
Own business: production of monuments. Technology and equipment for the production of monuments

production of monuments

The topic of ritual business is frightening and strange for many people. However, it should be borne in mind that such an activity is one of the most profitable. People are born into the light and, having passed their life path, die. That is why funeral services will be in demand at all times. They are not affected by any leaps in the economy, nor inflation, nor any other factors.

Marketing research

In contrast to the organization providing funeral services, the company manufacturing the monuments may not be engaged in burial. The list of her works will include only the manufacture of tombstones and their installation.

Before starting a business on monuments, you need to research the market of your region and determine the demand for this service. It is worth remembering that this type of product is very specific. The presence of great competition in the face of a couple of large manufacturers dooms the entrepreneur to failure, who only decided to enter this market.

Preparation of documents

In order to open an enterprise you will need:

- make registration of a legal entity;

- organize points where orders will be accepted;

- open a production workshop;

- conclude agreements with suppliers of materials;

- master the technological cycles of the manufacture of monuments;

- study the rules for installing tombstones.

Organization of points for receiving orders

In order for the client to be able to contact you, it is necessary to rent a room. This will be your point for receiving orders for the manufacture of monuments. When choosing a room, give preference to one that is in a busy place. Additionally, you can accept orders at any existing cemetery, where it is desirable to open a pavilion for storing finished products.

how to make a vibrating table yourself

Items should be equipped with all necessary equipment. For normal operation, you will need not only office furniture, but also office equipment, a computer, documentation (work orders and receipts). At the points of reception, the client should be able to familiarize themselves with the catalogs in which photographs of all manufactured varieties of monuments are recorded.

Opening of the production hall

If you decide to create your own business, the production of monuments in which will be the main focus, then you will need to organize a workshop. The premises can be rented at any plant. Alternatively, boxing in garage cooperative. Depending on the volume of output, the area of ​​the premises should be in the range from seventy to two hundred square meters.


The production of monuments is carried out only after the purchase of certain equipment and forms. The main necessary element of the technological process is a vibration table. Its main purpose is to seal manufactured mixtures.

The production of monuments from concrete is based on simple technology. First of all, a mold is selected for future procurement. Liquid concrete is poured into it. The vibration table, on which the form for the monument is pre-fixed, makes oscillatory movements. The result of this process is utruska and compaction of the concrete mixture. This technology allows you to make the monument more durable and more resistant to atmospheric conditions.

The vibrating table is the main production unit, which cannot be replaced by manual processing of the material. All other equipment is intended only for the mechanization of labor processes. At the same time, it optimizes the number of employees.

equipment for the production of monuments

Equipment for the manufacture of monuments should include a vibrating screen. This element is next in the list of the most significant aggregates. The sieve is designed for screening dry cement. As a result of this process, lumps and impurities are removed, which significantly reduce the quality of the product and its appearance.

In the event that the cement is sieved poorly, during the concreting process, the product may crack or become nodule, which will increase the susceptibility of the surface to erosion.

The vibrating screen can be replaced by manual screening. However, it is worth remembering that the unit will significantly speed up the process of cleaning the material and will allow to exclude one employee from the staff.

Equipment for the production of monuments also includes a concrete mixer. This machine is familiar to anyone who has ever encountered construction work.

equipment for the manufacture of monuments

The production of monuments begins with the preparation of concrete mix. This is an important technological step in the manufacturing process. Manual batching cannot provide the consistency of concrete mix that is necessary to produce a quality product.

The last component of the equipment of the workshop for the manufacture of monuments are forms. They are special matrices for pouring concrete. There can be many forms, because the client needs to offer various configurations and designs of tombstones.

It is advisable to place lifting devices in the workshop. They can be a hydraulic trolley, hoist, etc.

DIY equipment

How to make a vibrating table yourself? First of all, you need an electric motor. Enough unit operating on a voltage of two hundred and twenty volts. This electric motor must have sufficient power to fulfill its intended role as a vibrator.

The second most important part is a perfectly smooth sheet of metal. Its surface should be without the slightest flaw, otherwise the movement of forms on the table will not be vibrating, but jumping. In this case, the solution cannot be distributed evenly. Some are trying to adapt a plywood sheet to the surface of the vibrating table. However, because of its lightness, this material is not able to transmit vibrating movements to the form.

In the manufacture of the table, it is impossible to do without springs. These parts must be made of metal, have sufficient strength and the required diameter.

After the frame is made of pipes and channels, prepared springs are located at its corners. A metal sheet is attached to the top, to the bottom of which a motor is screwed.

Metal monuments

Tombstones can be made not only of concrete. The production of monuments from galvanized steel and metal is very cheap and unpretentious in terms of investments in material and labor costs. However, it should be borne in mind that the manufacture of these products should not serve as the sole and main source of income because of its unprofitability. As a rule, metal monuments are produced as a by-product of an enterprise whose main activity is professional welding.

Tombstones from cladding rocks

The material for such products are slabs of marble and granite. In the production process, they must undergo processing in the form of grinding. To do this, you will need to purchase special machines equipped with diamond blades. Granite or marble is processed at least six times.

In this case, discs of varying degrees of roughness are used.First, a rough surface treatment is performed, and then a transition to finer grinding is carried out. As a result, the stone becomes dull and smooth.

business of making monuments

In the next step, the natural material is polished to perfect smoothness. To implement this process, disk machines are also used. A special paste or powder is applied to the stone. After that, it is polished with disks covered with leather, cloth or felt. The result is a shiny glossy surface.


The last step in the manufacturing process of the monument is the application of images on it. The decoration of granite products is a carving of a portrait, last name, first name, patronymic, date of life, etc. It is carried out directly on granite.

Currently, the decoration of the monuments is carried out using a computer. So, the photo is initially processed. After that, a font is selected that should match the design of the monument.

Computer graphics allow you to get more expressive and clear portraits, as well as inscriptions that will be stored for a long time. The process of decorating a monument consists in transferring a portrait of a person from a photograph to a tombstone. It should be borne in mind that it differs from manual knocking out by higher quality and accuracy.

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