
Own business: laminate production. Technology and equipment for the manufacture of laminate flooring, costing and the necessary documents to start

laminate productionTOA comfortable apartment is the dream of almost every person. The desire to come to a clean, beautiful and comfortable house that all normal people have, makes it possible to make excellent money on the production of materials for construction and repair.


In particular, such a business is the production of laminate flooring, which is becoming more and more popular every year in the flooring market.

Basic information

In order not only to establish production, but also to find your sales market, it is necessary to imagine all the subtleties and basic characteristics of this kind of material. To clarify this issue, let's talk about those classes of laminate flooring that are most in demand today.

Today, dozens of types of this finishing material are distributed on the market, which are produced by hundreds of enterprises. Their cost also varies greatly: there are options for budget use, and there is such a laminate, the purchase of which is available only to very wealthy people. So you should plan ahead what exactly you will release.

Having started the production of high-class laminate in the province, you can not banally find buyers for it.

What laminate is used in offices

In the office, they most often stack material with indices from 31 to 34. The first option is the cheapest, but its operational characteristics leave much to be desired. Even if it is used in utility rooms, where practically no one enters during the day, it can lie for a maximum of two to three years. Yes, and the manufacturing technology of a laminate of this class involves many tolerances, which quite negatively affect the quality of the finished product.

The variety under the index 32, on the contrary, is designed specifically for quite severe operating conditions. Like class 33, this laminate can be laid for a period of five to six years. Finally, for reputable offices, material of class 34 is chosen, since it can easily withstand even 12-15 years of operation.

What laminate is used at home

Home varieties include material with indices 21-23. In fact, the first variety is almost never found, since such a laminate can only be laid in pantries where no one walks. If we talk about the 22nd class, then it can be laid in living rooms, but you still can not count on high abrasion resistance.

At the moment, you can rarely find on sale unless finishing material of the 23rd class, but its percentage is rapidly approaching zero. Thus, the production of laminate flooring is best oriented specifically to the production of office products, which are also used for flooring in houses and apartments. Demand in this segment is almost always there. Having dealt with some characteristics of our future products, we will briefly talk about the methods of its production, as well as about the difficulties that inevitably arise.

The brand

Given the fact that there are currently enough venerable players in the flooring market, brand development is of great importance. Your brand should be well remembered, standing out among a huge number of gray and uninteresting names.

After that, you can begin the selection of candidates for an advertising company. The success of your entire enterprise will depend on its quality, since in other ways you are unlikely to be able to convey information to potential buyers.

Raw materials

The laminate production itself cannot be called a particularly easy process, since it involves several technological steps at once: first you need to make fiberboard with particularly high strength characteristics, impregnate the outer layer and cladding the plate, only after which the finished boards can be divided into several pieces and packaged.

As we have already said, the most important element of this material is fiberboard of increased strength. The higher its density, the higher quality the finished product has. Laminate from a quality plate is practically not afraid of mechanical influences and is able to withstand the negative effects of moisture for a long time.

Such fiberboard is made exclusively from high quality solid wood. The tree is thoroughly cleaned of bark, dried, and then chips are made of it. It should not be considered that it is possible to arrange the production of laminate from cheap raw materials: a couple of dissatisfied complaints from customers will forever put you out of the game, since the competition in this market is very fierce. In a word, we strongly do not recommend saving here.

What equipment will be required for manufacturing?

In order for your workshop to work at its full potential, you will have to buy a profile machine for laminate production, a machine for sifting and cleaning, and also a machine for packaging products. And this is not counting the equipment for loading and unloading plates. The most modest factory is capable of producing at least 15 million square meters of raw materials in one season.

What income and expenses are made of

laminate manufacturing equipmentEven according to the most conservative estimates, the profitability of this kind of production may well reach 30%, which is very, very much for domestic business.

However, one should not forget about the cost of this kind of equipment: it will cost you at least 1.5-2 million rubles.

The total cost of the entire production line, on which the laminate is manufactured, may well exceed the mark of 800 thousand dollars.

Its structure includes not only the workshop for the production of flooring itself, but also subsidiaries that are engaged in the development of wood and the production of wood chips. Naturally, the overall reliability of such a production is much higher, but its cost is unlikely to allow recommending this option to domestic businessmen.

In addition, the rental item for warehouses with a total area of ​​at least 2.5 thousand square meters must be included in the expense item. Moreover, the premises are needed not anyhow, but as dry as possible, with the presence of heating. Since for the normal functioning of even a relatively small production you will need at least 25 workers, immediately estimate how much will be spent to pay for their labor. Although one of them should be able to establish a machine for the production of laminate.

