
Own business: production of advertising structures. Rental Business: How to Install a Billboard

production of advertising constructions

The modern world is impossible to imagine without advertising. Now it is found in almost all types of human activity. Representatives of large and small businesses are interested in developing their brand and attracting as many customers as possible, and therefore are ready to invest significant financial resources in this direction.

There are many methods of distributing advertising, including advertisements on television and radio, distribution of leaflets, etc. Be that as it may, one of the most effective of them are large billboards that can be installed almost anywhere.

In this regard, the production of advertising structures and their rental is considered a very profitable type of business. It should be noted that, despite its promise, this business requires great responsibility and scrupulousness.

Concept of advertising design

In general, it is customary to consider any type of outdoor advertising as an advertising design, which is done by welding, mounting or assembling. In the vast majority of cases, its basis is a previously developed project. At the same time, many enterprises specializing in such activities often develop their own options, and then bring them to the market.

Typically, the media is made in the form of a structure having two or three sides, each of which is equipped with a backlight. In order to provide better visibility and interest potential customers, the installation of billboards is carried out on the roofs of structures or high durable supports made of metal.

It should be noted that such designs also include neon logos, light boxes, visors, friezes, volume letters, pylons and many other elements. Their production requires precision, accuracy and, of course, special equipment.

This category allows consumers to pay attention to the location of various shopping and entertainment centers, manufacturing companies, car dealerships and other commercial organizations. Among other things, advertising designs include non-standard lighting and dynamic installations.

Important Nuances

In this area of ​​activity, the most serious snag is the coordination of each individual place where the installation of the billboard will be carried out. For its installation in the territory of a settlement, the conclusion of an appropriate agreement with the administration or tenant of the land plot is required.

If the shield needs to be placed on a residential building, a written agreement of the residents is mandatory. Before installing the structure, you should pay the state fee and get permission to place ads.

installation of a billboard

Among other things, do not forget about compliance with all relevant legislation. Otherwise, the shield will be dismantled, and the entrepreneur will have to pay a fine, the amount of which varies and starts at a mark of fifty thousand rubles.

Stages of creating a business

In order to start any type of entrepreneurial activity, you need a business plan. Billboards, their production and rental are no exception. First of all, the document must calculate the necessary costs of equipment and materials.

The next important step will be to determine the location of the switchboards, register the company, as well as the selection of personnel. After all the nuances associated with the installation of billboards are agreed with the city administration, you can search for customers and advertise your company.

Company registration and staff recruitment

In order to work legally, first of all, you need to register your entrepreneurial activity. As practice shows, the ideal option in this case would be registration of the status of a legal entity or private entrepreneur. The cost of all permits in this case will be at least 2500 rubles.

Due to the fact that the production of advertising structures is a complex and time-consuming process, it is recommended to hire qualified workers to carry out this work. The same goes for obtaining permits from city administrations. The fact is that it is better to entrust this work to specialized advertising agencies. In general, the staff should be well versed in the specifics of this field of activity, be friendly and polite.

installation of billboards

Search for places for shields

The main requirement for places where billboards are placed is a large cross. In addition, it is very important to take into account such a feature as the absence of interference for the review - not only existing, but also potential. In this case, we are talking about the possible construction of any structures nearby, as well as growing trees.

City squares are ideal, but negotiating the arrangement of shields here is often very difficult. It should be noted that the cost of advertising in different places is different, therefore, potential profit depends on them.

The specifics of the placement of advertising structures

Before installing a billboard, it is recommended to pay attention to some of the simplest nuances. In this case, we are talking about an audience that prevails in a particular place. For example, where kindergartens or secondary schools are nearby, it is easier to find a customer-advertiser among the owners of stores selling children's toys or clothes.

If the billboards are installed on the roads, it must be borne in mind that the likelihood that people will read advertisements in areas with high speed is much lower compared to places where traffic jams are constantly occurring.

business plan billboards

In addition, the location of structures directly affects their type. If they are installed on metal poles, then the advertising space and the number of customers can be increased by installing a bilateral or trilateral option. It is clear that on the facade of the building it is realistic to install an exclusively one-sided shield.

Shield Making

Designs for further installation can be ordered or made independently. The advantage of the first option is that the panel will be delivered completely ready for further installation, as well as meet the requirements of a particular place.

Independent production of advertising structures is very expensive at the initial stage, but it is considered more profitable in the future. To organize it, you need to purchase a detachable machine (its cost is about 20 thousand rubles), several welding machines, each of which costs the same, as well as another small tool intended for assemblers and installers.

In addition, you need to buy a car with the appropriate equipment, as well as units for working with special banner fabric. In total, about 900 thousand rubles will be spent on this. Do not forget about the salary of staff, which depends on its quantity.

On the other hand, the production of advertising structures will significantly expand the specialization of the business.As practice shows, if everything is done correctly and correctly, then in about a year the money invested in it can be returned.

Billboard Rental

Such a direction as rental of advertising constructions looks more attractive from the point of view of starting costs, which do not even make sense to compare with possible incomes. In fact, in this case, the entrepreneur only needs to find tenants, with which problems, as a rule, do not arise.

One of the major advantages that distinguishes the business of renting billboards is the ability to expand it during certain periods (holidays, election campaigns, and so on). Be that as it may, rent is more common in our country, primarily because of the high cost of equipment for independent production.


Things to Remember

At first glance, it may seem to a novice businessman who is just starting to work in this field of activity that after installing the billboards, it remains only to search for customers, and then the money will flow into your pocket. This is a very wrong opinion, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, including bankruptcy.

To prevent this, you need to find time for constant checks of their shields for their serviceability and the degree of damage under the influence of climatic conditions. As for such unpleasant moments as dismantling structures and closing the business by the relevant authorities, they can be prevented if you carefully monitor changes in legislation.

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