
Own business: production of MDF. Technology and equipment for the production of MDF

Currently, the production of MDF and furniture from this material in Russia occupies the second position in profitability after construction services. Of course, this fact does not guarantee that any newly opened company will achieve unthinkable successes, however, with the right attitude to doing business, it will be possible to get stable profits.MDF production

In almost every city, numerous companies that manufacture custom-made furniture offer their services. All of them need materials to create popular products. That is why the production of fiberboard and particleboard, chipboard and MDF will be in demand.

Business Idea for Beginners

If you consider what modern furniture is mostly made of, you will notice that the most popular material is chipboard. Of course, it is profitable to produce laminated boards, but there is such fierce competition in this segment that it is recommended that novice entrepreneurs pay attention to another option for business development.

Thus, the production of MDF can also be very profitable. This material is in third place after chipboard (fiberboard is in second place). It is a medium density fiberboard. The Russian version of the abbreviation is derived from the English medium density fiberboard.

It is advantageous that the production of MDF boards will satisfy the needs of not only furniture makers, but also builders. The latter use this material for walls and floors. MDF production was mastered in Russia in the nineties of the last century. However, until now, fiberboards are not produced in such volumes as, for example, chipboard, and the need for them is increasing.

Features of technology and equipment for the production of MDF

For the manufacture of plates you need to get raw materials from wood. In this case, a roundwood is used. The material grade does not play a role. With the help of a debarker, bark is removed from the logs. To purchase new equipment, you must have at least a million rubles. If it is possible to purchase a machine in good condition, but second-hand, your wallet will "lose weight" by about eight hundred thousand.

decorative chips production

Continuation of the process

At the second stage, logs are cut into technological chips. The chopping machine copes with this. The average cost of such an unit is in the region of one hundred and fifty thousand. Two units are indispensable to provide loading of the entire production line.

The resulting chips must be washed to remove all dirt and heated with steam, after which it is crushed in a special device - a defibrator. It is with its help that the process of turning industrial wood chips into wood fibers takes place. The purchase of a defibrator (refiner) will take from three hundred thousand to a million rubles.

It is necessary to add special resins and substances to the resulting pulp. After that, the moisture content of the product is reduced to eight percent. To do this, it is placed in a dryer (such an unit costs in the region of two million rubles). After that, the crushed and dried wood pulp must be passed through an air separator.

With this device, the process of separating large fibers that are not suitable for the production of high-quality MDF boards takes place. The rest is sent to the molding machine (cost - a little more than two hundred thousand rubles), and then under the press. Initially, primary pressing is performed to remove air from the fibers.After this, the plates are under the main press, where, thanks to hot pressing, they turn into full-fledged products. Such an aggregate will cost about eight hundred thousand.

Final pressing is carried out in three stages. On the first, a plate surface is formed at a pressure of 350 MPa and a temperature of 220 degrees Celsius. On the second, the internal part of the material is heated, while the temperature and pressure are reduced. On the third plate, the required thickness is attached. Then it comes in the form of a tape to a saw, where it is cut. After this, it is necessary to leave the plates for at least half an hour so that they finally cool.

In order to eliminate defects, the cooled material is subjected to grinding. To do this, you need a surface grinding machine (costs from eighty to three hundred thousand).

chipboard and particleboard production

Decorative chips

The production of beautiful colored mulch can be an excellent option for developing your own business. However, not all aspiring entrepreneurs see the point in this business. The reason for this is the lack of information about such products. Let's fill in the information gap.

Fields of application

With the help of decorative chips, it is possible to provide reliable protection of plant roots from temperature changes and from decay of fruits. It is used to prevent drying out of the soil and the appearance of weeds. In addition, mulch has excellent decorative properties.

All the qualities of this product have long been appreciated by residents of Western countries. It is safe to say that the production of wood chips will become a profitable business in Russia. In addition, it is also a great option for recycling woodworking waste.

MDF board production

It is noteworthy that the lower layer of mulch has the property of improving the quality of the soil, as it rots. Therefore, there will be a constant demand for this product, since it needs to be added to the existing one to maintain a certain level of filling.

Where to begin?

Naturally, to start production it is necessary to stock up on material. Consider how you can get chips:

- purchase equipment specifically designed for this, but this is not the cheapest option, since you must have at least sixty thousand dollars;

- buy machines, planing wood with the formation of mulch;

- agree on the collection of material at a furniture or logging enterprise.

So, you have enough suitable mulch. At the final stage, the material is painted in different colors. To do this, decorative wood chips must be placed in a container, fill in the same color, stain or any other suitable means. Keep in mind that wood chips constantly rise to the surface, so it needs to be mixed well. At the end of the process, the mass is taken out and dried. One cubic meter of material will be enough to cover a surface of ten square meters with a layer of one millimeter thick.

Another promising option

Everyone who has encountered construction knows that brick is an expensive material. Currently, there is a tendency to increase its cost due to the high energy costs of production. Today there is a worthy alternative to this material. These are sawdust-concrete blocks. They have excellent physicochemical and environmental properties, which allows them to occupy a worthy place among the already traditional building materials.

mdf plates

Information for consideration

The material under consideration compares favorably with cinder blocks and bricks with the useful properties of wood. In addition, it is cheaper. So, a concrete block of screenings and sand will cost about twenty-three rubles, and sawdust-concrete - three to four rubles less. The latter is able to replace seven bricks with a total value of 35-49 rubles.

Based on the above figures, we can conclude that the cost of a wall made of sawdust concrete blocks is two and a half times lower than a brick one. The only negative is the increased water absorption of the material in question - 12% (for bricks this figure fluctuates around 4%).

The solution to the problem may be the organization of a vapor barrier system. To do this, it is necessary to lay a special film between the wall and the external (sometimes internal) finish, and then plaster the surface. Thus, sawdust concrete slabs become much more durable.

The business plan of the production process should include the cost of purchasing the necessary equipment. So, it will be impossible to dispense with mortar mixers and vibro-pressing machines (for example, SM-178). Depending on the equipment chosen, you will need from one hundred six to six hundred square meters of free space.


The production of MDF boards, wood chips and sawdust concrete slabs can be profitable. The main thing is to take seriously all stages of the production process - the demand for quality products is always high.

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