
Own business: production of adhesive tape. How to make adhesive tape with a logo. Technology and equipment for the production of adhesive tape

tape productionToday, no one is surprised by the desire of many people to open their own production. But few know how to do this, where to start. Today we will try to explain to you how to organize the production of adhesive tape.

You will need to purchase closed loop equipment. In other words, to complete the process with a production line from the very beginning to the end. You also need to purchase the necessary materials, rent a suitable room, hire staff, etc. Let's sort it out in order.

What is Scotch made of?

This is a tape that has an adhesive base on one or two sides. For its production, synthetic synthetic polymers are used, which are carefully impregnated with glue. There are several types of this material:

  • household (office or school);
  • packing;
  • with or without logo;
  • single or double sided;
  • aluminum;
  • painting.

Today it is widely used in various fields of human activity due to glue impregnation and quite affordable price.

making adhesive tape with a logo

Choose assortment

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that, opening the production of adhesive tape, you need to carefully think through and calculate everything. The existing adhesive tapes can be divided into four independent groups:

  • Sealed packing tape in various colors. Adhesive tape size: width - 48.75 mm, length - 50, 66 m. Thickness - 50 micrometers.
  • Stationery tape (transparent). Width - 12 mm, length - 10 mm.
  • Standard packing tape 30, 50 mm long, 48 mm wide, 40 micrometers thick.
  • Double-sided adhesive tape 10 m long, 12 mm wide.

Scope and consumers

Today this material is widely used. Adhesive tape production is designed to satisfy two target audiences:

  • consumers of adhesive tape for use in domestic conditions as an office stationery;
  • companies and enterprises using adhesive tape in production.

Aluminum tape

This is a relatively new material in our construction market. It consists of a foil on which the adhesive is applied. The production of aluminum tape is not much different from ordinary. But the basis is not a polymer film, but a thin aluminum foil. This type of adhesive tape is characterized by increased heat resistance and durability. It is widely used in construction, ventilation, heat insulation works, and the demand for it is growing steadily.

tape size

During the installation of ventilation systems, installers glue them all joints and drilling sites. In addition, aluminum tape is necessary after the duct is insulated with special materials (such as Magnoflex).

Due to its high heat-resistant properties, adhesive tape of this type is successfully used for sealing leaks in automobile radiators, repairing household appliances (refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc.), so there will be no problems with the sale of this material.

Manufacturing process

It can be divided into several stages. First, an adhesive composition is applied to the polymer film with a thin layer, followed by drying. At the next stages, it is rewound and cut into ribbons of the right size, which are worn on cardboard inserts.

Today in Russia the production of adhesive tape has its own characteristics.In our country, closed-loop technology is almost never used, in other words, the manufacture of adhesive tape from scratch until the end of the production process. The raw materials, as a rule, are ready-made rolls obtained from Taiwan, China, and Malaysia. A serious problem is the poor quality of this product. In addition, it is important that there is a high rejection process.

To avoid this, it is necessary to purchase high-quality and reliable equipment for the production of adhesive tape. This will avoid losses.

What is needed for production

There are companies that can offer all the necessary closed-loop equipment needed by a novice businessman. Such a line consists of the following components:

  • Production machine that applies glue to the film. In this case, the required thickness of the adhesive layer is clearly observed. In addition, it is capable of applying flexoprinting.
  • Special machine cutting cardboard inserts.
  • Machine for removing rolls and loading inserts.

This is the main list, but, in addition to it, auxiliary equipment for the production of adhesive tape will be required. In addition, it is necessary to establish permanent channels for the supply of high quality raw materials.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture of adhesive tape you will need a polypropylene biaxially oriented polymer film (BOPP), glue on a fat or water basis, high-quality thick cardboard, from which the inserts are cut.

Such a production line is relatively small in size: width - one and a half meters, height - three meters and twenty centimeters, length - twelve meters. To install it, you need a room with an area of ​​at least fifty square meters and a height of about four meters.

Separate premises will be needed for a warehouse of finished products and raw materials. The shelf life of the tape is about six months from the date of manufacture, so it will require a clean, dry and well-ventilated room to store it. Temperature from –23 to +2 degrees, humidity - about 80%. It is advisable that there are no heating devices, flammable substances or organic solvents in the storage room.

In addition, auxiliary rooms for storing inventory should be considered. Based on these calculations, the total area of ​​the entire production building should be at least 120 square meters.


For such a volume of process flow and equipment maintenance, you will need at least nine employees. This is a production manager, a fitter, two storekeepers, four employees to work on equipment.


Initial investment consists of the following articles:

  • purchase of all necessary equipment;
  • installation and commissioning of a production line;
  • delivery and purchase of raw materials.

This will require about 2.5 million rubles. As you can see, the amount is considerable. If you consider that the production line is capable of producing one hundred and fifty square meters of adhesive tape per hour, then with a working day of eight hours you will receive one and a half square kilometers of adhesive tape per day. Considering that the equipment will run smoothly two hundred and fifty days a year, you will receive a production volume equal to one hundred and fifty square kilometers of adhesive tape.

For example, the wholesale price of packaging tape is about fifteen rubles per fifty meters. In this case, the annual revenue after its implementation will amount to nine million rubles. Accordingly, investments in business will pay off in a year and a half.

Production of adhesive tape with a logo

Such adhesive tape is widely used for advertising purposes. For its manufacture, high-quality flexographic printing is used, which is applied to already prepared adhesive tape. The use of such material contributes to advertising the style of the company. In addition, with it you can get some protection from fakes.It also eliminates unauthorized packaging damage.

Production of adhesive tape with a logo involves the application of images, which can be superficial and interlayer. In the first case, printing is applied to the top layer, and in the second to the bottom. In addition, there is full-color printing on tape.

Surface printing

In this case, the machine applies paint to the top layer of the film, then it is varnished. This option is good for making a small batch of material. In this case, the customer can evaluate how this sample suits him.

Interlayer printing

This method has good abrasion resistance. Paint is applied between the film and the adhesive layer. Then the adhesive tape is cut into small rolls and packaged. Now you understand how to produce adhesive tape with a logo and what advantages it has.

what is scotch tape made of

Required documents

You need licenses to open production. Their receipt will take about two months. For them you will pay a state duty. Registration IP will cost seven thousand rubles. In addition, permission from the epidemiological station and firefighters will be required.

Sales Features

For the smooth operation of production, it is necessary to establish sales channels. First of all, you need to rely on wholesale buyers from various industries who need adhesive tape to pack boxes (perfumes, paints and varnishes, alcohol, food products).

It’s important not to forget about advertising that will inform potential buyers. The service for the production of adhesive tapes with logos and to order will expand the circle of consumers. Naturally, it is necessary to constantly develop technology, increase the range, make discounts for regular customers.

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