products), as well as declarations of conformity (for voluntary certification). Such documents confirm the safety of the products (in our case, yogurt) and are issued for a period of 1 to 5 years.

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