But the most important expense item will always be the purchase of the highest quality raw materials.

Alas, who in our country can organize the production of a full-cycle laminate, and therefore the purchase of fiberboard of appropriate quality will have to be made abroad.

If you plan to make a laminate for home use (we talked about the classes above), then it is quite possible to get by with domestic products. But! Long before the real start of your business, worry about finding normal suppliers. Practice shows that at this stage there are many difficulties.

About certification and ecology

In no case should you forget about the certification of all the laminate you produce. Oddly enough, in our country the relevant standards still have not appeared, and therefore, domestic manufacturers have to "borrow" them in the West.But you can’t dismiss standardization: fiberboard contains phenol, the vapor of which has an extremely negative effect on human health.

That is why many consumers perceive the Russian laminate with some distrust, since the stereotype of the low quality of our products is fresh in my memory.

What guidelines should be followed?

In one cubic meter of finished products should not contain more than 0.01 mg of formaldehyde, the content of phenols should not exceed 0.003 mg / cu. m. Given that there are no domestic standards yet, the production technology of the laminate is in accordance with the ancient GOST 4598-86 (technical conditions for fiberboards). It turns out that almost every domestic manufacturer can be guided only by his guided standards.

But for all that, for each batch, you must get hygiene certificate. In addition, do not forget about the guarantee: by law, each company must guarantee a minimum five-year service life of its products.

Please note that for the best marketing of the laminate, it is preferable to develop your own network of dealers. Since the competition in this market is quite large, it is best not to postpone the solution to this issue at the last moment, since the consequences can be sad enough for your own profit.

What documents should be issued when opening your laminate production?

In our country, bureaucratic traditions are traditionally strong, and therefore a lot of documents will be required.

First of all, you need a certificate of conformity for your products. Currently, it can be obtained from non-profit organizations. It needs to be updated every three years.

Of course, you will need a hygiene certificate. It turns out he in Rospotrebnadzor, and issue it for five years.

Also required are certificates for all types of raw materials used in production. In principle, they can be obtained from any normal supplier. The certification process takes about three months. Faster things can be done by contacting local commercial organizations that deal with these issues.

laminate manufacturing technology

Further. We need permits for conducting activities from the fire inspection, paper for renting premises. They are obtained at the city hall, as well as in the commission for land allocation. Of course, you can not do without communications, and therefore you will conclude contracts for the design of services from electricians, signalmen and gas workers.

Let's decide on the cost of the main equipment

laminate flooring machineIn order for you to better understand the scale of the upcoming costs, you need to talk more about the equipment that you need to buy. Of course, we will indicate its approximate cost.

First, we need a drying chamber. For a small enterprise, KS-50VK for 50 cubic meters of production will have sufficient capacity. Its cost is about 150 thousand rubles.

Secondly, a multi-saw machine for the production of SDM-3 laminate. Such a miracle of technology costs about 80 thousand dollars. Given the unpredictable jumps in the exchange rate of the American currency recently, it is difficult to indicate the exact price in rubles. But you don’t have to face this problem if you purchase the Matrix 1 optimization line, which costs about 130 thousand rubles.

Do not forget about the need to purchase a quality parquet line. Well proven in domestic conditions, the products of the company Griggio. Its line can be bought for about 120 thousand rubles. Finally, for the convenience of packaging of finished products, you need at least the simplest electric forklift, which today you can really find for 80-90 thousand rubles.

Equipping a simple office space will cost you the least, since the most basic set of furniture can be purchased for thousands of 50 rubles. It will be more difficult with the acquisition of computer equipment and licensed software for it.

We can assume that the initial set of equipment and everything needed can actually be purchased for about 1.5 million rubles. If you come to grips with the issue, the equipment for the manufacture of laminate flooring can be purchased at a discount of 10%, since leasing supplies are quite common today.

Who to hire?

Finally, we come to the issue of hiring staff who will work at your enterprise. First, for work of an organizational nature, an experienced manager will be required, the activity of which should be to work with potential and existing customers, as well as with the work team of the enterprise itself.

For the financial side of the issue will be the accountant-economist. A marketer will engage in the search for customers, who can also be attracted to search for normal suppliers of raw materials.

Finally, it will require the involvement of experienced workers, since hiring a low-skilled workforce is partially justified only in the late stages of the promotion of the enterprise, when more experienced colleagues can train new specialists. In the early stages, the desire for such savings will come sideways, since you are practically guaranteed to doom yourself to all kinds of emergency situations associated with the banal ignorance by the employees of even the basics of the production of this type of flooring.

However, the plants for the production of laminate with the right approach provide their owners with very good money, so that all costs will be repelled relatively quickly.

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